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Podcast 180 Transcript

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A transcript for Episode 180: Is Sunset A Local Phenomenon? (2022-01-06).

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Jessamyn 0:00 Oh no. Well not for the goat. Like you'll have to pretend that that's,

Cortex 0:12 I'll pretend Well, hey. Happy New Year it's episode 180 of the Metafilter monthly podcast I am Josh cortex Mullard. And I've just met and here we are happy New Year.

Jessamyn 0:26 Happy New Year to you.

Cortex 0:28 We we were talking on pre roll and it turns out that we disagreed about whether or not I had been recording it so I hadn't so anything important we had to say we'll just say again and be real natural about it and then you'll never know

Jessamyn 0:40 I don't really think that's like a disagreement per se. You withheld certain information from me Well, I

Cortex 0:48 mean, it does show on the on the app we're both using whether or not it's recording and website. Well, yeah, whatever. You Baby it's on the blockchain now.

Jessamyn 0:58 We're gonna just fight off. I haven't had a good fight in 2022 yet, I've had like a stupid fight. One small stupid fight. So maybe we need a

Cortex 1:12 that'd be the vibe or that your 2022 Hey, fuck, you know? I'm podcasting over here. Geez, I already hate that.

Jessamyn 1:22 Take it out and post.

Cortex 1:24 You would know that's not gonna happen.

Jessamyn 1:27 I do know this that gonna happen?

Cortex 1:29 Yes, it is. It is the new year and we are here and it is episode 180 Which in retrospect, we should have come up with some giants were for so it'd be a real 180. But oh, that's as far as this goes. Yeah. So

Jessamyn 1:41 then Josh. Oh, shit. Oh.

Cortex 1:47 I just got mail and alerted my cat. Who I had. So I've been playing euphonium this sounds like a setup to like a comedy bit bit.

Jessamyn 1:57 Are you like, are you funny? I'm speaking.

Cortex 2:00 I'm enjoying it. It's nice.

Jessamyn 2:02 I think we talked about the euphonium last month, right?

Cortex 2:05 I think we did a little bit. And I've continued I decided I'm gonna rent it for another month and keep going on it. But I'm also borrowing a flugelhorn from Greg ace. Oh, it's great. Try and figure that out too. And sort of go back and forth and get a feel,

Jessamyn 2:20 I guess one of our 11 listeners.

Cortex 2:22 Yes. Yeah, it's nice, but like Boaty McBoatface does not hardly like the horn playing like, she doesn't seem like you know, terrified by it. She never seems terrified by anything, though. But she backs off to the stairs to the upstairs when I start playing like either horn and just sort of watches from their other cat does not give a shit. She just stays asleep on the couch. But Bodie has like, you know, recedes when when the horn playing is right. Like

Jessamyn 2:52 it's some kind of vacuum cleaner or something. Yeah, and

Cortex 2:55 comes back down afterward. But at this point, sometimes when I just get up from my chair to leave my office and do anything, she's like, Oh, shit, he's gonna do he's gonna feel like I've done some bad conditioning to her. But But I mean, she doesn't seem to struggle. It's just like, she's like, Okay, well, I know where this is going. Yeah. Anyway, so that's been that going on. And also, you know, my neighbors get to hear that but tough. I mean, you live in a house if you live in a house I played during the

Jessamyn 3:27 tax that people live in houses specifically so they can play the full horn.

Cortex 3:32 Yep. Yep, that's that's the main reason personal housing came into be was like demand from Flugel horn players.

Jessamyn 3:41 And pasa tuba.

Cortex 3:42 Yes. Chalmers. Yes. CL XXXCCL

Jessamyn 3:53 x x x on ad

Cortex 3:55 Monetti. Oh, okay. I was trying to do it like the year I was like, wait, no, it's like there's an M in there somewhere. Right.

Jessamyn 4:02 Ya know, the the year is like, what it's like M XXI is so good. It's really good. But to me, it's not bad.

Cortex 4:13 It's not bad. Well doesn't like you know, spell a word or anything. Like 2009 was MCs, right?

Jessamyn 4:23 That was maybe the best year. Yeah, you're right.

Cortex 4:29 I guess 2010 was MX. So it's like the, like, non binary pronoun. What's the what's what's the word? I'm looking for? The honorific?

Jessamyn 4:43 Yes, there. Is it? Yes,

Cortex 4:47 it is. It is a you know, some people have used MX and I've used

Jessamyn 4:54 to confuse people.

Cortex 4:55 Nice. confusing people. So how did is it has it been Then another season over now with it has

Jessamyn 5:02 been another season over now. Language

Cortex 5:06 Learners League.

Jessamyn 5:07 Yeah, I stayed in the gym got promoted out of D, which means we had one season together. And now he is better than me again. It went great. I just, I do this thing on learned league where I I am a tester for other people's one specials. And somebody did a one day special on paleontology. And I was like, Oh, this is great. I liked dinosaurs when I was a kid. And without giving anything away, it was very hard. And I was like, wow, either. I'm worse at paleontology than I thought I was. Or this person who wrote this has no understanding of what an average person knows about paleontology, you know, and maybe it is like only for specialists. Like that's definitely a way you can go with that. But like not only was it hard, like the first question was exceptionally hard, and I was like, why don't you move one of these slightly easier questions to the first question. Like I just had a lot of advice, while at the same time, just try not to drown and despair of how little I knew as you know, somebody who used to be a kid who like dinosaurs. But yes, there's a new season starting at some point, and I'm, you know, hanging out in the D league, but I'm okay with it. Yeah.

Cortex 6:27 Well, maybe I'll try and get back into it. Or maybe I won't, you know, it turns out like I'm okay. Either way.

Jessamyn 6:31 I mean, you can do it fast access, which does make it easier for people who have trouble with time management.

Cortex 6:36 Sure. Like it's a it's a possibility. It's more like, do I want to have that on the pile of things I'm sorting through, like, I'm having a real sort of like, getting my shit together sort of like, started the new year five, which is like, you know, maybe traditional with cliche, but also

Jessamyn 6:52 as good a time as any arbitrary date when maybe it's a little colder. And so you're not doing as many things and the pandemic makes you do even fewer things. Sure.

Cortex 7:01 Yeah. So we'll see build up building up some restored habits and whatnot. Going from there. Maybe language leader will find its way and we'll see language. There's a site called language log that I like have just years and years what No, it's a linguistics group. I know what it is. Okay. Well, I'm just saying like, language log has been in my brain for like, 20 years.

Jessamyn 7:29 And language log is not done by language hat our friend, right? No, he

Cortex 7:33 has his own block language yet, but he does. He has like, you know, stuff posted on language log sometimes and commented over there. Boy, that's

Jessamyn 7:40 confusing. Yeah, well, but

Cortex 7:43 I think so. l l like you know, the L L site. Yeah. Language loss. Oh, absolutely. You know, it's like, there's a crossover in my brain that just has happened ever since I found out about learned League. So yeah, that's all that's, that's, that's my fascinating story of fucking up those names. Shall we talk about?

Jessamyn 8:06 Well, I'm just saying I also caught up. Like, I have a whole bunch of like, things I keep track of every year. And then I do my little wrap ups at the end of the year. And often those wrap ups take weeks because I'm doing shit. And this year, I am not doing so I am done with all my wrap ups. And I'm pretty happy. But I even finished my first book for 2022. Nice. Yeah, so you know, this will all go tits up at some point. But right now it's feeling like it's firing on most of the cylinders. I have. Not many. But that's all right.

Cortex 8:41 Yeah, let's both just keep pedaling along with our dodgy two stroke engines.

Jessamyn 8:45 Yes.

Cortex 8:51 There was a job in December.

Jessamyn 8:54 I'm gonna make another job. But yeah. Well, tell me about December job.

Cortex 8:59 It's a portfolio site, shape and tense needs a portfolio site for their writing, editing and translation business. And in fact, this is just from like, a few days ago, some December 30. So So yeah, if, if that is something that you can help with it is a location anywhere thing. Check it out and help me out.

Jessamyn 9:24 And I wanted to say thank you to both Greg Lind, and I believe Christie, I should double check for offering to help with my little job that I put up. Greg actually gave me a I mean, they both had things that worked. Greg gave me the one that I actually wound up going with, which was just a clickable thing. I need to turn this URL to that URL. And he did it. He refused payment. I made a donation to the food bank and I was really happy about it. So I think I'm gonna set up a new job for someone to help me make a couple tweaks to my book list which is written in PHP and I thought I could do some Find and Replace PHP to fix it to do what I want and I can't so you know, up and coming whatever what's the word Foreshadowing Foreshadowing of jobs to come?

Cortex 10:18 What are some other good like like, foretelling?

Jessamyn 10:21 Yeah, chronicle told ominous portents

Cortex 10:28 or a contentious Omen Yeah, I It's caffeine earlier. And it's it's sort of got me any place I guess. That's what I mean. Yeah, yeah,

Jessamyn 10:43 it's 2pm here, which means it's before noon there.

Cortex 10:47 Yes. I haven't had lunch and Josh and and uh, well, I mean, I wouldn't have had lunch yet. It's that's only

Jessamyn 10:53 are you somebody who eats breakfast? Yeah. Okay, so we've both had one meal.

Cortex 10:58 Yes. Like as usual. I think we are on approximately the same real time schedule despite a three hour difference.

Jessamyn 11:04 Yeah, I woke up at around 11 Do you wake up around eight Yeah, I

Cortex 11:07 beat I beat you out of bed. I was I was up about 730 My time so but like, same same territory. So great. Projects. There was a bunch of projects in December.

Jessamyn 11:19 Yes. I very much enjoyed this ridiculous project by Shepard, which was basically a YouTube video of Noddy. Screaming it's Christmas for a solid hour. Shepard says this doesn't even really qualify as I appreciate pretty adorable I just listened to it for you know, three seconds to make sure I knew what it was. But yes, adorable. I'm gonna click the little like thing on it. Oh, fucking YouTube needs me to sign in. Nope. I'm already signed in. What? Stop? Yes, but it's it's adorable and deeply irritating. So nice. Nice work.

Cortex 12:08 Perfectly done. Yes. There was a nice post from branwen. Just right at the start of December, to the volunteer responsibility amnesty de site to put together which is basically Hey, you know, what, if you've taken on a lot of stuff, that's great. But also, maybe you took on too much stuff, maybe you're fucking burnt out and worn out and exhausted. So like, you know, here is a day that you can just give yourself permission to say, you know, no, I need to, I need to take a day. And I need to like, you know, maybe reconsider my load and whatnot. And, you know, this is a page that you can send people to in the context of talking about that if you need to, and it's just a it's, it's smart, little sort of like, hey, you know, think about think about your shit. Think about not. Not knocking yourself over by, you know, trying to do too much. So, yeah,

Jessamyn 13:06 yeah, you know, this speaks to me, not only is this a very attractive website, but it speaks to me just in what it's sort of trying to be. I mean, the, you know, branwen recommends doing this on Solstice, which has passed, but I think for a lot of us, you know, you want to help and do the volunteer stuff that helps keep the stuff going. I mean, in a rural area, this is absolutely crucial for keeping towns going. At the same time. In some cases, it's, you know, in all cases, volunteer work doesn't pay. But in some cases, it's not like remunerative in other ways. You know, you're not getting whatever it is you want from it. And, yes, sometimes it can be really good to like, take a step back, and maybe not do all the things all the time. Definitely. Something that speaks to me an awful lot. Yeah, take a moment between now and then to list out what you're responsible for. So you can know that you're setting something down. Last year, I stopped being on the board of the Vermont Humanities Council. And after my three year term was up, and it was a great decision. We actually was it last year, it may have been the year before. Maybe I didn't set anything down last year.

Cortex 14:30 Josh? Well, you can you can set two things down in in January, if you want to make up for

Jessamyn 14:36 it. That's a good idea. I've been going back and forth about staying on the board of the 251 Club. Like I like the work that I do with them. But I don't feel like my voice is necessary. And as somebody who's very tech forward, working for a group that is very tech backward. Like you can sort of view that two ways, right? Like you can view it as like I'm the one helping them join this century and You can also be like, they don't want to join this century and I'm just bashing my head against the wall. Yeah. And I thought it was the former and it may actually be the latter. So yeah, thinking, thinking on it and also thinking about volunteer work that I enjoyed, like helping sign people up for print disabled access at the Internet Archive and working for my town's Conservation Commission. Both of those things I like very much nice.

Cortex 15:30 I enjoy this ship Posty digital currency that Molly put together called the m a gold coin.

Jessamyn 15:40 Is that what that was, like? I just read the title and like I have like a brain blinder. So that when I read the word cryptocurrency, everything just fuzzes out for a second and I come to like, three seconds later, like, what was that? And I'm on the next sentence, you know what I mean? Like, I got no time for it anymore. So tell me about this.

Cortex 16:02 I mean, it's it's it's a well written joke about cryptocurrency that like does nothing and has no implementation.

Jessamyn 16:12 But it doesn't fuck up the environment.

Cortex 16:15 Yes, no, it doesn't. And it's a very simple implementation and it's distributed on a one on one basis with existing human beings. And yeah, I don't know it's you. It's one of the things we're like, you specifically will enjoy it if you want an elaborate goof on cryptocurrency and that's all and if you don't, you'll probably get what the focus is. But uh, but as someone who has sufficient negative opinions about the specifics of cryptocurrencies I enjoy very much.

Jessamyn 16:43 Boy, I have negative opinions about cryptocurrencies. I used to have more positive opinions about cryptocurrencies. And lately, I do not

Cortex 16:59 it's a Yeah, it's no one involved in crypto has been doing any good work on making people feel better about Kryptos as best they

Jessamyn 17:08 can be like this NFT thing is bullshit. But the blockchain does have some usefulness. Like that's the best message coming out of the crypto blockchain NFT world right now. Like ignore those shitheads and if you have to, like start your message with ignore those shit, Ed's

Cortex 17:30 it's a real, it's a real messaging problem.

Jessamyn 17:34 Well, I really enjoyed malevolence, triple Tottenham's, which is basically animals that have zoological names that are like three words in a row that are all the same, and made a top Trump's Pokemon deck. I don't know what top Trump says. Do you know what top Trump says?

Cortex 17:50 Say it's like a British game show, but maybe it's just a card game.

Jessamyn 17:55 Yeah. Michael Knight might. So like Boo Boo, boo, boo boo boo, is like a European eagle owl.

Cortex 18:02 And Lagopus Lagopus.

Jessamyn 18:04 Yeah, right. These are so fun. And so the website is cool. And also there's like a PDF you can you can send send out and you know, I do need to point out that this is the same mind that brought us vol flicks, which I believe I have also

Cortex 18:27 mentioned. Yeah, we talked about that in a previous episode. I'm pretty sure. Yes. There's a skunk called Methodist. Methodist, Methodist. That seems on point. Yeah. Yes, they called matrix matrix matrix.

Jessamyn 18:41 See, right. It's, these are all like great discoveries. Excellent. Yeah. And it looks good. The drawings are cool. The website is nifty. And yeah.

Cortex 18:51 Yeah. Let's see, I don't think I have any enough others off the top of my head. But there are several more points. So it's a nice, it was nice, busy December of projects, posts. So go go to the sub site and look at all of them. And as always, if you have something you are working on or making or have made, you can go put it there and share it with mefites Do

Jessamyn 19:12 great no matter what it is. There was definitely a couple people in the open thread more on that later, who were like, oh, yeah, this thing I'm working on maybe should be a project and I just want to tell people Yeah, sure. That'd be great. And I did want to mention, if you're a fan of C Stross as laundry files, there's a little Stross has published, a seasonal laundry files tale, it's nine. But if you haven't read it, you might like to read it.

Cortex 19:45 He actually very kindly checked in to see if it was permissible to put on the front page. And I said, Well, no self linking but totally broken projects. So good citizens whose dress

Jessamyn 19:55 Yeah, and a little surprised somebody else didn't put it on the front page just because it was so seasonally appropriate, but I didn't know

Cortex 20:03 that it's it's, it's it's a it's hard to say if it'll happen. But that's another thing about projects. It's like, yeah, I feel like sometimes Oh, that'd be a good post and like, go make a post on it. It's cool. It works that way.

Jessamyn 20:17 For people who have FPP timidity, maybe you just want to plug something into projects and have something that's a little bit more of a short thing, maybe

Cortex 20:26 go signal boost that. Well, let's talk about metal filter. Let's talk about let's talk about the free thread. Let's let's let's talk about

Jessamyn 20:36 what a free thread tell me about this is

Cortex 20:39 it's a post on the front page filter, that doesn't even have a link. Like there's no link, there's no topic. It's just there some jerk named cortex posted, but it's a coat. Yeah. Crawl? I don't know. I don't know how he pronounces it. Oh, the stupid jokes always, always come back around. We were talking, you know, we've been talking a lot like as a team, and as like, you know, on meta talking conversation about like, engagement and the visibility of stuff on the site. And one of the things that sort of came back around at our team meeting yesterday was like, hey, you know, we, we've talked about chatty stuff, like, what if we just go ahead and do like an open threat on the blue? Just to do it? And we decided, yeah, and yeah, that's a good idea. Let's just fucking try it and see what happens. Because there's this. I was sort of tweeting about this a little bit earlier to when

Jessamyn 21:32 I only found this because you tweeted about it, because I'm not, I don't typically dip into the front page, unless it's like my test time. Or you mentioned it to me, but I live in AskMe, edit filter and meta talk.

Cortex 21:43 Yeah. And this is, yeah, that's a whole other thing of like, site visibility stuff that we're still thinking about. But yeah, but you know, we've been doing like, the meta cocktail stuff has been like weekly chattery threads in meta talk. And we've been encouraged by them. Generally, people being okay saying, Oh, hey, here's a thing on meta talk too. And we've been trying to allow a little bit more chattiness in the questions on Ask meta filter, if it's not someone being a dingus about it. And that's been nice, too. And like, this is another sort of, like in that spirit, like, it's nice for people to be able to just sort of like, talk, you know, and the structure built into so much of how Metafilter works, works very well for the things it supports, but it doesn't really provide as many natural opportunities for that random chatter as you might otherwise expect from a, you know, explicitly social online community. So let's just try making that space. And that's the whole idea. Like it's, it's it's so not revolutionary, but like, it's weird for meta filter, right? And yeah, so so far, people were having a good time just saying howdy and talking about stuff. While buffets been posting posts, they never got around to posting and

Jessamyn 22:52 those have been fun. Those have been really fun to look at. Yeah.

Cortex 22:55 And yeah, it's nice. I just like, it's nice, because like, there's intentionally zero stakes to it. Like, it's just like, yeah, come hang out. And we'll see what happens with that.

Jessamyn 23:05 Please don't wreck it that the rules. Yeah. And we'll,

Cortex 23:09 you know, ideally, I'd like this just to be a thing that we kind of have going all the time. So we'll see how to figure that out, you know, things like making it more visible on other parts of the site. So that like, you don't have to specifically have metal filter habit, like front page of the Blue, to be aware of it, you know, would be good, too. And so we'll think about mechanics for that. But yeah, it's it's fun so far. It's nice to try things so. So there's that that's a post I made. But other people also made posts over the last month.

Jessamyn 23:42 Yeah, I am excited that Metafilter has explained to me what those funny little boxes were I was seeing on Twitter.

Cortex 23:49 Oh, the Wordle stuff. Yeah.

Jessamyn 23:55 Yeah, I was just like, I don't I can't. I was like, and yeah, I guess this was what couple weeks ago. Daily word guessing game. Looks nice. People like to tweet about what they get. And it's essentially like mastermind for words.

Cortex 24:16 Yeah, like Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Jessamyn 24:18 When or when? How do you pronounce penguin? How do you pronounce that? PWNGU I N.

Cortex 24:25 I in my head. I'm also penguin. I'm

Jessamyn 24:29 just gonna say Justin says name. But yeah, mastermind for words. And I believe I've spoken about this on the podcast before but like we used to have word mastermind. And it wasn't fun. Just because it was too complicated. And it just

Cortex 24:46 wasn't whom, what we use it like, oh, we like my sister.

Jessamyn 24:50 And I like when we were kids. When I was a kid we had word Mastermind along with regular mastermind and regular mastermind, I maintain is still pretty fun. You can play it with different kinds of people and whatever word mastermind, not the same kind of fun. The Wordle may be fun. People are sharing all their. And here's a question. There's pictures in this thread. Which were what? Link I gave you have the Wordle thread. Oh,

Cortex 25:23 sorry, I was there not pictures there emojis. Ah, that's that's that's part of why that's been a thing on on Twitter with it is because like it lets you generate, you know, it generates a little sort of like, what day it was, how you did and the graph of how your gameplay went? Have you been playing work at all?

Jessamyn 25:43 No, I found out about it. I'd found out what the thing was. A couple of days ago, maybe and today was when I saw people on Twitter being like, how do I block this hashtag, which is a Neil Bing pretend like you do.

Cortex 25:59 And honestly, like it's one of the easiest things the world because like it automatically generates the word Wordle. Right, just mute Wordle you're all set.

Jessamyn 26:08 I think he thought that wasn't fun enough. And it didn't allow him to bitch and complain.

Cortex 26:13 It's interesting how much has taken off and how because of the easy accessibility of just like posting the graph, like it's hit that saturation point where you can already

Jessamyn 26:21 write it's got very real people cheer. Yeah. Wow, trying to read the New York Times article about it and can't fuck you

Cortex 26:31 know that the Unicode graph things it's like, it's a five letter word that you're trying to guess. And like green means you've got that letter in the right, the right position, and yellow means you've got the right letter, but it's in the wrong position. And so that's, it's just like the evolution of people's guessing as they go.

Jessamyn 26:45 And so theoretically sharp people. I mean, is there a time I'm sorry, I could, like learn anything about this, but I'm just gonna ask you, like, sure. Now, as if it were like a dumb joke, I don't understand. So is there a time limit? I noticed none of these graphs go more than about six?

Cortex 27:03 Yeah, no, you get a total of six guesses. There's no time limit, but it's just like a number of guesses limit. So anything that's less than six of someone being

Jessamyn 27:11 but there's no time limit. So you could just think and think and think and

Cortex 27:13 write right? And it's just like one per day comes along

Jessamyn 27:19 and see if more people mentioned mastermind in this thread. I use that thing

Cortex 27:26 again. mastermind. Brooke horse mentioned it going on it probably Modus politis

Jessamyn 27:36 Yeah, I just kind of wonder if like mastermind for books. Or for words is a thing that everybody didn't have.

Cortex 27:45 Yeah, I mean, I've never heard of it. Like not that mastermind was like real big on my radar, but I was aware of it.

Jessamyn 27:50 Oh, God mastermind was one of my favorites because like, my sister and I didn't have a lot of games we could play together because she didn't like knowledge games like Scrabble or trivial pursuit. Like she liked ones where we both had about the same toolkit. Go after it. And so mastermind was was a good one. Interesting. Okay, good. Good. Reminds me I gotta put a pin and chicken Fanfare for the latest series of Letterkenny.

Cortex 28:23 There was a dumb little post from which I say with all of from Potter LFPS I've never feel like I'm gonna get the I don't know Latin man. Anyway, Pa made a post about the wow, wow. And Wilson quiz. Just the one here on Wilson say wow. Which movie of a multiple choice, you know, that wow was from and that's the whole thing. It's like it's not good. But also I love it. And I am very glad that Potter post. Like, the premise is good enough that like, I don't care about the rest. Like it's impossible. If I can tell like it's just like snipped out of like, you're trying to maybe sort of guess off ambient dialogue. But also it turns out like most of the movies Oh, and Wilson has been I haven't seen so I just have to like, guess what the tone of the movie is? You know, which, which Wow, it might have been Yeah. Anyway, I liked that. Just a download thing and I liked it. I was just

Jessamyn 29:25 hearing about Owen Wilson. Oh, on the Kevin Hart podcast. He interviewed the guy from Eastbound and Down whatever that guy's name is Danny McBride, I guess. And I think both of them were in a like a movie a million years ago together with Owen Wilson that they like talked about and were describing and I was like, I've never heard of that movie. Like I thought I'd seen most of all in Wilson's movies, but perhaps not. So yes, I will have to try this. It looks good and stupid.

Cortex 29:58 See what we linked to the Open

Jessamyn 30:00 thread Did you link? Oh, no, I

Cortex 30:01 should I should,

Jessamyn 30:03 you probably should. While you're doing that, I am going to link to cash for LEDs post about these Saurabh hobby bond habit haven't been made a whole bunch of videos of hardcore shows in DC, late 80s Hardcore shows and Roswell films and the DC Public Library helped him digitize them and upload them to YouTube. So if you are a person of a certain age, who paid attention to punk music in the 80s and or lived in the DC area, but didn't there's some really cool antique videos of hardcore shows in the 80s. And, you know, fun short thread with with people talking about, you know, DC punk stuff. Very short, very cool. Hey, it's been a banner Bird Day, for reasons I can't figure out. Just lots of birds at the feeders and

Cortex 31:08 just feeling it. But the birds are just feeling it.

Jessamyn 31:11 I don't know. It's fucking cold out. And I wouldn't be out if I didn't need to get exercise so I could sleep. So I don't know what their deal is. But I don't know eat to stay alive. So

Cortex 31:23 they don't. Yeah, they don't have DoorDash though.

Jessamyn 31:26 Josh, I don't have shots voting dogfooding DoorDash has taught more people the meaning of the word dog fooding in the last month than anything else,

Cortex 31:41 as in eating your own dog food

Jessamyn 31:42 well as in a thing that you do at your job. So that yeah, eating your own dog food. DoorDash wants to make some of their engineers. Oh, yeah, I saw this. In fact, if that's a post, I should probably check and see if there's,

Cortex 31:59 if not, you should make one because I'm not

Jessamyn 32:01 fucking making a post about DoorDash just so people can be like grumpy, grumpy, grumpy, grumpy, grumpy. Although, think my internet is oh, here we go. Yeah, no, nobody has made that post. Maybe, maybe I will. Maybe you will. Because I've seen a lot of surprise, surprise misinformation on social media. About this DoorDash thing where like, theoretically, the engineers are supposed to go on like, one dash a month or something like that. But my understanding was they're just gonna DoorDash does some like Meals on Wheels like charitable work, you know, that they send their Dashers out at their expense to do Meals on Wheels stuff. And I think that's what they wanted the engineers to do not like go to places where they get paid and deal with it and stuff like that. But at least some of the engineers were pushing back. And then other people were like, No, dogfooding is really important. Like, you know how, like, when Matt realized he wasn't actually very good at moderating. Yeah, yeah. But it was good for him to try. So he understood what some of the challenges were from people who had to do it for a complete shift all day.

Cortex 33:10 Yeah, exactly. I guess we I guess we could unpack the whole dog food concept for anybody who has no idea. Oh, yeah.

Jessamyn 33:16 Got it.

Cortex 33:19 You the concept of eating your own dog food. Metaphorically, this seems to happen, especially with tech stuff, where I think it's especially an issue but like, it could be any business, any sort of service thing is like, use the product that you make. So if

Jessamyn 33:33 you're a Microsoft, you use Outlook email stuff, and you use teams.

Cortex 33:38 Yeah. And you use Windows if you're, if you're DoorDash. Like you actually, you know, use the DoorDash process, at least, you know, if you if you make an in house tool, you use the in house tool if you are selling people a service that, you know, you're trying to provide in a good way. You don't avoid using it just because it's a pain in the ass because that's your job.

Jessamyn 34:03 Yeah, and I saw a really interesting thread on Twitter, which may be why I should actually make this post except I can't because I made a post about Clint like an hour ago that maybe tomorrow

Cortex 34:14 you technically might be able to I don't don't

Jessamyn 34:15 technically I totally can. I'm just come on. Okay, here. The rules apply to me. Because I saw a really interesting Twitter thread by a woman who's a tech engineer woman of color, talking about like how dog food is a good idea, but this isn't exactly dog fooding. You know, because making the people who build the car drive the car isn't quite it's more like that. You know, does everybody who works for Toyota have to drive a Toyota? Like, baby but like, yeah, maybe not. But everybody who works at Microsoft really should have to use their ridiculous email program to understand some of its ridiculousness, is

Cortex 35:00 Yeah, or to put it in another very resonant context. Maybe the people like making policy decisions at Twitter should be active Twitter users, so they have any idea what's going on on Twitter, which feels like a decade long failure of basic awareness.

Jessamyn 35:15 Hey, did the Marjorie Taylor trigger in getting kicked off of Twitter make Metafilter? Like, I just I

Cortex 35:23 mean, that's delightful. And fucker, but also what is there to say like, yay, good. Twitter banned someone that they should have.

Jessamyn 35:33 Yeah, somebody was like, hey, took you a while to get your Jewish base lasers going, but they do appear to actually finally work.

Cortex 35:40 Yep. Yeah, that one's gonna be.

Jessamyn 35:45 Well, and I saw that on Facebook posted by a metal filter user. So. But yeah, Jewish based lasers was like a dumb shit thing that Marjorie Taylor Greene said a long time ago. Yep. But you know, good on you for not having every stupid thing that happens on the internet have to make the front page of metal filter that's like progress.

Cortex 36:05 I think you know, the things that will actually be interesting to talk about, but doesn't need to be fucking everything.

Jessamyn 36:10 Right? Like this. Absolutely off the chain thread about

Cortex 36:18 it's gonna mention this one, too.

Jessamyn 36:21 About this, this Michelin starred restaurant called bras

Cortex 36:26 or bros. I assume it was bros. But I don't know.

Jessamyn 36:29 Bros that basically seems awful, and like kind of an art experience a lot more than an actual restaurant. And it got reviewed by Geraldine WTA. And yes, it's like kind of a real restaurant, kind of a performance art thing. And then, you know, if I was not in the meta filter thread for this, but I followed Geraldine on Twitter, or, you know, I saw when she posted on Twitter, because so many people amplified her posts that like then she actually like had a back and forth with the people who ran the restaurant like to be like, yeah, what the fuck was that? Like, like, like, and they were, you know, they basically kind of doubled down on like, how ridiculous and strange and stupid it was. And yeah, yeah, I mean, the thread looks a little bit like it was a bit of a wild ride.

Cortex 37:34 The thread, the thread itself was a lot. You know, this is, this is a thread that like I knew about before I knew it actually existed. I just like knew it was going to happen. And I was preemptively tired kind of. That's just like, sometimes there's a perfect storm on the internet. And I saw this, I saw the review and stuff about it going around on Twitter, I was like, Oh, this is gonna turn into metal felt threatened. And I was like, oh, it's gonna be a metal filter thread discussing a scathing review of high concept cuisine. And like, every, like Arrow flying in from every direction,

Jessamyn 38:08 high concept like Spensive Yeah, contentious. Yeah, like, good food ultimately, too.

Cortex 38:15 And so like there's there's there's the room for enjoying the dunking, there's room for being skeptical about the dumping. There's room for like the verification of people's belief that like high concept, super expensive performance already, restaurants are stupid. There's people who are super into cuisine and are more interested in willing to cut some slack to strange high concept stuff. And like all that stuff, put it in a pot and like mix it really vigorously. In fucking December of 2021, when we've all basically completely lost our minds already. And the year is looming. As Yeah, it was it was kind of like the threat I imagined would be, which was like a big, like, a lot of interesting discussion, a lot of fun discussion, some funny stuff, some thoughtful stuff, and also some like really fucking annoying fighting of exactly the sort you can imagine happening on the internet with that big storm of things.

Jessamyn 39:04 Yeah. And the author herself seems like maybe she's slightly irritating also, but like, whatever doesn't mean that meal wasn't what it was kind of, but there was definitely speculation about that. And yeah, oh my gosh, oh, my gosh, it was quite fun long thread that wasn't about politics or COVID. And yeah,

Cortex 39:24 it was a ride and like, sometimes it's nice to go on a ride even if the ride is like bumpy. If that metaphor works. Yes. Okay.

Jessamyn 39:34 Yeah, no,

Cortex 39:35 enjoy. Well, I had like, that was one of the two kind of big Oh boy. We're going to have this discussion. threads and the other one that jumps out to mind to me is the are you a good person thread about returning shopping carts?

Jessamyn 39:50 Oh, fuck that was last month.

Cortex 39:52 That was last month. I was like,

Jessamyn 39:54 that was some classic metal filter fight thread.

Cortex 39:58 Was like, middle of December. Like that same sort of, here we are, as the gear approaches its end, and we all are just going to do some live wire takes on this shit. And the similarly like fun. This one I think was less of a mess. It was just like, anytime people start getting into like, sort of moral absolutes and like literally using a theoretical like framing, you're gonna get a little bit of like, oh, so I'm a bad person because you said x, and then the reflexive Oh, no, see, because you said why so clearly I'm worse.

Jessamyn 40:31 And people hold on to that stuff. You know, they really

Cortex 40:34 bummer. Yeah.

Jessamyn 40:38 feel strongly about carp return?

Cortex 40:40 Well, and it's interesting, like, you know, in among the predictable, like, sharpest hottest takes and people reacting poorly to each other. There was a lot of like, good nuance on like, both like the philosophical take in the first place, like, you know, what is the nature of goodness? And you know, if you return a shopping cart only because you'll be perceived as bad if you don't, does that make you good? And, you know, like, people digging into, like, a little bit of like cheating from the good place like action. That was interesting. Yeah, see people do but also like people talking about things like, you know, disability and accessibility and like the the idea of like canonically, saying, if you don't return your shopping cart, you're not a good person, like, ignores all the contexts in which returning a shopping cart could actually be a greater burden for the person involved than it is for the

Jessamyn 41:27 person who's employed by the supermarket to do that job.

Cortex 41:31 Yeah. So yeah, I don't know. It was it was, again, it was like it was less bumpy, but it was it was it was a ride. It was it was a nice, long discussion that covered a whole lot of different things. And and I appreciate that, like it was it was, I enjoyed following it.

Jessamyn 41:46 Yeah. Yeah. And it's and it's nice when people I feel like can understand enough of the nuances of this to be like, maybe it's not about you, but also, and this is, this is kind of one of my kind of cones for this year. Like maybe you just let people have bad opinions. Yeah. Which hasn't been in the past. I mean, like, I'm not always going to fight with somebody who has bad opinions, because I just don't like to fight. Except with you, Josh. I will fight with you about your bad opinions. But only today. Not in general. Yes. I leave your bad opinions alone the rest of the time. Mine too, I hope um, but like, you know, some

Cortex 42:31 guys I similar with rage about your bad opinion. Sure.

Jessamyn 42:34 Every I would. I would so smug me. Horrible. Horrible.

Total is exactly what I sound like, as everybody

Cortex 42:47 knows, very good impression of you.

Jessamyn 42:49 I definitely have friends who are, you know, different from me. And I mentioned this in the sort of New Year's thread of metta talk, who are different from me, and I am different from them. And sometimes maybe we don't even need to reach consensus on our version of reality, as long as it's not hurting anybody. Right? Yeah. Like, I'll argue with people about vaccinations, and I'll argue with people about trans rights. And I'll argue with people about you know, masks and what we need to do in COVID. And how we need to sort of be wary about, you know, this administration and worried about the next one, but I may be not gonna care about you know, if people don't like the food that I eat, you know, or, or if they want to be weird about my take on something, because that'll happen. Sometimes I'll just be like, Bob lie, sort of think this about that kind of, you know, I'm just having a conversation, and they'll come back with Oh, and and then past I was like, Alright, let's get into it. And now I'm a little bit more like, yeah, just how I feel about that. And even if I am kind of on somebody about like, no, Dave Chappelle, really? I am. I don't think it's cool what he did, and I don't think Netflix should have let him. I also don't have to turn that into a scrap. I can just be like, this is definitely what I think. And I'm not going to be dissuaded from this perspective. So it's okay that we don't talk about it. Yeah. And it's hard, because I really do think people should share my opinion. But also, realistically speaking, what do I do if they don't, you know, and it definitely makes social media easier. And that's always been my thing in general on social media. And one of the things that I saw, which has nothing to do with metta filter was just whether or not library and Twitter is going to continue to be the force for refuting bad takes about librarianship and 2022 as it is in as it was. This past year. Somebody made a tweet that was like Happy New Year. Let's have fun. library Twitter keep being a menace in 2022. And I'm like, yep. All in because library Twitter has a tendency not always, but has a tendency to agree on things. They just refute other people's bad takes about libraries. You know, they're not. What's the word intern seen internet seen?

Cortex 45:19 Yeah. internecine conflicts? I

Jessamyn 45:22 think, yeah, we don't have a lot of whatever those are in that word that I can't pronounce.

Cortex 45:27 I don't know if I've ever said it out loud. Oh,

Jessamyn 45:29 I know. I haven't enough so I'm not totally confident about the letters in that word.

Cortex 45:36 Looking at the pronunciation guide, Oh, please, on the internet I've seen or internet internees seen?

Jessamyn 45:47 Well, if you're one of our 11 listeners, you can like it subscribe. Leave your opinion in the comments.

Cortex 45:57 I blares the word come from you know, here's the thing. Here's the thing about like internet seeing is like, it always makes me think of like internet Nicene Creed from like the Catholic portion of upbringing. But I'm, I imagine it has nothing to do with the Nicene Creed. But I don't know what the next thing is that the inter is happening to it's fine. You know?

Jessamyn 46:21 Well, and that's why I didn't know I was like, is it in turn like internal? Because that's the way it's always felt to me that it's all about internal squabbling.

Cortex 46:31 Inter internecine comes from the Latin intern messiness fought to the death or destructive which traces to the verb necessary to kill and the prefix between our mutual so mutual,

Jessamyn 46:46 I guess, assured destruction. That's fascinating.

Cortex 46:50 I guess necessary? Might. I wonder if that has to do with like neck row as in depth if

Jessamyn 46:55 there's I bet it exactly does.

Cortex 46:57 Yeah. Well, who knows? It's really easy to just bet that that doesn't that turns into a folk etymology with no actual basis. I'm always extremely skeptical. Like, oh, you know what I bet? Because like, it turns out that I'm no, actually that's not the case at all. Right. But, uh, yeah, I have a question for our linguists out there. If anyone wants to dig in on the Latin roots of internetseite. And any of the details preceding the there? Let us know. Getting them comments,

Jessamyn 47:23 getting them comments. What am I doing here?

Cortex 47:28 Oh, you probably talking about posts.

Jessamyn 47:30 Yeah, I made one. Not the one that I just made. Because I don't know if that one's any good yet. I just made it. But I really liked this one, which was basically so the Christmas Bird Count, as you know, happens. And I wander around outside looking at birds. And it went pretty well here. I

Cortex 47:47 do not know why. Maybe I know it in some part of it. But I don't remember the details. Oh, good. I feel

Jessamyn 47:50 like I mentioned it every year, and we probably do.

Cortex 47:56 A while.

Jessamyn 47:58 It's a thing that Audubon Society does. And it's been doing it for over 100 years. And the idea is to get an idea of what birds live in your area over winter. You know, I, and it's an American thing. So it's, you know, even though I know it doesn't feel like winter, everywhere in America, it's an American thing. So you just wander around, and you count the birds that you see. And then you give your counts to a central coordinator who gives them to an even more central coordinator. And then Audubon Society is able to sort of make kind of a bird census. And it happens everywhere, the same weekend, more or less. And, you know, you coordinate locally, so you're like, I'm gonna go in this place in town, okay, I'm gonna go in this other place. And some people just stay home and do theater watching. Which is great, because it means lots of different people can participate. And you really get a sense of what birds live in your area. And so I did that this year, like I always do, and it was pretty good year this year, like it snowed. But not till later in the day. And so there were a lot of birds because they know, you know, who are all out being like, I gotta eat before the snow hits. And so that happened on the 18th. But then there was this fascinating report that I originally saw on Twitter, which was like a person who kind of just woke up early in Maine and like serious burgers, like, really try and do it up, you know, they get up really early and stay out really late. Literally listen for hours all this shit, I don't do and there was this burger, you know, got up in Maine, looking at birds, and then they got like a tweet from like the rare bird alert or however that shit works, that there was a stellar sea eagle which is this. It's a it's a Eurasian Giant Eagle bigger than a bald eagle and they're fairly rare. There's about 4000 of them in the world, and there's one of them that's lost, and to fucking around in North America. for like the last Several months and it was in Massachusetts. And so this guy's in Maine and is like, Oh my God, you know, like BRB going to Massachusetts. And actually, they found it. So it got to be one of their, like Christmas bird count birds, Zin, Massachusetts. And so it was just fun, right? If you're interested in birds, it makes an interesting thread. And the bird is fantastic looking. And now it appears to be back up in Maine. And what everybody's hoping is that we'll it will eventually get back to, you know, Russia, or, you know, the loose Russian area where it's from, which is where the other ones are. So yeah, very interesting. And they're amazing birds and why to Carl kind of went after me a little bit for calling it a muppet ask bird which I thought was completely appropriate. That

Cortex 50:51 was a completely completely reasonable use of, and then he

Jessamyn 50:55 was like, I was only teasing, which is about my least favorite thing in the world, but not because of why to Carl who

Cortex 51:01 is fine, but like, just as a general phenomenon.

Jessamyn 51:04 If you're somebody who has kinda like resting mope face like I do, people love to kind of do like waka waka things to try and cheer you up. And I don't want it. I'm just curious. I want to be most of the time.

Cortex 51:18 It was I'm trying to do something with walk a walk and map it and I'm just trying to pull it together. But that's okay. But that's how I felt. That's That's,

Jessamyn 51:30 yeah. So it was fun to host. And I just literally updated it last night because I was looking to be like, where's that bird? Because if it's a bird that's that big. And that obviously not your local bird. Yeah. Like it would be findable. Yeah, and lots of people find it not just like esoteric burgers who are like, Oh, this is the blardy blar, warp learn not to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah warbler, it's not like that. So

Cortex 51:53 yeah, this this reminds me of a thing I mentioned. months ago, maybe last year? Well,

Jessamyn 52:01 definitely last year.

Cortex 52:10 I'm drinking, I'm drinking some weak tea. We'll see. We'll see how this plays out. I mentioned some many episodes ago, some FYI, who had had a bird show up in their backyard. And birders got very excited because it was not an expected work to find. And I said I would figure out who it was. And then I forgot for a while and then I remembered and I forgot again. So here's your update. I'll still try and follow up on a future episode. But there you go. I made a post as well, which I liked the thing I posted about and I also like the whole website of the person who I posted about so I'm just gonna mention it because hey, the thing I posted about was this article by

Jessamyn 52:50 god sakes, it's another one of those lists. I know what all these words are, but

Cortex 52:55 But I mean, I don't I don't actually know anything about the core system, the CPS one like it's an arcade machine, okay. It's a Capcom. Like, it used to be back in the day. Instead of instead of having, you know, game consoles, there was just arcade games. Right? You know, I mean, eventually,

Jessamyn 53:14 I remember. That was my life. Yeah.

Cortex 53:18 The deal with arcade games is like, it didn't totally make sense for a company that was making a lot of arcade games to like, make everything from scratch every time you don't want to like literally build every single cabinet from scratch has its own one off thing. And yeah. And so so what you do is you develop you know, something that's kind of like the equivalent of like a game console, except for instead of being like an Xbox that you play games on. It is like some kind of motherboard that is driving a series of games. And so like Capcom had the CPS one for a while in late 80s, early 90s. I don't I don't know enough about our kids stuff to be sure on the specifics, but basically, was kind of the machine they were developing games on the Street Fighter, street fighter who was like huge for Capcom. Final Fight other stuff. And this was basically a machine that could move a lot of sprites around which was cool compared to older stuff. Like you can think of Pac Man you've got like, a sprite is just a little 2d square of graphics. So like a 16 by 16 chunk of graphics on the screen somewhere. Oh, I get it. Okay, be rendered by a sprite.

Jessamyn 54:24 And I'm looking at this article while you're talking about it, but I wasn't sure what that meant.

Cortex 54:28 Okay, so the CPS one could like move a lot of these around compared to like Pac Man you imagine you had like, Pac Man and for ghosts and then like the pellets in the background there were not things that would move around in the game just Pac Man, right? They were either it was on or off. Yeah, that's that's how much like the game could handle to be like really dynamic. Like it could update those, like five sprites, you know, 30 frames a second and it could do the whole screen. Something like Street Fighter. You have these like great big characters that were made out of like, you know, a couple 100 sprites were moving around on the screen, which was an

Jessamyn 55:02 amazing new ally. A lot of them move. Yeah, yeah.

Cortex 55:05 And so that was like one of the things this machine could do. And it made fighting games so much more like big and exciting because of all this dynamic character graphic stuff. But you still have like, really limited relatively speaking memory to store these graphics. And so you couldn't just like do 100 frames of animation for every move that every character does, you have to like be pretty terse about reducing it to just a few animations per move per character. And the bigger the character, the fewer frames, you could probably give it because each frame takes up more space. So like, Blanca is this big, hairy beast man takes up a lot more space than like Chun Li, who was like a slender, Chinese fighter lady. Anyway, those post the context, like that's the context for this post in which they put together various spreadsheets and talked about like how you could forensic ly tell, when they hadn't yet built a tool that like, stored these things economically in memory, because like the actual layouts of the characters were like it looked like characters rather than like each bit of the character just packed concisely into a rectangle, which might be more efficient, but it's hard to do. And so they were like literally drawing stuff on graph paper, and then converting that into the graphics stored in the memory of these arcade machines. And there's this moment where you can tell that they did start using a utility that would like slice stuff up and pack efficiently, because all of a sudden, you didn't see pictures of the fighters, like in sheets of memory, you just like saw a bunch of fucking noise that got assembled. Like in real time in the game to make sensible looking graphics. It's a whole weird, like, this is stuff that no one has to worry about anymore, because there's so much more resources available for for games, the memory is a million times cheaper. And well, they

Jessamyn 56:49 talk about how they they change kind of one character into another by just twiddling with the palette and moving smaller chunks of you know, bodies around then yeah. person, right. I

Cortex 57:04 use like sort of the main character of Street Fighter and then can is basically Raju with the different colored GI and different hair. So they really just need to replace the head, which is, you know,

Jessamyn 57:14 yeah. And they show how it happens, which is very cool. Yeah, yeah. Like,

Cortex 57:20 it's not super technical read through, which is nice, because like it's an accessible read. And also like this. Fabian site has a ton of stuff like there's, this is a three part article. This is like, part two of it. But there's a ton of stuff. Like it's just a really cool collection of writing about video game graphics and architecture and whatnot. So if you'd like this, there's a bunch more waiting there. So that's the thing. That's the thing I liked. I liked it so much. posted it.

Jessamyn 57:47 I love it. I have one little post that's just like a little wave which is posted Jim made about photography with the Aurora Borealis common NEOWISE in the Milky Way in a panorama with a bonus appearance by Steve.

Cortex 58:06 Good old Steve.

Jessamyn 58:07 Yes, the strong thermal emission velocity enhancement. And it's just a you know, kind of some neat photography and a little bit of description about it. But it's the photographer talking about kind of like how I got that shot, which is neat. I liked it. And it was good.

Cortex 58:22 Yeah, that's a Yeah, that's a gorgeous shot.

Jessamyn 58:24 And that's it for Metafilter I think I may have just heard somebody climbing my steps, maybe with my new boots.

Cortex 58:29 Oh, my gosh, jointed Vamp while you check your No, no,

Jessamyn 58:33 no, I'll be fine. They'll just, they'll just be cold. But basically, my boots, my snow boots kind of fell apart like right after Christmas like enough so I can technically wear them, but they don't keep the damp out. And so I had to do my least favorite thing, which was shop for new shoes online. And I'm really hoping these are going to be the wind because they of course, don't make the boots that I had anymore. Yeah, it's just makes everything

Cortex 59:03 the impermanence of shoes, like, like not the individual shoes themselves, but like the product line. It's like, when you find a shoe, you're like, dammit, I'm a very utility shoe person. And like when I find a shoe I like you know, I should buy like several more pairs is what we did last time, I found a pair of sneakers that were just like a good fit and, and whatnot. But those will run out eventually. And by the time I go back to buy more, they probably won't be there anymore. I

Jessamyn 59:26 think I told you about how like my favorite pair of Dansko clogs are like this design that they made maybe 10 years ago. They're like they're kind of these wool uppers with these leaves embroidered on them, and they look really cool and they're perfectly Berean shoes because they look dress up but they're also really comfortable. But the problem is they only made them for this brief amount of time. And so even if you're my sister, the expert shopper who can like fuss around and find this among people deadstock the heels kind of just wear out after a certain amount of time. I'm like that that literal material they're made out so even if it's like don'ts, like wear them the rubber is is old. And so I literally got two pairs of shoes in a row from her as replacements for my shoes that fell apart and they both fell apart within like weeks of me starting to wear that man because they were all exactly the same age, right? Yeah, so I've got to like find new favorite clogs, but I'm gonna save it until I actually need to ever go anywhere ever again. Not right now and

Cortex 1:00:30 of satisfied of like material science that like I never thought about as a kid like, I think partly because as a kid, you just haven't been long been alive long enough to wear out nothing wears out. But also just like the nature like you know, I feel like my childhood was a series of revelations about like, in retrospect obvious facts about the universe that you know, just didn't like oh, this simple thing is actually complicated. Oh, this thing that's obviously just, you know, just x is actually XY and Z.

Jessamyn 1:00:57 Maitland versus most other places, you know the car out faster here because there's so much salt on the road. And you know, if you're kind of smart and are able to like wash your car off and like garage, your car and a whole bunch of other stuff. They'll last like a ton longer, but like not everybody can do that or has the ability to do that. I just thought like, well, what can you do cars fall apart, but they don't have to.

Cortex 1:01:20 Yeah, well, and car dealers on the west coast will happily try and sell you like salt. undertreatment that you don't need out here because, right. Unless you're driving on the beach every day, you're just not gonna get that. Because we don't even like it. We don't salt the roads because it doesn't snow, right? Yeah.

Jessamyn 1:01:37 But you don't salt the roads. So when it does snow? Oh my god.

Cortex 1:01:43 We got through several days of snow without any real incident over here. Like it was looking like it might be a little bit of a snowpocalypse thing. Yeah, the worst thing in Portland. Like whenever it snows in Portland, no one knows how to fucking drive. Or it's not that no one it's just that like, if even 10% of the people who decide to drive don't know how to drive in it. That's enough. Like they're the ones who Yeah, that's it's just Everything's fucked. But But yeah, every once awhile, we'll get like snow and then it'll freeze and they'll warm up and then we'll freeze and we'll get the ice thing. And that's when the city's just like absolutely fucked. And that's why we don't have enough resources to like plow and ice and et cetera. Anything more than like, the main main

Jessamyn 1:02:25 main main of streets. Yeah,

Cortex 1:02:27 because it like it, doesn't it never fucking snow here, like it snows its nose measurably meaningfully, like once every three years or so. Like, and so we just don't have the infrastructure. Right? Yeah. Anyway,

Jessamyn 1:02:41 anyway, I think that's it. For me.

Cortex 1:02:43 Let's move on. AskMe Metafilter.

Jessamyn 1:02:48 Great. I read lots of sorry, endless. Jessamine. I liked this question by roaring beast, which was just from yesterday at 1111. On 122022. There's so many good numbers this year. Just talking about mental breaks at work. So it's a person. They don't smoke. They don't drink coffee. They're an introvert. So they don't want to like chit chat with people. That's not a break for them.

Cortex 1:03:16 Don't don't smoke, what do they do?

Jessamyn 1:03:17 Yeah, don't want to I don't want to, like get sucked into social media, what's a way to, like take a break from the work that you're doing. And it's nice, there's a whole bunch of different you know, like, go walk around, go get some water and your water bottle, have your Fitbit nag you to like get a little thing, here's a like a wooden puzzle that you can use, do a little bit of running up and down the stairs, make a rainbow and like go take some pictures and make a rainbow. Like there's a lot of really good suggestions. Because, you know, I'm one of those people like I work at home and I don't want to be sitting all the time if I can help it. And I do exercise every day. So it's not like I need exercise, but what I need to do is not be in my chair. And yeah, and it's tricky, right? Like, you know, I have a lot of like little like five or 10 minute tidy projects that I can do around here, which helps are like plants that you can always fuss with. But you know, when you view the goal is just like getting away from the screen getting out of the chair. Because, you know, it's easy to pivot and fuck around somewhere else on the internet. But that's not that's not what this is about. And so there actually were some, some some good, some good advices that weren't like just take up smoking or

Cortex 1:04:31 something. Yeah. I mean, this this is essentially how I took up drinking coffee. Like I hadn't really been a coffee drinker until the insurance job I had before Metafilter yeah, we're just like getting out of it. We worked in a fucking basement it was like a dire sort of like cubicle and then some sort of corporate depressive environment. So like just like going walking to box blocks to the Starbucks even though like because again, it's I don't really like coffee that much and it's too extreme. Insert. But also, you know, this is, I can do this a couple of times a day, and like improves my day by giving me an escape. So having done that without like the coffee probably would have been the best call taking, you know, what are these sorts of moves instead? But But yeah, taking that break is good.

Jessamyn 1:05:16 Yeah, well, one of the other things about coffee is then you have to like get up and go to the bathroom later. And that's another five minutes out of the chair. I mean, drinking lots of water, I think for a lot of people does kind of both of those things.

Cortex 1:05:32 Boss makes the dollar make it. Boss makes $1 and make a dime. That's why I shit on company time. Oh, is that not? I assumed that was like, super pervasive.

Jessamyn 1:05:44 I mean, it is. I just I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure. And I recognize it once you mentioned it, but I was not able to do the sentence completion on my own. Yeah, yeah. A couple things that rang true to me in a couple ways. This was another one from January 1, which was Zooropa and I most well, question friend of mine is drowning in stuff. How do I help her so she can move on, you know, explanation about like, you know, person dealing with a lot parents who have, you know, health issues, or has a pet with health issues, lives in one place has an apartment, also in another place, like a leftover apartment, that apartment is full of stuff. So they're not able to move on from it, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. It's just a mess, right? We all like somebody who's kind of stuck in this thing. And totally, you know, I have advice about that kind of thing. But, you know, they sent up the wrong kind of cheese signal. And she came in and just, you know, one of the things that's just really so great about Julie is that she has compassion for people who get stuck in this situation, and both like people who are personally stuck, but also the people who want to help but aren't in that same situation. And so sometimes it can be hard for them to figure out what's truly helpful, because there were definitely some people in the thread who were like, don't do what my friend did, you know, like, yeah, don't do what my jerk friend did. And so, you know, she came in with some great advice. And, you know, it's been a while since I've seen a comment that got more than 100 favorites and asked Metafilter, maybe it's because I don't read those popular threads as much, but just lots of good advice from her and other people about ways to help make that go better for people who are really struggling. And, you know, I know when we were sort of dealing with my mom's house this summer, we contemplated and then discarded Professional Organizer ideas, mostly just because me and my sister weren't enough on the same page. Like, we could be on the same page enough to both show up at the house and do work. But we weren't on the same page. As much to like, what we would let someone else do you know, yeah, like, I was like, could we pay someone to set this house on fire? And Kate was like, No, I have to, you know, touch everything. And you know, she's not wrong. I'm not wrong. Wow, maybe fires a little extreme. But like, you know, both of our ideas weren't wrong, but they didn't reconcile in a way that a third person could help. But it was really nice to get to read this. And, you know, just good advice from Julie. And I think it was helpful. I hope it was helpful.

Cortex 1:08:37 There was this thread. One of the rare I actually answered it asked Metafilter threads even asked by coffee and saying, you know, what do healthy people do to cope?

Jessamyn 1:08:50 Oh, I think I mentioned this as

Cortex 1:08:55 well. Yeah, it's like, it's, it's, it's a good question.

Jessamyn 1:09:01 Jessamyn does not?

Cortex 1:09:03 Yeah, well, I mean, I got there first, trying to ride my coattails with like what cortex said, Now you gotta do the work, baby. I mean, it's an interesting question, because there is so like it. There's so much messing messaging about what the idea of like, healthy is,

Jessamyn 1:09:23 go meditate, do yoga and eat vegetables and sand. Yeah.

Cortex 1:09:27 And I feel like there's like 30 Good answers from three different people in this thread, sort of saying, Okay, well, here's how it actually works. And here's why, you know, you're not going to get the answer by like focusing on like, some projected concept of healthy you got to think about like, what is actually working for you and what's gonna work for you and judge things on those terms.

Jessamyn 1:09:49 Well, times I feel like yeah, healthy is so relative that a lot of it has to do with just like, one step more healthy than wherever you are right now. You know, if you smoke half a pack a day smoke half a pack a day that's healthy. You know, like, obviously, it's not healthy in some objective sense. But in a subjective to you sense. Go you, you know,

Cortex 1:10:12 yeah, make incremental progress on stuff like, you know exactly. Yeah. Anyway, I thought it was good. Yeah,

Jessamyn 1:10:20 I like I liked that thread. Oh, I just wanted to I had been tuning in on this thread because I was hoping it went, Okay. And if I only had a penguin actually mentioned, so basically, they, she's like, I need a cameo with Santa. Because basically, they had, you know, COVID symptoms, they had tests booked, they probably wouldn't be able to celebrate with the family. You know, but what I'd like is for Santa to explain that there's to my kid, that there's still going to be Christmas, but it might be late. And people had a bunch of different different advice about about how to how to do it, there was click thing, Nick, which is, I think what arbitrary and capricious offered. And that's what they went with. And basically, you know, online, arbitrary and capricious Santa's saved Christmas, they were able to do Christmas late. But when Santa told the kid that was going to happen, when Okay, and that's nice, that that, that that all worked out. And so that's very sweet. And I'm really happy that that that worked out.

Cortex 1:11:44 Here is a short question with no good answer yet. But I love it. To en tu tu tu tu asks, you know, what's this weird instrument from this moment in the GET BACK Beatles documentary, Miniseries or Movie or whatever? And it's just a weird instrument and like, this is the thing I was clicked on thinking like, oh, maybe I'll know what it's like. I have no idea what the fuck that is. Now I'm clicking. Yeah, no one else does. That. Maybe it's just a one off thing that someone made.

Jessamyn 1:12:18 It definitely looks like a one off thing. That's something somebody made. But I'd be fascinated now to know because that's significantly weirder than I was expecting when I click that.

Cortex 1:12:28 So if anybody knows about like weird drone instruments,

Jessamyn 1:12:30 I will I will tell Jim to take a look at it because he has random knowledge like this. That that might be useful. I like this also short thread by average amateur, basically watching a nonfiction medical TV show where an emergency medicine medicine doctor saw a patient who had a snapping turtle latched onto his neck Wow. And they had to like give a paralytic agent to the turtle and so average amateurs question is like how did the emergency doctor know how much paralytic to give to the turtle? Like how how how. And you know, people had a couple a couple suggestions including Kill Devil who's an emergency doctor who talked about kind of how they you might have done that and also maybe it was just lucky that the turtle lived maybe the goal was to get the turtle off by any means necessary. And it happened to work out okay for everybody. But yeah, I was interesting. I was interesting. I was interested and I learned something why in God's name did I favorite this

Cortex 1:13:39 that's always a good mystery. Because I

Jessamyn 1:13:41 don't favorite asked Metafilter questions like if I favorite them it's because I want to mention them on the podcast. Sure. And I don't I'm not 100% Sure why favorited this one so just moving on.

Cortex 1:13:55 Miss click let's click

Jessamyn 1:13:57 Don't miss click

Cortex 1:14:05 girls don't fart thing like oh no

Jessamyn 1:14:07 I fart all the time. But I may miss click by

Cortex 1:14:11 by Sir Miss click is a click that happened incorrectly by accident

Jessamyn 1:14:16 like saying is there was a logic and I just don't know what it was

Cortex 1:14:20 okay, you're just sure in this case I decided to miss click because because even though you can't figure out the reason is you know there must be a

Jessamyn 1:14:27 past bump. Possible. It's pretty difficult to like fav a post by accident. Like what was I trying to do? Delete it like I don't do that anymore.

Cortex 1:14:38 So the finger finger spasm

Jessamyn 1:14:41 or spasm I'm only 53

Cortex 1:14:44 I do young people can have fingers spasm spasms, refer everyone.

Jessamyn 1:14:50 You're right.

Cortex 1:14:52 I'm sorry. I'm giving you a hard time. I will be curious to hear if you figure out why you favorited are interested thing.

Jessamyn 1:15:00 I mean, I should probably just drop it in here. Because nothing like it. It's just that I wouldn't have thought I would have. Maybe I was

Cortex 1:15:09 it was it was your Tyler Durden who who favorited like she was simply in a fugue state. So basically,

Jessamyn 1:15:15 it's recommending boring people talking about boring things. This is by ASBO. And basically, they want I think I was probably bookmarking this because Jim would like it. But basically, just I want a podcast that's on kind of his background noise was somebody just like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And, you know, I was listening to people who are reviewing pens and paper, but I'm done with that. It has to be something that's not topical, and doesn't make me grumpy. And so like, I think what I liked about it was that it's people who have like, hobbies that they're really kind of into, but that ASBO wouldn't necessarily be into so like portable air conditioners, why you shouldn't like them. antique clock restoration, painting restoration video.

Cortex 1:16:13 This is this is this is actually sounding like stuff. Maybe it was for

Jessamyn 1:16:17 you. Maybe it was for you the British History podcast, post Atari crash video games. Yeah, just, you know, boss kind of stuff, guitar repair videos,

Cortex 1:16:32 I've definitely made posts of this sort of general general genre genre, that this this channel role, sort of Jay Kaminski

Jessamyn 1:16:41 would like to teach you about archery.

Cortex 1:16:48 Let's see, I've got sets for like a nice. Hey, thanks. Thanks for helping people follow up. There's a question from middle of last month at some point. This one, and anonymous posts are basically saying, hey, what's the deal with EMDR? Therapy? Is it like Woo wee bullshit? Or is it useful? Or is it both? And I've always wondered about that ever since I heard about it too, because it's like, it kind of sounds goofy. But then again, who fucking knows brains are weird. And yeah, there's a bunch of answers from people sort of talking about degrees of experience with it and whatnot. And,

Jessamyn 1:17:21 yeah, well, I often had the same question, because I had a therapist at one point who suggested it for me. And, you know, long story short, it wasn't covered by my insurance. So I didn't go down that path. But I've heard things. But I've also heard a lot of people who are like, there's no reason it should work. And then other people who are like, well, the eyeball stuff is just there. But, you know, there is some usefulness to this part. But then you also get people who are like, well didn't do shit for me, which, you know, you would expect? And, yeah,

Cortex 1:17:53 I mean, brains vary. Yeah,

Jessamyn 1:17:54 I mean, I think for me, a lot of it was like, there's not really like a specific traumatic event in my life. I just had kind of a stressful childhood. And I'm not sure if that's the kind of thing you can do. EMDR for, you know, yeah, but maybe, so, I don't know, I'll think about it. I'll think about it more. If it comes up again. Maybe my insurance will change. I had two related asked me that I wanted to mention. Good Tonda basically asking what books haven't been visited by the sock fairy. So like, basically which books aren't like from your childhood from one's childhood? Don't become extremely problematic. You know, the way John Hughes movies are like, essentially, they were so important to me as a kid and they are on watchable now. Because they're so you know, sexist, and, like, at times racist and rapey. And like, there's all these problems, but at the time, when I was a kid, I really liked it. And so there's a weird hole there where I want to be able to watch that movie again. And I cannot and you know, Katana specifically asked about Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy videos, but then also like, So what other stuff from childhood holds up interesting in good ways. And there's a lot of really good advice, and then this thread from the adventure begins, basically, like, I really like stuff, but I can't deal with fan behavior. Like I enjoy being part of fandom. But what I don't like is specific fan behavior. I don't like Slash fiction. I don't like you know, a lot of NSFW fans are like, for stuff intended for kids. It makes me uncomfortable. Like, how do people do this? You know, how do people work on it? Like I know it's weird, but it just still really bothers me. How do I how do I deal with this? Yeah, and you know, after a first sounds like a you problem comment that got deleted. There's a lot of which I mentioned already, you know, yes, me problem. Um, you know, with with sort of advice on like where to find better fan communities that word how to use tags how to you know, maybe Deviant Art isn't a place you should be or bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. And and yeah, I just think there's a lot of good advice because it is really tricky. You know, I think the adventure begins. Wrapped wrapped up on December 28, saying like some things they were going to do, but also answers to questions people asked. And, yeah, I just thought that was helpful. And, you know, when you're when you're trying to enjoy what you enjoy without getting the parts you don't enjoy. It's like me being on Twitter and like librarian, Twitter. Great. A lot of the rest of Twitter. Not so great. But like, Are there are there ways to thread that needle? And this is what I think both that thread and the one before it were about? Yeah. And I believe that's all for me about AskMe Metafilter. Did you have more?

Cortex 1:21:18 No. touch on some quick Meditec things? And yes, be done. Yeah,

Jessamyn 1:21:23 that'd be great. We'll get out for I mean, the sun has already set but I can at least go out for a walk before it's dark out.

Cortex 1:21:30 Yeah. I mean, sunset, because Because mountain mountain has interfered Hill. Yeah, but what is

Jessamyn 1:21:40 the sunset? Other than down behind the horizon?

Cortex 1:21:45 It's, yeah, I continue to like I struggle with this conceptually a little bit like, obviously, the sunset at the ocean, the sun's definitely, definitely set. But, you know, anywhere that you can't actually see the limitless flat horizon, like, you know, the sun's gone when it's gone. Is it a sunset? If it's behind the building that if you walked 20 feet past that building? The Sun would be shining on you?

Jessamyn 1:22:08 Oh, see? That's a really good question. I don't know what that's like, buildings are of which you speak

Cortex 1:22:15 of them in our coastal elite cities. Well, and I can actually just obviously, the absurd take on it. But like, you know, mountains like nature's building.

Jessamyn 1:22:23 I know what you mean. It's really, it's an interesting question. And like, one of the things I do know is that I can get in my car and drive up the hill, and the sun will be up again, which is always kind of a fun effect. Jim, and I actually took a What was it like a Christmas, Christmas Eve day hike. And, you know, we drove up the hill to where the sun was up. And then we kind of walked down the other side of the hill a little bit to where the sun was not down, but like, down ish. And then we like went on a walk that was a little longer than we were expecting. And so we were in the woods on a trail we'd never been on before, when it really started to like, be sunset. And we were like, you know, like enough that we had to get out our phones to see if we needed to like go overland to get back out to the road faster.

Cortex 1:23:14 Or are we in the first act of a horror movie?

Jessamyn 1:23:16 Yeah, long story short, it worked out. But it was like, it was not a great way to start our like, you know, kind of four day weekend together, because I was just grumble grumble, grumble grumble because they get really nervous when that happens. And Jim gets kind of the opposite of nervous like he enjoys that in a way that I am not down with. And yeah, so I pay a lot more attention to sunset than I used to.

Cortex 1:23:43 Well, maybe we title The episode is Sunset, a local phenomenon, and try and draw in debates on it.

Jessamyn 1:23:51 I think that's actually fleshly I'm curious about that. Because I don't know right? I mean I definitely

Cortex 1:23:58 earlier so we could really chew on it in

Jessamyn 1:24:00 my house at you know, roughly 225 But it doesn't go down in general. And it is kind of still late in the air in the sky. The air you know that the air that's Yeah, but yeah, you know, the sky is still bright. I just can't see the sun. Right. Hey.

Cortex 1:24:23 All right. So I'm gonna talk things this is delightful and I haven't engaged with it yet but these bees basically proposed starting up a web ring and I think that's

Jessamyn 1:24:31 a fantastic you should totally engage with that.

Cortex 1:24:34 I should I should I just I haven't gotten to it. I told like I said, I think during the pre roll maybe are right at the beginning like I've got a real like getting my shit together like soft resolution going on, of trying to like get back to some stuff that just been sliding and like engaging properly with fun random meta talks is one of those things like I appreciate that there but sometimes I'm just appreciating reminiscence and I should go get get get up in there.

Jessamyn 1:24:59 Yeah. And after it.

Cortex 1:25:01 Yeah. So yes, that's a delightful idea and I'm I'm here for it. There were a couple new newsletters I think since we last podcast so four and five have come out.

Jessamyn 1:25:17 Very good to see the newsletters. Come back around again.

Cortex 1:25:21 Yeah. 2021 Man, you know, throws some curves at yet but but yeah, also I really enjoyed this thread to the point where like, maybe this will be the thing that I post now and then in meta stock to have just like, hey, what's going on? With video games? Curious new posted through like, you know, what have you been playing in? 2021? And, yeah, a lot of people, Josh. Yeah,

Jessamyn 1:25:47 I paid money for a Steam game. Yeah, what game Battle Royale the one that backseat pilot who shots? It's very fun. No, I I had been playing it obsessively for like a week or two. And like for like eight bucks for the nine bucks. Maybe for the first year. You get like a special hat and like,

Cortex 1:26:06 Oh, that's right. It was free. But yeah, there's this, you know,

Jessamyn 1:26:09 yeah. But you can just chip in and really, they they made a good game. It's a little harder now that like more people are more competitively playing it. But I was still like, happy to chip in and like I showed it to Jim who was like, nope. And I was like, all right.

Cortex 1:26:25 I played a little bit, and I'm not very good at it. Sure. It's interesting. I feel like I'm

Jessamyn 1:26:31 very good at it. And I should dominate it that game. Yeah.

Cortex 1:26:35 Well, it's interesting. Like, I'm good at some of the battle royale concepts because I've played a lot of Battle Royale games and like so the choosing a landing spot stuff like I feel strongly about that. I feel like I was starting to pick

Jessamyn 1:26:47 up whereas I was like, what's even is happening? I'm falling from the sky. What and somebody's like, use the keys on the keyboard. Oh, like I was just falling into the middle every time. I didn't know that.

Cortex 1:27:00 I did do that. I think my first two rounds like the first one. I was like, Oh, I got a middle placement. Okay. And second round was like, oh, okay, cuz like in a lot of traditional Battle Royale games, which is a weird thing to say about a genre that's like, six years old, maybe? Sure. But like you jump out of a plane, and then you can sort of parachute

Jessamyn 1:27:18 out of the hearthstone like that this game has the same Is that a thing? You? Yeah. Okay. For and it was scary and crazy, but okay.

Cortex 1:27:29 Yeah, no, it's like it. Hot dropping is the term that I'm used to for, like, when you decide to go in somewhere where there's gonna be a fight immediately versus like going?

Jessamyn 1:27:38 No, no, but like, the way the outside perimeter gets on? Yes, yes. Yes. And makes everybody into the witch into the middle where they're close to

Cortex 1:27:48 the circle, like shrinking. Yeah, exactly. Although, you know, rectangles in this. And you know, some games do it slightly differently. But yeah, like that, that whole concept. Like, it starts big and then it like, gets smaller and smaller, and you don't know exactly where it's gonna go. And so you have to sort of plan against the probabilities. And it's really interesting with the Scrabble thing, because like, yeah, it's like, in a normal one.

Jessamyn 1:28:12 Last, I don't know why I didn't include this. Oh, you just posted it. Alright. Yeah, just toss it in there. Yeah. Yeah. Pilot, thank you. And no, thank you.

Cortex 1:28:24 One thing I really appreciate is because I've been playing, I've mentioned it in passing, you help him Escape from Tarkov, which is like a battle royale issue. It's a little bit weird, but like, it's a gun shooty scavenging collecting stuff and trying to get a live game. But it's like, it does not have enough infrastructure to keep up with the number of players it has. And so you can wait like 510 minutes to get into a round and then like, if you don't die immediately, that's great. And then you takes a couple minutes to get out and then do some fiddling and then queue up for another round. Oh, I

Jessamyn 1:28:55 see that. That's less fun because then you kind of cool

Cortex 1:29:00 yeah, it especially if you do have a round or you then get killed five seconds is like so I was I was absolutely giddy playing around with Battle Royale just because like I would lose and then I could like jump right back into another game. It was like, Oh, I forgot this sort of thing can happen. Video games can actually let you play as much as you want. Instead of like, as much as he wants, as long as it's only four times an hour.

Jessamyn 1:29:21 I don't know if it's still in beta. But like, nobody knew what the rules were, you know, like the forums trying to figure out what the rules were. And yeah, it was it was funny but super fun. And I paid somebody for it which is something I don't think I've literally ever done before so like paid money for I don't think so. Like I've paid money for like a physical game before but I've never paid money for a digital game and it just whoo

Cortex 1:29:51 well that's an exciting exciting little checkpoint. Yeah, and yeah, it's yeah, it's it's early access is the the turn of phrase at this point, to the point where steam It officially supports that as like a label on everything. So anyway, yes, well, I'm so delighted that you got to have a new video game related. And it's hilarious

Jessamyn 1:30:09 because when you get killed So in short, it's like speed scrabble on a board against 13 other people, and it's like speed scrabble slap Jack. And if you touch somebody else's word, if you make a word that connects your last word with their words, you kill them. And so one of the funny aspects of the game is that whatever the word was that killed you, it says, you get blinded by that person. And you get dork. Yeah, so I actually farted someone to death. I couldn't have planned it. But it was like you got farted by Jessamyn. Because of course, my username is Jessamyn because I have no imagination. And yeah, that was probably the crowning achievement that I will never talk no matter how good I get at that game.

Cortex 1:30:57 Did you get a screenshot of that?

Jessamyn 1:30:59 I didn't. Oh, man. Look, it seems complicated, right? Like, what is it? Exactly? i How is it? What

Cortex 1:31:05 if you're playing a Steam game and you want to screenshot just hit F 12. That's the default screenshot

Jessamyn 1:31:11 on a Mac. Yep. Oh, great. Okay. As far as I know, great. Good to know. Well, good. We had been intending to dork out about that. And then I've totally forgot about it. And I'm glad we remembered

Cortex 1:31:25 it. And here we are. Well, all right. I think we've done a very good job. And we're about an hour and a half, so we should stop doing a very good job. Yes. So yeah, Happy New Year. Again.

Jessamyn 1:31:35 Happy New Year to you. Great talking to you. Yeah, I'm gonna go get a little bit of exercise and then go inside and not do a damn thing.

Cortex 1:31:42 sounds fucking Excellent. Yes. All right. Talk to you next month.

Jessamyn 1:31:46 Sounds great. Goodbye.