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Starting in July 2024, MeFites began posting threads listing organizations that support voter registration and other get-out-the-vote efforts for the 2024 United States Presidential Election. This page attempts to bring those references together in one place. It is meant to be a work in progress, which will be updated as relevant materials are posted on the various sites. It's important to note that statements like "Activities include" should be read as "include but may not be limited to". Also, all of these organizations will happily accept donations from you, and some of them have stores.

Voting Support Threads

Helping with GOTV (Posted 7/18/2024)
Do instead of doom! (This is more of a discussion of what people are doing than a resource list, but it does include some resources) (Posted 7/19/2024)
If you are a young person or know a young person, sign up here (Posted 7/25/2024)
Less democratic voters on rolls = Trump wins (Posted 7/28/2024)
I am neurodivergent and want to get out the vote, but... (This AskMe thread does not, when last checked, include resources, but it has a lot of helpful and encouraging comments about the importance and meaningfulness of doing what you can within your own comfort level.) (Posted 8/2/2024)
Homeless, can I vote in Pennsylvania? (Posted 8/2/2024)
How to help get out the vote for Harris? (Posted 8/10/2024)
Many hands make light work (Posted 8 14/2024). (If you want to volunteer to do something, but aren't sure where to start, check this post. It has helpful information about what different activities involve, effectiveness data, a list of related threads, and a strong let's-get-going vibe.)

Specific Organizations

Primary focus on advocacy, voting rights, and voter development and education

Campus Vote Project

"Works with universities, community colleges, faculty, students and election officials to reduce barriers to student voting." This is a project of the Fair Elections Center (below). Information resources include State Student Voting Guides, information on use of student IDs as voter IDs, toolkits for student voting and Hispanic/Latinx voting, and other topics.


"A paradigm-shifting framework for developing the next generation of voters." Information resources: A research-based report on how institutions and communities can play a role developing young voters, with actionable recommendations for educators, organizers, policymakers, journalists, funders, families, young leaders, and more.

Deep Canvass Institute

"Our mission is to train volunteers and organizations how to listen without judgment, share heartfelt stories that bind us together, and process conflicts in ways that result in cultural, social, and political shifts." Volunteer opportunities: Engage in meaningful deep canvass conversations over the phone and in person. Training provided. Information Resources: Research about deep canvassing and its impact.

Fair Elections Center

"A national, nonpartisan voting rights and election reform 501(c)(3) organization based in Washington, D.C." There do not appear to be many volunteer opportunities, but there is a link to information on how to become a poll worker in your locality. Information resources: Know Your Rights Voter Guides; Voter Registration Drive Guides.

League of Women Voters

"A nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels." Volunteer opportunities: It appears that you have to be a member of the LWV to volunteer with them. Information resources: A library of information on LWV efforts to protect voting rights.

National Voter Registration Day

In 2024, National Voter Registration Day, an annual event, is September 24. This organization supports other groups who want to organize voter registration events. Information Resources: A wealth of information about how to set up and run a voter registration event. Individuals can check their registration and register to vote from their main page, as well as find their polling place and sign up as a poll worker.

Special note: Their store has hats, t-shirts, and other swag focused on registering and voting, not on specific candidates, parties, or issues.

Progressive Voters Guide

"Since 2008, we've compiled candidate research and endorsements to help you cast an informed vote." Information resources: Guides to candidates, ballot issues, and voting places and dates in specific states and counties within those states. For at least some states, there is also a link from which you can register to vote.

Protect the Vote

"If you agree that every eligible voter deserves to have their voice count, you can take action from home or in person by serving as a nonpartisan Election Protection volunteer." Volunteer opportunities: They recruit and train legal professionals and other people who want to stop voter suppression through activities like poll monitoring and answering hotline calls. They are especially looking for volunteers who can answer calls to hotlines for 9 different language groups. Information resources: They have links to pages in their own website and to other organizations that will allow you to register to vote, check or verify your voter registration status, request an absentee ballot, get reminders for upcoming elections, and, if you have a felony conviction, check if you are eligible to vote.

Targeted efforts to help particular groups register and vote

Young voters
Alliance for Youth Action

"Hustles to ensure young people’s voices are heard and their power is flexed on the local, state, and national levels in nearly 20 states to drive civic participation up and down the ballot." Information resources: Individuals can access information on whether they are registered, how to register, and where to vote.

Rock the Vote

"We are drawing on our decades of experience to deploy the most effective and impactful messages, tactics, and technology to uplift and empower the largest, most diverse generation in U.S. history. We do this while also pioneering innovative ways to make democratic participation more accessible and defending young people’s right to vote." Volunteer opportunities: Email them for information on how to register and engage young voters, create and share important information, defend voting rights, and take action on the issues that impact our lives. There is a page from which you can register to vote. Information resources: Democracy Class provides resources for teaching students about the importance of voting, the census, and local elections. It also pre-registers and registers them to vote. Tech for Civic Engagement is a suite of digital tools designed to empower organizations to drive civic action and track progress.

Environmental voters
Environmental Voter Project

"We identify inactive environmentalists and transform them into consistent voters to build the power of the environmental movement." Volunteer activities include phonebanking, sending post cards, and canvassing. Elder voters are a specific audience for some activities, and some activities are focused on particular locales, including Kansas, Florida, Alaska, and Pittsburgh, PA.

Third Act

"A community of Americans over sixty determined to change the world for the better. Third Act harnesses an unparalleled generational power to safeguard our climate and democracy." This organization works to get older people active in environment and climate focused work, including GOTV efforts. Volunteer activities include phonebanking, postcards to voters, and Senior to Senior Youth Voter Registration. At least some of their work is in concert with the Environmental Voter Project. They also sponsor a number of ongoing volunteer-led working groups, organized by affinity or by geographic location. Information resources: They have written and video resources about climate-related impacts of things like utilities, public lands, banking, investing and more.

Voters in specific states: Organizations with multiple strands
New Georgia Project

Supports progressive change in Georgia with a focus on building power with and for Black, brown, and young Georgians. Volunteer opportunities: Voter protection, presence at community activities, signing petitions. Information resources: Registering to vote, results of polls and surveys of Black Georgia voters.

New Pennsylvania Project

"The New Pennsylvania Project (NPP) was founded to expand Pennsylvania's electorate so it reflects the Commonwealth's demographically changing population. We register them to vote, provide education about the issues that matter in their neighborhoods, and mobilize people to vote in every election - twice a year." Volunteer activities: Voter Registration Collection, phone/textbanking, finding voter registration opportunities at local events, fundraising, and graphic design. Includes a page where you can register to vote.

Voters in specific states: State-specific postcard projects
Georgia Postcard Project

"A grassroots project run by passionate people who write and send postcards to Georgia voters asking them to get out and vote for Democrats." Volunteer activities: Writing postcards to voters in Georgia. You must use their postcards, which are specially designed, and are available only by pick-up in specific locations in Georgia, New York City, and Connecticut.

Michigan Postcard Project

"Piggybacking off the success of the Georgia Postcard Project, we are writing postcards for the upcoming 2024 election." Volunteer activities: Writing postcards to voters in Michigan, using their specially-designed postcards, which are available only by pick-up in specific locations in Michigan.

Special note: This is a private Facebook group

North Carolina Postcard Project

"We are building a grassroots get out the vote effort to elect Democrats in North Carolina in 2024." Volunteer activities: Writing postcards to voters in North Carolina.

Special note: This is a private Facebook group. They are just getting started, so there is not a lot of information available yet.

Wisconsin Postcard Project

"We are building a grassroots get out the vote effort to elect Democrats in Wisconsin in 2024." Writing postcards to voters in Wisconsin.

Special note: This is a private Facebook group. They are just getting started, so there is not a lot of information available yet.

Unhoused voters
You Don't Need a Home to Vote

"Seeks to promote voting access for low income and homeless persons to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged maintain a voice in shaping their future." Volunteer activities: There are links to local agencies that need volunteers for many activities relating to unhoused persons. Information resources: A 36-page manual takes a deep dive into how to register unhoused persons, including relevant state policies. Know-Your-Rights cards for voters are available for 8 states and will be available for more.

Special note: "Many individuals, homeless or otherwise, aren’t even aware that no state requires residents to have a traditional residence in order to vote in elections."

Voters Living Outside the United States"
Vote from Abroad

"Provides every US citizen abroad with the information and tools needed to VOTE." Information resources: An online tool allows you to fill out and send in the federal form needed to request your ballot every year.; information and support is available regarding requesting, receiving, and returning a ballots to vote in US elections. They also do live Zoom help sessions.

Broader voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts

Special note: Many of these campaigns are focused primarily, but not necessary exclusively, on specific states and races.

Activate America

"Empowers volunteers to help elect Democrats and defeat MAGA extremists in Congress." Volunteer activities: Writing postcards, canvassing, textbanking, phonebanking for House and Senate candidates in 7 states.

Blue Wave Postcard Movement

"We mobilize millions of voters in key states through postcards!*2024 Goal*Win the federal trifecta (House, Senate, Presidency)." Volunteer activities: Writing postcards for specific races in battleground states. Information resources: How to organize a group

Special note: They sell postcards designed for specific campaigns and postcard stamps.

Common Power

"We mobilize volunteers for voters around the country, while investing in the next generation of leaders and building lasting community. Because we believe the most common power we should all have is the power of our vote." Volunteer activities: Door knocking, phonebanking, textbanking, writing postcards. Training is provided for all activities. The volunteer sign-up page allows you to filter activities by location, activity, and date. Information resources: K-12 lesson plans focused heavily, but not exclusively, on civil rights history and contemporary issues in African-American life. The Institute for Common Powerr is their educational branch; it offers "experiential learning opportunities such as workshops, lectures, courses, learning tours, national educational events and more designed to foster, sustain, and expand what should be the most common power in American democracy-the right to vote."

Special note: They organize state teams to travel to specific states for door knocking campaigns; however, they also sponsor activities that do not require travel. Volunteers pay their own expenses.

DNC Call Crew

"As a member of our Call Crew, you will join hundreds of volunteers in having meaningful conversations with voters in battleground states across the country. Our Call Crew talks with thousands of voters each week." Volunteer activities: Phoning voters Provides information on registering to vote in your home state.

Sponsored by the Democratic National Committee and powered by Mobilize (below). Volunteer opportunities: This is essentially a clearing house for volunteer activities, which can by filtered by activity, location, sponsoring organization, language, accessibility, and other factors.

Special Note: I'm not sure how much the contents differ from those on the Mobilize page, but the top-of-the-page filters are different so there may be some things included on one site that are not included on the other.

Fair Fight

"Leading the charge to protect voting rights." A partnership with Vote Save America. Volunteer activities: Phonebanking, textbanking, canvassing, collecting voter stories, monitoring local Boards of Election, as well as voter protection activities, including (but not limited to) poll watching and hotline work. Information resources: A lot of materials on how voter suppression works. This site was originally listed as focused on Georgia, with a link to this page. However, it appears to offer volunteer opportunities across the country.

Special note: They are interested in hearing from lawyers, law students, and paralegals who want to volunteer, although they note that you do not have to be a lawyer to fight voter suppression.

Field Team 6

"A volunteer army doing partisan voter registration in battleground states and flippable districts. (Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin)" Their specific focus is on registering Democrats, Volunteer activities: Phone- and textbanking, in-person voter drives, writing postcards, and behind the scenes help with answering emails, computer graphics, data entry, and other activities that do not involve voter contact.


"Organizing to deliver the White House to Vice President Harris and Coach Walz, and we're going to deliver them a Democratic Congress so we can codify reproductive freedom and pass democracy reform. Join up, get to work, and let's go win this thing together." Volunteer activities: Phonebanking, textbanking, writing postcards, Neighbor2neighbor (scripted conversations with a small number of your own neighbors). Information resources: Links for contacting your representatives about specific issues; a lot of materials about Project 2025.

Special note: They organize and support local groups to take action now and after the election.


Provides links to multiple election-related activities by location, including door-knocking, postcard writing, and texting for candidates and issues, voter registration, and get out the vote activities.

MoveOn 2024 Vote Mobilizers

"Mobilizing thousands of voters to win this November!." Volunteer activities: Phone-banking; writing postcards; canvassing. Training is provided.

Special note: Weekly virtual coaching parties share information about MoveOn and available activities. Also, MoveOn has been in business for some years; you can learn more about the organization here and get a sense of all the different activities they offer here.

Postcards to Swing States

A postcard-focused effort of the Progressive Turnout Project, which is specifically dedicated to mobilizing the Democratic Party and defending democracy. Volunteer activities: Writing postcards to voters regarding House, Senate, and the Presidential race.

Special note: They provide the postcards; you have to provide the stamps.

Postcards to Voters

"Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast." Volunteer activities: Writing postcards to voters in specific locations. Training is provided.

Special note: Volunteers provide their own postcards and stamps.


"We've implemented a comprehensive voter outreach field program, inclusive of transportation services tailored for Democratic and Progressive voters." Volunteer activities: Phonebanking, driving voters to the polls, Training is provided to drivers to ensure safe rides.

Special note: Website has a page where you can sign up to get a ride to the polls.

Swing Left

"Building a lasting culture of grassroots participation in winning elections for Democrats by making it as easy as possible for anyone to have maximum impact on the elections that determine the balance of power in our country." Volunteer activities: Links are provided to local SwingLeft groups whose activities you can get involved with, as well as letting-writing campaigns and other GOTV activities. Information resources: How to organize local GOTV activities (e.g., hosting a letter-writing party), volunteer guides, group leader tools.

Special notes: There are a lot of materials specifically about campus organizing and also about targeted donations (e.g., specific candidates, reproductive freedom).

Volunteer Blue

"A new project of more than 30 different national and regional organizations who have come together to recruit, coach and train volunteers to work in the most important races across the country to elect Democrats." Volunteer activities: Canvassing; door knocking; texting; making phone calls; writing letters and postcards; grassroots fundraising; getting people to the polls; in-person voter registration; posting on social media. Training is provided.

Special note: You can sign up for a one-to-one Zoom session with a coach who will help you pick an activity that fits your skills, interests, and schedule, and supports the most important races..

Vote 411

"Election information you need brought to you by the League of Women Voters Education Fund." Information resources: what's on local ballots, whether an individual is registered to vote, location of polling places, information on upcoming debates in specific areas, and more. Provides a link for registering to vote.

"Exists to remove the barriers that keep voters from making their voices heard at the ballot box." Information resources: State-specific information on registering, voting by mail, ballot content, and COVID updates.

Special note: Under-18s can pledge to vote; they will then be texted with a reminder to register on their 18th birthday.


"Empowers grassroots volunteers to send handwritten letters encouraging fellow Americans to vote". Volunteer activities: Write non-partisan letters for specific issue- and location-targeted campaigns intended to increase voter turnout. Training provided

Special note: You have to provide your own office supplies.


"A non-partisan, non-profit organization with a mission to ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their freedom to vote. VoteRiders informs and helps citizens to secure their voter ID as well as inspires and supports organizations, local volunteers, and communities to sustain voter ID education and assistance efforts." Other volunteer activities: Phone- and textbanking and letter writing. Training provided


"We’ll help you not only get registered to vote and learn about candidates on your ballot, but also volunteer locally." Volunteer activities: Targeted calling, texting, and canvassing. Information resources: State specific information on how to register to vote.


Movement Voter Project

"A one-stop shop to streamline your political giving." Volunteer opportunities: Phonebanking to thank donors; hosting, presenting at, and coordinating fundraising houseparties; creating personal fundraising campaigns: and providing technical support for Zoom presentations. Efforts are focused on 9 battleground states, with stepped down efforts in 7 other states, and house and long-game focus on another 18 states. Information resources: This page within the MVP website provides links to several hundred locality and issue-specific groups to which they have provided funding.