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Podcast 179 Transcript

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A transcript for Episode 179: Calendrical Is Totally A Word (2021-11-30).

Pronoiac passed the podcast to


Cortex 0:00 Oh yeah, and I guess we just do like a cold start. Hey, it's episode 179 of the Metafilter podcast. Welcome to you from me, Josh cortex Mullard.

Jessamyn 0:21 And welcome to you from me. Jessamyn That was weird freezing. Cold. Yeah,

Cortex 0:30 yeah. Thanks for running with my bullshit there. I didn't know what's gonna happen. Maybe this is take seven. Who knows? Yes, this is here we are. It is. It is the end of November it is the podcast. And we're doing this thing again, where we talk to each other about metal filter and stuff.

Jessamyn 0:46 Right? Right. Yeah, it's not even like late in the month. And it's not even. It's not even the next month yet. Yeah, just reminds me maybe I'm gonna be smart. And for the first time in probably 18 months, maybe flipped my calendar on the exact day the calendar supposed to be flipped?

Cortex 1:03 Have you been doing like ahead of time or No, behind the no,

Jessamyn 1:06 I've been months behind sometimes. It's always got like, seasonal birds on it, you know, so I'm just like, oh, shit, like, I'm still looking at the spring bird. And it's like, it's safely autumn now. And it's just, you know, it's it's just an indicator of the weird times we found ourselves in, but I'm really trying, I feel like it's a sign of kind of mental or emotional health, combined with, you know, just the health of the world around me that I can stay on top of it. So

Cortex 1:36 yeah, you know, it's, it's a funny thing. Like, I never really use paper calendars very well. And I use digital calendars slightly better. But like, I feel like one of the weird experiences of having sort of grown up before that was a thing. And now like Google Calendar is like much more sensibly the thing or like shift for people use that is like, you know, I can see what's wrong with both of them. I don't have a solution. But like, I think they both don't do a good enough job, what I what I really want is just like a perfect internal calendar. And that's definitely on their mind, in my brain, I want my brain to work. But short of that, like, it's okay, let's use external tools

Jessamyn 2:13 works pretty well. And it's a little weird, because of course, as you get older, it works a little less well. And that's normal. And yet it does mean you have to kind of patch it up with other ways of, you know, I sent more reminders now than I did like 10 years ago. And the one thing I used to have like a year, up a wall calendar, that was one big year, right, because when I used to travel a lot, I would want to know that maybe I had something coming up at the beginning of next month or something and iCal didn't used to do that, you'd have to click to the next month to see the next month. But if you're traveling on the first that can make the 30th a little worse. But like for, I think last year, maybe was the first year I didn't buy one of those calendars, because I've pretty much switched to the digital calendar. But an iCal the Macintosh calendar program, I guess it's called calendar now changed so that it's now just a continuous scroll, you know, like so instead of clicking the December I scroll to December, and it's actually at the bottom of the November calendar. But what it does is it has the month headings kind of move fluidly up and down. And as a result, sometimes I'm not sure if I'm looking at like December sixth there November 6, like I'm scrolling, you know, six months ahead or behind and it's just it's a my brain thing. But it's definitely like, Man, when I had just a piece of paper on the wall, this was handled.

Cortex 3:49 You know what month it is, you know what month you're looking at spatially? Yeah, and

Jessamyn 3:53 I swear to God, I wouldn't know what day it was if I didn't have like a daily pill container. You know what I mean? Yeah. Which again, fine, but it seems like a slightly sad reason for that, but also kind of a happy reason because like, it means I don't have some dumb job that I don't like that's you know, outlining, outlining my day.

Cortex 4:14 It is an interesting thing. Like I I can keep track of the days of the week because you know, I have a shift schedule, automatic filter,

Jessamyn 4:22 right? Not a dumb job at all. Sorry, I didn't mean to be

Cortex 4:25 No, no, no, no, but like, no, no, but no the concept like like, is right there. It's like I have I have a job and that keeps me like it's a job with a weekly schedule. So that keeps me moored in the way that's I think if it was sort of just like we were still doing it the old always on sort of thing not so helpful. Like I remember not really having a sense of the day the week back in 2009 A lot of the time. Yeah, because we were just all I want to say free ball and that's not even the

Jessamyn 4:52 absolute not the right

Cortex 4:54 term. Now, but anyway.

Jessamyn 4:57 Well and then I found out Matt took weekends off And then that's when

Cortex 5:01 that's when it all started to change.

Jessamyn 5:04 But yeah, no, my, you know, Jim has weekends, like real weekends. Yeah, so a lot of my schedule gets a little framed by his schedule, because Monday is a workday for him. Whereas it's not for me. I mean, it is kind of like, I do shit. But like, I do shit on Sundays, too. Yeah, in fact, this morning, my work today was waking up. And there was like, a message and texts on my phone. And I was like, What the fuck What, what, and it was like, some lovely random person who I've worked with in the past, whose computer got hacked, or more likely malware. And he was gonna be in my town, like in an hour and was not around. And, you know, normally I just be like, but like, you know, malware is probably simple for me, tough for him. And literally, all he wanted to do was drop it off. Like he didn't want to hang out or anything. So, you know, I got into some clothes that looked like not pajamas. And put on some moisturizer. So I looked like not just woken up, and you know, met him at the door with my mask. And now I have a little windows 10 machine to fuck around with later today.

Cortex 6:13 Yeah, I like in principle, the idea of having sort of like a response driven schedule of like, you know, well, you know, when when I decide something's going to come up, then then, you know, but like, there is a certain amount of stress involved with that, I think, when it's combines with a fixed schedule, like when it's my schedule, and Angeles because like, like Angela has a steady like, weekly schedule, too. And like our schedules are slightly different, but we've managed to overlap them. So days regular at her job. Yeah, yeah. No, she's working like Tuesday through Saturday, basically. So she's got Sunday Monday off and I do too. Nice accent really nice. So we mentioned a line those up. But yeah, it's like it's, I like the response, like just sort of responding to things as they come up and the spontaneity in principle, but in practice, like that collides with, like a schedule in a way that's trickier. Sometimes.

Jessamyn 7:07 Yeah, I've got a bunch of like, you know, civic group meetings, which are often kind of in the evenings, which is fine, except when I also have like, a talk to prepare for the next day, or a writing deadline, or whatever the thing is, and like, you know, there were a few like people and things in my life that will take priority over work, but not most of them. And so then I'm like, my writing deadline is usually not a big deal, unless I've got some stupid two and a half hour meeting to figure out if somebody needs to pay their water bill or not. Which is, you know, good work. And I'm happy to do it. But I'm a lot more crumbly about it. If another thing that pays money to do kind of also.

Cortex 7:50 Let's see. So we're, we're on it's been a shorter span again, because we're getting closer. Well, we've successfully gotten to like not we've gotten successfully for the month, boy. Oh,

Jessamyn 8:03 yeah. I was delighted to hear from you. Instead of like, Josh, are you aware of the passing of time? It's now a new month that I have.

Cortex 8:12 Yes. I've had a slightly more shit together the unusual couple of days in turn. Congratulations.

Jessamyn 8:20 Actually so great. I expect great things from us.

Cortex 8:26 Yes, we're gonna we're gonna fucking knock it out of the park is what we're gonna do.

Jessamyn 8:29 Yeah, see, knock it out of the park. That's a lot better than like free balling.

Cortex 8:34 I don't know. I don't know why. I did see it. Like I saw Tom Petty reference earlier, it was freefall. And so maybe it was just like jumping around my head and trying to find a way out. Yeah, should be talking about metal filter. I don't know Metafilter.

Jessamyn 8:47 I've been enjoying metal filter. I enjoyed metal filter a little bit this morning even and this month, I've been paying more attention, I think than usual, because I've made some posts and gyms made some posts. And I'll talk about those as well as some posts that other people

Cortex 9:02 it helps this is this is a thing I will say confidential to our listeners, if you are someone who posts on medical terms sometimes and sometimes you don't get around to posting a medical just make a post on medical turbulence while like just some little thing you liked. And it turns out that like, oh, yeah, then you go read that thread and you like it. And yeah, these are these secret tips from from a pro person who is on the web, that engagement often involves engagement. This is tautologies one on one with cortex

Jessamyn 9:30 engagement equals engagement. Well yeah, and sometimes what happens to me is you know, I A lot of times what happens to me is, you know, I'm reading something or I'm somewhere else on the internet like, I saw some posts on Wall chop about somebody or maybe I made this post Oh, for fucksakes Gentleman. I'm on mug shop. There was a thing about a person who had a medicine cabinet full of fake money. Did you see this? I did. And it's like a way for them to prank like put tension there like a props manager. Yeah, so they've just put 5000 $500,000 and fake money in the medicine cabinet just to fuck with Tinder dates. And so that was funny. But then Archie was like, Oh my God, there's a really interesting story about the history of, of what the laws are governing fake money in the United States. It's weirder than you might think. And I was like, Yeah, what a weird story I'm gonna take. It's a metal filter. And then I took it to metal filter. And the double post thing was like, somebody already posted about this in 2014. And I was like, that's kind of recent. So I passed on it, you could have gone for it that's on the page. And I was like, oh, since I'm here, I'm gonna start reading some stuff and had a delightful time.

Cortex 10:45 I learned that story. I learned about some of that weirdness from probably that meta filter posts, because that feels about the right amount of time that it feels like it's been. Which Yeah, I had no idea and Well, you shouldn't you should toss it in like, you know, toss it in the posted. Yeah,

Jessamyn 11:03 well, yeah. Well,

Cortex 11:04 was it because like, yeah,

Jessamyn 11:05 14? Yeah, it was actually Oh, that's nice, because I just make some of this stuff up, because I figured nobody's gonna check. But like, it was actually last year or something. But ya know, the fraud business of making fake money for movies and TV a crisis? Tom? Chris. Chris Austin. Thank you. Yes, they're post and very interesting. And the thread was really kind of fun.

Cortex 11:28 Yeah. No, I remember being like I had no idea about at the time. Like, if you're listening, go go read the post. It's interesting. But the short version is basically for anti counterfeiting reasons. In particular, there's a great deal of regulation on stuff that looks a lot like money, but isn't, because that is also known as counterfeit money. And so owning or moving or distributing fake cash is really, really tricky. If you don't want to accidentally go up on federal charges.

Jessamyn 11:57 Yeah. And they talk in the article that's linked here about, you know, before stuff was regulated, here's way stuff went poorly with fake money. Here's ways stuff went poorly with real money. And, you know, the different the different ways people tried to manage that. Yeah, that doesn't make and it's, it's so interesting, because a lot of the sort of counterfeiting stuff isn't people trying to pass a 20 at the local supermarket. It's somebody taking you know, a stack of 20s to a different country and exchanging it because people know less what an American 20 Looks like, I'd be hard pressed to tell you what an American 20 looks like. Like, specifically enough to tell it from another one. You know what I mean? Like, my childhood 20s I could tell because I'm more familiar with them, but like, they keep fucking around with new ones. Not sure I know what it looks like anymore. Especially 100. Which I don't see that often.

Cortex 12:54 It'd be interesting to see a like web based sort of quiz on like, you know, spotting right?

Jessamyn 13:00 Is this a 25th? What cuz they were making the

Cortex 13:04 getting getting up on for now I'm sure they were like, nobody

Jessamyn 13:07 would nobody would confuse this counterfeit money with real money. It says in dog we trust on it. What the fuck, but like, you know, the Secret Service was like, No, can't No, you can't have that cancels. Very, very interesting. So I guess that's the my opener is this post from 2014 that I wish I'd been making last week.

Cortex 13:29 I genuinely enjoy those moments. Honestly. Like that whole. That whole like, like, it's you want to have been the person to post it, but also, like, the fact that it's been posted is like such a validation of your instinct. Okay, well, you know, I was right. I wasn't first, but I was right.

Jessamyn 13:44 Well, and the problem that I'm having right now is that I'm reading an absolutely fascinating book. It's you Have you read any of Mary roaches books, she wrote a book and a whole bunch of like, single word titles about getting interested in Topic stiff is all about the curious life of human cadavers. Bonk is about sex researchers sex and sex researchers. And I'm reading one called fuzz. Do you want to guess?

Cortex 14:10 Is it about the history of policing?

Jessamyn 14:13 Kind of, it's a double meaning. You want to worry about

Cortex 14:18 the history of police who are also furries

Jessamyn 14:22 close the history of wildlife management police. Oh, like the cops in Aspen who have to spend all of their time it's not cops. It's like a different brand of sure, you know, enforcement people, but they have to keep people you know, on top of dealing with their trash to keep the bears out of aspen. Like because if you don't lock your trash, the bears gonna get into your trash, but it's, you know, it's one of those public health issues, right? It's very difficult, as we have learned, to get people to do the right thing for community health reasons, you know, And so basically, I'm learning a whole bunch of deep things. One was about this, like moose wildlife research thing up in Alaska. And so I'm reading about in the book, and I'm like, That's really interesting. I should make a meta filter post, but like, none of the stuff in the book has a good link on the internet, you know, and I'm waiting to find somebody that's got a good web presence. Like she goes to this like, wildlife attack seminar for these wildlife management people like how do you deal with, like, looking at a, like crime? Maybe crime scene? And how do you figure out if somebody was attacked by a wolf or attacked by a human trying to make it look like a wolf? And like, fascinating, right? I wouldn't I want to know more about those classes, but they have the world's worst website. There's no information on it. She makes them sound cool. But they're just not on the internet. So I'm waiting. I'm waiting. Yeah. But the bugs great fuzz, fuzz.

Cortex 16:01 I think Angela's read at least one of hers. But yeah, I don't think I have read any. Yeah. And I

Jessamyn 16:06 really liked her writing. She's a little jokey jokey, which made like the stiff book a little weird. Have a read, you know, because you know, she's like joking about these dead people. And it's funny because like, I'm not against that. But it just it didn't sit right with me in a way that I don't know. It was just hard to get around. But with this was just like, you know, bears in the trash, leopard attacks, blah, blah, blah. It's a little easier to Yeah, texture. I

Cortex 16:32 feel like tone in pop nonfiction is always sort of a weird thing. To have something that's not incredibly dry, but how you managed to make it not dry is also a real like Malcolm

Jessamyn 16:42 Gladwell, that smug fuck. But like he's an example, right? Like I think one of the reasons people either react well to him or not well to him is because he has a very particular tone in his books. Yeah. I'm on the not well, side, in case that wasn't clear. Yeah.

Cortex 17:09 Let's do a quick jobs round up.

Jessamyn 17:10 Okay, I put a job up,

Cortex 17:12 you did you put a job up. Job up,

Jessamyn 17:15 I got a response to the job on Thursday of all things, which was American Thanksgiving. And then I followed up, and then I haven't gotten a follow up to my follow up. But I'm pretty excited about this. My job was just somebody who could make a Greasemonkey script. Because I have to do this fiddly thing for the volunteer work I do at the Internet Archive, somebody sends me a URL, I need to trim that URL, change one part of that URL. And that takes me to a hidden download page where I can download the item that I can make available for print disabled users. Pardon me, and I'm doing it a lot more now. And you know how nerds are. I want it to be two seconds faster. But I don't have the capability to write that script myself. But I do have somebody who maybe is going to help me with that.

Cortex 18:08 Nice, straight straightforward optimizations to repeating tasks are a good thing because they feel good like it's not even just like it's not the two seconds it's the two seconds and the knowledge of the two seconds

Jessamyn 18:20 great like smart keywords all over my browser so that I can search Wikipedia just by typing Wk blah. And it feels good every time I do it.

Cortex 18:32 There's also a job from RSA basically looking for someone to go be their eyes on the ground at a store in Portland.

Jessamyn 18:46 How is that not full already? That

Cortex 18:48 it might be luck. I

Jessamyn 18:50 love those restores i

Cortex 18:54 Yeah, basically go to restore and look for a few specific items. Which actually go there again some time because, yes, there's always such a weird variety of stuff. If next time I'm sitting around feeling like really, really art, right, I should just go to restore because like walking around and getting like weird ideas for collage.

Jessamyn 19:11 Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Cortex 19:13 It's like, it's so good books there.

Jessamyn 19:14 And they have a lot of like, weird around here. Anyhow, weird deadstock like craft supplies, and sometimes like home furnishing stuff, like new in a package, but the package is 50 years old, you know? And sometimes it's exactly the weird shit you need for your 100 year old apartment. You know, yeah, the perfect drain stopper or whatever the thing is, yeah, that's an interesting job.

Cortex 19:40 And then Chang Han has three different software related. posts up.

Jessamyn 19:45 I was surprised that was not Jesse Chen. But it's actually Jason Chen. I think. I did not look. Jessie Chan is, you know, older, you know, blogger, internet user guy who worked at Bitly for a long time. I'm not sure where he's at right now. Yeah, but you know, friends of friends, and I was like, oh my god, is that him? No, it is not. Anyway,

Cortex 20:05 there's three different levels of, sort of, or roles of software design. They it sounds like it's remote. Canada based in Hey, check. Oh,

Jessamyn 20:12 nice. Wow, I bet working in Canada is great. Oh, there's that chunky, there's a really fat nut hatch that comes around here.

Cortex 20:21 Do we have a name for that yet? Has it come up on the pod

Jessamyn 20:24 chunky nut hatch? Yeah, no, because chunky nut hatch is new. But there's like two and one of them's really fat. And the other one's normal size. Like it's weird to be able to tell birds apart. Because

Cortex 20:35 it's not just this not the patch. It's DS not patches. Yeah, yeah. Okay,

Jessamyn 20:43 I guess. But yeah. Working working in Canada. These jobs pay? Well. And I don't know. It seems kind of interesting. So yeah. Good. And I think that's all the jobs right? I think so. Yes. I hope shade and tents got their document dropped off from last month. Yeah. I'm always just kind of curious. Oh, and projects, which, you know, as I spend more time on I spend less time on projects that Metafilter the comment I should

Cortex 21:14 it goes back and forth. You know, you end up in different places. Yes, projects. There are some projects, one of which is waxy. Wax pancake, Andy Bale has launched skittish which is this thing he's been working on for the last ever right yes, the thing? Yes. And it's a well how many depends on how long forever he's worked on Neverland several things. But this is the the recent thing he's been working on for a while, which is a weird little virtual space. That is kind of delightful and is browser based. And it's, it's nice. There's a demo, you can play with it. I kind of like the doing some sort of like medical or get together on skittish. I just haven't like figured out what to do yet. But it could be like a

Jessamyn 21:58 cleaner community engagement person.

Cortex 22:00 Maybe, maybe. But anyway, it's neat. Is the actual title here.

Jessamyn 22:06 Cuz I think that would be cool. And I would attend. I think that would be nifty.

Cortex 22:11 We will do it for sort of a holiday thing.

Jessamyn 22:13 Oh, that's a great idea. I love it.

Cortex 22:15 So yeah, that is very cool and exciting. It's it's like yeah, it's neat. So yes, that is a thing.

Jessamyn 22:22 Egg doc has the Bible with added swearing.

Cortex 22:28 Did not see this yet.

Jessamyn 22:30 So National Novel generation.

Cortex 22:32 My Oh yeah. Nanogen Mo

Jessamyn 22:34 Yeah, with the personalized Bible. And it's, you know, seven and a half megabytes of profanity laced god damn Project Gutenberg god damn edition of the fucking King James motherfucking. Bible motherfucking TABLE OF GOD DAMN contents. So I think what is happening is they're using you know, AI to determine, like, where you can put swears, which are actually you know, determined by certain things. You can't put a swear yes, there's

Cortex 23:08 there's Grammatik limitations on that. For what will sound correct.

Jessamyn 23:14 Yeah, but it basically takes the Bible which is you know, public domain and fucks it right up. So Kool Aid chickadee titmouse. To the as as we go bird recital, because they didn't show up. They This is they just started showing up, they'd be gone.

Cortex 23:33 You need to make a soundboard with like, a little like two second song for each bird and press that.

Jessamyn 23:40 You know. So that is a good idea.

Cortex 23:42 Because people love it. When have people have novelty soundboards on podcasts? Do they? They don't. They don't think Well, I

Jessamyn 23:49 don't know. I also I have speaking of what people love on podcasts. I as you probably remember, I asked that question about please help me find podcasts and the Metafilter community responded with a great list of podcasts. And I was like, Oh my God, thank you. I'm gonna start listening to this. And then on Twitter, somebody just recommended some other random podcasts not even to me, but just to the internet. And I was like, that's what I want to listen to. So I haven't yet looked through the wonderful thread of wonderful suggestions. Because I've been listening to like Kevin Hart's comedy gold mines, which I would not have thought I would have liked. But it's him talking about the comedy business with like famous people in comedy right now. He's interviewing David Letterman. Like, you know, old David Letterman has become a fascinating individual in his later life, which I guess anybody who's seen his Netflix show would know, but I hadn't seen it. So it's been interesting listening to it. And Kevin Hart is an interesting, capable interviewer. So once I've burned through these, I will then go back to the podcast well in my AskMe Metafilter thread, start listening again.

Cortex 25:00 If you build an actual well if just like put all the, like, lightweight, like wrote each suggestion down like a little wooden block and toss it down there and every time you were like time for other podcasts, you would go out to the well and lower bucket and bring it back. Oh, you're

Jessamyn 25:13 kind of kidding.

Cortex 25:14 But I'm gonna kind of kidding. But I'm also kind of not

Jessamyn 25:16 I'm gonna tell you specifically that one of the biggest parts of cleaning out my mother's house. In the last, you know, big project that everybody's probably tired of hearing about was locating the well that nobody knew where it was. What you know, the actual well, where the water comes from, it doesn't have one of those little buckets, it doesn't have one of those. But literally, we had never known where it was, we had to find it. And you know, that involves people like, you know, doing stuff from the pipes in your house and making some good guesses. And our fear was the well was going to be under the deck my father belt, which was going to mean taking the deck apart. But in fact, it was about six feet next to it. And yeah, so now I have one and I know where it is. You can't really hook stuff down it though. Yeah, kind of a problem. Yeah. But I do like that metaphor. And I liked that idea. In a general sense, just specific, that

Cortex 26:19 would be such a miserable thing to actually have to accomplish. But given this sort of figurative thing. There is a whole flurry of books out from mefites Let's see There's

Jessamyn 26:35 put them in the mall. If you've got a new book, listening to this all 17 of you

Cortex 26:40 submitted to the Metafilter model and get up there. So yes, peach has written the stick Princess, the third book in a series called The ways of magic. And you can get that online you can get that on Kindle. Paul Slade who we've talked about photography and such posts on projects before has a murder ballads book that went out of print and now it's back in print. That's that's a nice accomplishment. Yankee frog has

Jessamyn 27:12 big Do we have a Yankee frog.

Cortex 27:16 It's probably just Yankee fog and I parser this frog once upon a time forever ago, and then never checked it but I'll search in a second. Anyway.

Jessamyn 27:27 them a lot. Because they were the one that had to help me find this address in Vienna. Classic.

Cortex 27:34 Yeah, I think I just I think

Jessamyn 27:38 literally Yankee frog though.

Cortex 27:39 Yeah. Yeah, let me check. Let me check and see if there's a lurking Yankee frog. But anyway, Yankee fog also has a

Jessamyn 27:47 book so wait, what's their book?

Cortex 27:49 I linked it that's the princess unlimited.

Jessamyn 27:54 Oh, I thought I got the two. Oh, yeah, it's two different Princess different Princess books.

Cortex 28:00 We're playing on hardmode today.

Jessamyn 28:03 Yeah, definitely Yankee fog.

Cortex 28:05 There is no Yankee frog, which would be a good username not Yankee, Yankee Froggy, but there is no Yankee frog would also be a good username. So

Jessamyn 28:13 yes. Also, Princess unlimited comes to with a link to a free activity kit and peaches book. Peach got the rights to their previous two books. And so it's a nice trilogy as if I am understanding correctly.

Cortex 28:31 Yes, I believe that is the case. That's cool. So yeah. Hey, there's I'm wrong. There's four books because veggie boy has the How to sue V. Cook. I

Jessamyn 28:43 feel like veggie boy comes out with a holiday book every year.

Cortex 28:45 I think I feel like that too. It feels like to know how

Jessamyn 28:49 to cvwd I've got some chicken in my freezer. I think I think you can do that. Oh, and usually did what?

Cortex 29:00 Sorry, chicken in the corn. I'm trying to remember even like I learned

Unknown Speaker 29:04 this was oh my god, Oh, well.

Cortex 29:07 I'll link it whatever.

Jessamyn 29:10 My sister who like we did three person Thanksgiving this year, which was better than zero person thanks, or one person Thanksgiving and then spending the next day in the ER last year for me. But like my sister, just when she's doing well, which she has been lately, really loves to cook. And so she made like a crazy, you know, seven or eight different things for Thanksgiving. But she tweaked into the fact that like, you don't actually have to cook your turkey until the internal temperatures like 165 you can actually cook it till the internal temperatures like one I don't know don't take my word for it. But like look it up. We cooked our turkey to a lower internal temperature. And it was actually significantly better than it has been years past because of whatever this is Ah, witchcraft is that she found out about, you know if you cook it to this much but then you let it sit it'll continue to cook a little bit more and then that'll be adequate for all of the stuff you need to cook meat for to take place. And yeah, it was a revelation was really cool. Nice. Yeah Do you guys have a good Thanksgiving by the way? Did you do?

Cortex 30:20 Yeah, yeah no we just said to Angela's mom came over and we had got to what has become an increasingly tradition because I'm extremely in favor of it is getting smoked turkey from a meat shop in town called

Jessamyn 30:34 nice.

Cortex 30:36 And it's great because like, you know, you don't have to fucking figure out how to cook Turkey it's already you know,

Jessamyn 30:41 is it like the whole turkey or is it part of

Cortex 30:43 Turkey? Like it's like a you know? Oh, yeah, no, right. Yeah. Right. It's, it's so good. So we get that and, you know, it's like a 1012 pound bird and it lasts us like we'll have meat for a good long while and got some sides from a restaurant in town that had closed at one point or the pandemic and they managed to reopen. Oh, great, they're still around and some good pie. And Angela made up some cranberry sauce. And yeah,

Jessamyn 31:09 it was my sister made. She made a cranberry jelly that she was like, super into. And I'm sorry, I was gonna send you a picture. She actually got to use like one of her vintage jello molds because like, my sister maybe has too many things, you know, but she loves them, right? So I don't know if it's a problem or not. I always am a little weirded out by it. But one of the things she has is a whole bunch of classic jello molds, including one that is she used for the cranberry jelly and even though she's really the only person who likes cranberry jelly and whatever, it just made her so happy. And I was like well, more power to you. Like, you know if that's the thing you love, it's the thing you love. Good?

Cortex 31:55 Yeah,

Jessamyn 31:56 I'll send you a picture.

Cortex 31:59 But one other project while we're running the gamut here that's the direct link not the project's link which is what I want boots fun to narrate your linking formula non a photography project from lawrencium which is 10 year long project of photography in the sort of like the vicinity of in the outskirts of Formula One racing. Oh me places.

Jessamyn 32:28 So tell me anything about Formula One racing?

Cortex 32:31 Basically nothing it's got its it's very fast. It's very specialty cars.

Jessamyn 32:35 So it's not stock cars. It's like low cars, like tires.

Cortex 32:40 Yeah, these are these are the race cars. Well, you won't see any of them. That's the interesting thing about the project is it's more pictures of people and infrastructure around fantastic of the racing. Yeah, no f1 Cars are like one of the the race car race cars, the ones that like nothing except a purpose built track racing. Oh, these pictures are beautiful. But ya know, they're they're great photos. And this is like a snippet of the overall photography work has done over the last 10 years. He talks about it on the project and on that site, but yeah, it's nice.

Jessamyn 33:10 Oh, my gosh, I love this. Yeah. I mean, I'm such a sucker for I don't know, just just the abstract photography. So hey, nice, thank you. And it's what Squarespace say, is that what that little square is,

Cortex 33:23 I didn't even notice.

Jessamyn 33:25 Well, I'm always curious, like, who pays for your hosting? Like, it's just my ongoing question.

Cortex 33:34 I wanted to say by the way on on the question of what Yankees we do have usernames, we've got

Jessamyn 33:39 a hotel foxtrot? I think right.

Cortex 33:42 I don't think we have a Yankee hotel Foxtrot, Delta. i It's not well, okay, here's here's all the usernames Yankee as a substring that I found the search Yankee, the old Yankee, Yankee Gooner, damn Yankee, Yankee fog. Yankee. Name's Dixie new NY Yankee man, New York.

Jessamyn 34:08 Yankees. It's their baseball team.

Cortex 34:10 Yeah, well, it's okay. Fair enough. Yankees swamp Yankee and let's see the recently not a member anymore Yankee King 6700s.

Jessamyn 34:24 What do you mean recently not a member anymore?

Cortex 34:27 A couple years ago actually. Was Was that was just someone who got banned for having their shit together. Basically.

Jessamyn 34:34 I was like, Is there a story there? Because I don't

Cortex 34:36 know. I was trying to remember whether there was a good story is like now not really. It's just Oh,

Jessamyn 34:41 I have a weird funny banning story for you. That is like an ongoing thing for me. It has nothing to do with Metafilter has to do with Wikipedia. Do you remember like I think it was caveolae FV or something? Guy on metal filter? I was a little sticky on certain topics and occasionally would like chase me around from like metal filter. Yeah, wiki pedia but like very active Wikipedia and and I don't know how active he was on Metafilter. But like, I've been working on a weird project this month on Wikipedia to do what's called New Page patrolling. Meaning when somebody makes a new page, somebody puts human eyeballs on it to make sure it's a, it's a good page and you know, you add those citation needed tags or other things, whatever. They're trying to get rid of their backlog. And so I figured I'd help do that. I want to be a journeyman Wikipedia person. But I just found out he's been banned from Wikipedia, and I can't find out so far. Why? And I'm very curious, because getting banned from Wikipedia takes work. Yes. getting banned from Metafilter. Which,

Cortex 35:49 yeah, he banned from Metafilter. But that's just, you know, the bar there is do something ban worthy, and then it happens to

Jessamyn 35:55 be awful. Whereas I think as many people know, there's tons of awful people that crawl around Wikipedia all day, every day. And he wasn't, to the best of my knowledge, one of those people, but I did notice that he no longer has an account there. So I'm super curious. Yeah, I don't think anybody listening to this is more deep into Wikipedia than I am. But if you are, and you know, I'd be curious. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to ask somebody.

Cortex 36:22 Yeah, who knows? Yeah. Interesting. Just that, you know, that's, that's, that's very curious. And also, I think, I think mostly, I don't care. It's a good place to be. But like I did in a trivial sense. It's that is that is an interesting wrinkle on the whole thing. Yeah. Should we talk about medical or proper? Shall we visit the blue? Yeah, let's,

Jessamyn 36:47 let's visit the blue. There. You know, like, every month, there's a whole bunch of really interesting stuff. I actually made a popular post this month, which was as much of a surprise to me as anyone else. But I've been trying to make an effort as we were talking earlier about, you know, if I find something cool on the internet, sharing it with the people of metaphysics, or not just the people of Twitter. And so this was something I think I found on malt shop was basically a supercut of every guest star in alphabetical order from The Love Boat.

Cortex 37:25 That going by, I did not actually sit down and watch it. But

Jessamyn 37:28 yeah, it is definitely one of the longer non political threads I have participated in on metal filter in years. Because it's like, love both spanned this time where it would have some classic old Hollywood people in it, you know, Don Ameche, and that kind of stuff. But also like people from kind of hot Current TV shows, plus like, you know, young stars, who are still people who are acting today and it is fascinating, fascinating, really interesting. And it's just ridiculous because it's whatever it is. 45 minutes of just the opening to love bow with the song looping and looping and looping and looping. And you're seeing smiling, smiling, smiling, smiling people. And yeah, it was really great. And you know, people just enjoyed it for the most part, which I always like, if you can do it. Like, there's a lot of great Hanukkah videos. Happy Hanukkah, by the way, Charlie, Mac, how do you pronounce that word?

Cortex 38:31 I think show summer. But I'm also like, not a reliable source on.

Jessamyn 38:37 Neither am I shouldn't have shouldn't have gone down that road.

Cortex 38:40 I remember you giving me giving me guff on Twitter something years ago when I rhymed. Home with rhyme. I think there was a argument of whether it's home or home.

Jessamyn 38:52 Oh, yeah. Cuz I do say Hi. Um,

Cortex 38:55 it's also fun. Well, it's funny, I I've sort of moved a little bit in that direction, I think mostly out of weird peer pressure, maybe.

Jessamyn 39:03 But I like how you can recall historical guff I've given to you on this completely transient platform like Twitter.

Cortex 39:10 It's, you know, I mean, Twitter's not going to remember it. I've got to hold this stuff in my heart. Oh, man.

Jessamyn 39:14 And you know, there's more and more people on Twitter now who just kind of have a little thing that kind of sweeps up after them. And they delete their tweets after like, a year or two. Yeah. And there's like old tweets that I of course, remember, like, you know, funny jokes, usually. And I go back and try to find them and they're just not there anymore. Because, you know, it's kind of Twitter hygiene for some people and more power to them.

Cortex 39:34 Which Yeah, like, like, it's a valid choice to make, but also it's like, it's for me personally, it's, it feels like such an anathema like I want I mean, and that's not news for me, like I have that sort of weird sort of completest archivist tendency to look at stuff but but it also Yeah, it's also a completely reasonable decision to make. Yeah,

Jessamyn 39:54 so at any rate, Happy Hanukkah, which was what I was saying, and but now I can't remember why it was

Cortex 40:01 There's lots of Hanukkah videos you were saying, oh,

Jessamyn 40:03 yeah, there's lots of Hanukkah videos that are kind of fun. Like there's one by Kosha dills, who's my new favorite, you know, Jewish rapper, but like, I don't want to get into a fight about Israel right now you know what I mean? And so that kind of stuff is not the kind of stuff I'm feeling like posting to metal filter right now, even though it's things I've been drawing, but stuff like this that kind of just has an everybody can like it. And nobody wants to show up. And I learned a new term on Twitter this week trauma dumping, where like, you say, something that you enjoy, and somebody's like, yeah, must be nice to have a boyfriend. I haven't dated anybody in 20 years kind of thing. And like, you know, it's not what people always do. But there's definitely some people for whom that's their MO. And you know, if that's your reality, it's your reality, I get it. But it can definitely change the tone in a room or in a thread. Whereas on Twitter, it's a little easier to kind of bury or just not go down that road. It's a little more difficult, I think, a metal filter to ignore the person who's like, Yeah, but Israel are a bunch of fucking assholes. And I'm like, Well, sure, but this, you know, but the holiday, but this guy isn't a Zionist. But so yeah,

Cortex 41:16 yeah. It's, you know, I mean, that's, like, this is not a threat. I'm particularly interested in myself, but like, I had a comment in, I left a mod note in a thread. Just the other day, let me organize my thoughts here. So there's, I left, I bet somebody left a comment, like sort of saying, hey, the way we deal on meta filter with people having critical comments about the context in which something exists, and people also wanting to talk about the thing itself, like immediate property, in this case, like it's a new show, is we can just, we can talk about both, like it does not need to be a mediation of one and the other by deciding which one people are allowed to talk about. The world is complicated, and there's room for two kinds of discussions happening. And I think that's, that feels like, like for the metaphor model where we have this long flat thread, that is what you can do because yeah, you can't just like look away and not encounter people who are having whatever, you know, it's not necessarily trauma and everything like in this case, I think it's like people being critical about Netflix and, and the culture that this show which is based on a video game comes from which is like a really toxic gaming culture. Is that Is that something else? I know, this is a show called arcane, which is based on League of Legends. I think it is. It's yeah, yeah, it's League of Legends is a long running MOBA to competitive online video game and

Jessamyn 42:43 sorry, what is MOBA

Cortex 42:45 X sums it up? Probably. multiplayer online battle arena is what Oh, I get it. Okay. It's like the least fucking descriptive. But someone had to come up with a name for it back when they were taking off. So the MOBA is what they're called. God, this is a really long, winding way to get around saying like, Hey, this is apparently a good show, based on a wildly popular video game with a notoriously toxic player base, being put up by Netflix, who is a company that has been getting some justifiable criticism for their shittily handing handling of stuff like the Chappelle Show, and basically not seeming like they're doing a good job was like, you know, not being shitty about trans rights.

Jessamyn 43:31 They've done anything. I mean, I'm aware of the issue. And in fact, I got into a, not an argument because I refuse to not have to argue about it. But like, you know, with with one of my black friends who was basically like, What's your problem with Dave Chappelle? And I'm like, What's your problem with trans people? And it was a really, you know, cuz, yeah, I, Chappelle is dead to me, you know, before for how he decided to handle this. But it's really been weird listening to the Kevin Hart podcast, where almost everybody is like, he's fucking genius. And, you know, and this is post controversy, for the most part, these people saying this, and it's interesting watching that play out just in comedy circles, but also has Netflix done to anything, or Has it just been people yelling at them, basically. I

Cortex 44:19 don't know. Don't Don't get me wrong.

Jessamyn 44:21 I think those people are right. And I think it's appropriate to tell Netflix, hey, we don't appreciate you giving a platform to this. But I haven't yet anything.

Cortex 44:33 I don't know what the state of corporate response to it is. Or if it's anything other than like, well, let's move on. Like, I remember there was some very like, sort of wishy washy mealy mouthed statements right at the time, but like it was nothing worth clapping for.

Jessamyn 44:48 Right? Yeah.

Cortex 44:49 So you can't like you can't remove that context. But you also like you can't say hey, because Netflix is bad. No one can discuss this show or knowing its own merits point. I

Jessamyn 44:58 think it's like no one can watch Netflix. Oh, you'd like Netflix to bad. You know, they suck for this reason, which I get. And, you know, different people make different decisions. But that becomes almost a confrontational conversation. You know, my friend was definitely like, you know, I don't think he should be canceled. And I'm like, I think maybe he should be. But, you know, she's obviously feels, how she feels she's coming from a different background than me. Don't know, you know? Those conversations are interesting to me. But depending on how you decide to talk about it, it can essentially stop conversation dead, because the implication is, there's something wrong with you, if you enjoy a thing that many other people enjoy, kind of. Yeah,

Cortex 45:41 yeah. And navigating, navigating that in a way that allows it to not shut things down is very media. Specific to like, like, if you have threading or if you have sort of private spin off rooms or whatnot, you know, that's different from like doing it in a sort of public, real,

Jessamyn 45:58 conversational, acumen specific some people I think, can. Some people can thread that needle and are aware of it. Some people don't care to thread that needle, even if they could, and then some people might try and just can't and yeah, that's tough. Yeah.

Cortex 46:15 And yeah, like, to some extent, being a good conversationalist, in the general sense involves being aware of that too, and be able to sort of model where other people are coming from. But like, there's also the, we want to get meta meta on it. Like, you know, there's the the work required to be that mediating presence and whether or not it's one's responsibility to be that mediating presence, which comes back to the idea that this was a moderator note that someone paid to try to help steer, you know, was a very

Jessamyn 46:42 well, it, it's emotional labor, which it's great if you can get paid to do that work. But it's harder if you're kind of somebody's doing that unpaid work. And I mean, oh my gosh, in the shadow of American Thanksgiving, I'm sure there's a lot of people who are thinking about that, like, I've definitely talked to some of my friends who had mixed interactions with family. And, you know, figuring out what the role is there when somebody wants to get in your face with their terrible opinions. It's interesting. And I appreciate it being vaguely abstract in my life.

Cortex 47:17 I made a post on a wild shift. I made a mildly appreciated post, which seems to shift command in I don't know, tone it subject. Oh, wait, like a shift? Sorry, shift, like a change?

Jessamyn 47:33 Oh, okay. I thought it was, I had a wild shift at work. And I was like, tell me,

Cortex 47:41 like the opposite of having a wild shift. No, this is I was, I found a nice page called Greg's brass History page, which is a old school web page, about the history of various times. And it's, it's, it's great. And it's just I was enjoying reading was like, you know, I should put this, I'm gonna filter and so I did.

Jessamyn 48:03 Great. Well, I always think it's good when, you know, mods make posts, because then they get to experience you know, the wide range of responses people can give. Yes. And you know, this one seems like, hey, people love people love musical instruments.

Cortex 48:22 Yeah, there's not really a lot to be upset about in the history of brass music. As far as I can tell, like it's all just like,

Jessamyn 48:31 Wait, why is it not a flugelhorn.

Cortex 48:34 So that what's contemporarily known as a Flugel horn is not what was historically known as a Flugel horn. It just sort of got changed and mixed up at some point for I don't know, confusion and marketing reasons. Go read the page, because it has a bunch of detail on it. But yeah, basically reasons. Sounds like, it sounds like there has been so much weird bullshit in the renaming of or mis naming of, or selling under a different name of instruments over the course of in particular the 19th century, that like half the things we call things are the wrong names if you're being technical about it, and apparently that in particular, pertains to the Flugel horn,

Jessamyn 49:10 the interchangeable usage of the words Flugel horn and bugle. Oh, fascinating. So great website. I love this already.

Cortex 49:20 Nice. And it's it's tied to a couple other websites about things like mellow horns, and

Jessamyn 49:27 well, and learning about obscure instruments can sometimes help me do good on internet trivia. I got three points yesterday for and won the match just because I knew who Marcus Garvey was. And I felt pretty good about that. Who's that? Marcus Garvey is a Jamaican American who was an American who had a big kind of back to Africa movement, trying to get, you know, black people to have sort of rich and robust outlooks and economic abilities and encouraged, he founded the or was one of the founders of the Blackstar line, which was a sort of African American shipping concern. So that, you know, people would have economic opportunities there and then try to encourage people, black people to move to and sort of resettle communities in Africa, he was not, obviously, not entirely unproblematic, got sent to jail for mail fraud, and for something that was likely complete bullshit, like he was a very outspoken sort of guy in the political arena. And even recently, his descendants had been trying to get at last I looked, the Obama administration to His sentence was commuted or something, something positive happened, but it wasn't completely erased, he wasn't completely pardoned, or whatever. So his family had been looking for a posthumous pardon, but fascinating guy in the black history movement in the sort of the early 1900s. And, you know, I knew all about him. But I guess if you're not, sort of a black history aficionado, you might not know about him. And I was very excited about that. Similar to knowing when a few flugelhorn isn't a flute horn or what it euphonium is, or whatever this mellow thing is, you're talking about

Cortex 51:22 mellow horn, I think it's see, okay, here's the thing, why I ended up here in the first place. And I felt gratified reading through this, this site, because it basically said, oh, yeah, it's there. People call these things and they're inconsistent about it. And there's confusions ago that explains why it's so fucking confused when I was trying to read about them, because I decided to rent a euphonium Oh, neat. Okay, a week ago, which I had been planning, I've been thinking about trying to learn to French horn like in a very offhanded way for many years, because I like the sound of a French horn. It's got a nice, that nice, smooth, mellow sound. But I never didn't think about it never played any brass before. And I mentioned on Twitter. How no couple months ago, maybe. I think I literally had had a couple beers was like, I've had a couple of beers, and maybe I'm gonna fuck around learning French horn. And in plinth ended up texting me, because he's like, played brass instruments. Oh, yeah, years. And we ended up having like a 15 minute long phone call where he sort of talked through different kinds of all corns and whatnot, because part of the take was like, hey, the French horn is not an easy one to start with. And if you'd like sort of that conical bore instrument sound and want something a little bit more approachable. How about the Flugel? Horn? That's a good idea. And we talked about where I might be able to like, locate one, and then it's sort of I got distracted for a couple months. Yeah. And then last week, I was like, I don't know, maybe I should find that Flugel horn. And then I looked around and no one in town rented Flugel horn, like, it's probably possible to find someone with a flute with a horn who would be willing to rent or loan it to me,

Jessamyn 52:59 it's really one of those Facebook things, I think, yeah, well,

Cortex 53:02 I think I think it turns out actually, one of my friends and medical dear friends, Greg ace, political horn, which we had previously discussed at some point, and I think I forgot about so if I had thought to check with him, I could have skipped the whole rental thing. But instead, I decided to rent something. And I looked around like, well, what's also kind of like that, and fairly accessible in terms of the euphonium is a decent choice. It's a it's a lower brass instruments. It's sort of like a small tuba as much as anything in terms of lineage. So it's a little bit higher. And I spent the last week trying to figure out how to play that thing. And I'm making some progress. And it's weird. And yeah, if, if I managed to make myself do it, I the theme people will already have heard at the beginning of this episode will be an all euphonium multitrack recording the old Metafilter podcast team. I tried this a couple days ago, and it really sounded like

Jessamyn 53:56 don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good though. I don't want this coming out December 15.

Cortex 54:01 I'm gonna put this fucking thing out. And I think I'm going to try and commit to just like sitting down and recording another version today. Whatever comes out is what's going to be at the start of the podcast, and I love it. And I apologize in advance and retrospect, depending on whether you're recording this podcast or listening to it, but it's fine. I'm liking it. And that landed me on Greg's breasts History page. And that's the story of that post.

Jessamyn 54:27 Great. I love it. Well, I would like to also mention when Jim makes posts I mentioned Jim's posts if I like them, and this one is just completely bizarre. Because like Jim spends a lot of like his wine down in the evening time watching kind of like dumb video stuff like the same way I like will read dumb books, he will reserve watch dump videos. And so he found this like 1969 McDonald's orientation film, which was actually like 1517 minutes and they hired comedian Pat Paulsen. I don't know if you remember him, but he's like this dead band, like plays a kind of slightly thundering guy who did this McDonald training video, which is a real training video. And so you can kind of like laugh at the jokey joke parts of the training video, but also like, oh my gosh, this was what McDonald's was like in the 60s. Blah, blah, blah, fascinating, like fascinating find really interesting. And, you know, the thread went a lot of different places talking about I mean, there's no surprise a lot of people at Mehta filter that have worked in fast food jobs. And so they kind of talked about what that would be like, and, yeah, fascinating. I really enjoyed the whole thread.

Cortex 55:46 Nice. Yeah. For some reason, I remembered this earlier, and I don't remember why. Cuz I that why once this is not a good day for like, segue flow clearly Sure.

Jessamyn 56:00 Here's the thing I remembered.

Cortex 56:01 Here's the thing, there was a post about versions of Islands in the Stream, Dorothy Hawk made a post a bunch of different versions of Islands in the Stream. And I think it came to my attention because I did

Jessamyn 56:12 in the stream is like, Kenny Rogers, or

Cortex 56:15 Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. I think is like the classic the BTS did it? Well, apparently a lot of people did it. I really only know it in a meaningful way from the link I ended up fixing, which was the link to who was it? Oh, yeah. old dirty bastard. And then no featuring price featuring older investors. Anyway, ghetto superstar. Oh, which I've heard sampled and stuff. So like, I've always known islands industry exists, but I think I've only ever seen like, or heard tiny snippets of jokes about karaoke about it or something.

Jessamyn 56:51 Yeah, it is one of those terrible Karaoke Songs.

Cortex 56:54 Yeah. So I really only know that chorus and boy have I had it stuck in my head. And I guess the fact that I saw this post in my recent activity and got stuck in my head immediately, again, means I just need to inflict it on other people. So there you go. I genuinely enjoy weird covered stuff. Like I think it's, it's one of the more likely things I'm going to bring up at random on a episode of the podcast. It's just tricky when it's an ear worm of a song. Sure, like because like, I'm going to, I don't know, I usually end up sort of liking the song more if I expose myself to a bunch of weird covers on it because it like makes it less of a monolithic, right. You're

Jessamyn 57:28 worried Yeah.

Cortex 57:29 Anyway, there you go. Everybody. I'm not sure why. But I'm sharing that. Love it. Love it. I liked the post. I liked the post exists. Dorothy hawk. I just don't like the song.

Jessamyn 57:40 Oh, you don't like the song?

Cortex 57:42 Not particularly well, because of that. decontextualized eerie nature like it's, it's a perfectly fine song. If I try and look at it like, yeah, objectively,

Jessamyn 57:50 but yeah, it just doesn't push buttons for you. Yeah, float your boat or push the wrong ones. Yes. Well, speaking of songs, you might like better. Lark made this post. And this was one of those like, I just got back from, you know, Thanksgiving. It was nice. I've been in the car for a while there's snow outside, I got a bunch of exercise, I haven't really sat down and hanging out in front of the computer for a while. And Lord made this post about six, which is a musical about Henry the eighth's wives, which I guess is like a big sensation. And I knew nothing about it. So it's like one of my favorite things, right, where I learn more about something that means something to people in pop culture, through a metal filter post, but basically, it's a musical back end of the AIDS wives. And then a whole bunch of people who do like animation, you know, like people who do animations to like, you know, popular songs or whatever. Lauric links to good animated versions of all of these songs. So you can the songs are like, you know, the wives singing about like, their various deals and and then lauric links to some other stuff as well as information on six the musical. And it was like one of those interesting slow burn posts. You know, like it was up for a long time before anybody responded at all practically. Like it was me and game designer Ben. And, but then like, just over the over the week, more people kind of came in and were like, Oh, interesting, this and that. Oh, something something something? Oh, I know. Here's some stuff. And the songs themselves are catchy and interesting. The animation is really good. And I learned something about this musical, which is not just like it's from the UK, but like, you know, there's a Broadway version. I think there's a Australian version. There's a one of those YouTube versions where everybody at home who are actually in the musicals, chimes in very neat, very neat whole thing was course. Yeah, that's great. Yeah, catchy music.

Cortex 59:54 I do enjoy a slow accretion of comments. Yeah, thread. It's like it feels cozy.

Jessamyn 59:59 Yeah. because it's all people who found the thing and were like, Oh, I like the thing kinda Yeah. Do you have

Cortex 1:00:10 I, I have I have one more thing dimension, more more for the sake of other people interested than me because I'm sort of on the outside of it. But there was a post about the passing of Stephen Sondheim at 91. Hugely storied Broadway composer. And yeah, if you want to thread about it that exists.

Jessamyn 1:00:31 Yeah, I have to admit, like, I'm very theater person adjacent, but I am not a theater person. And I guess I hadn't realized I knew Sondheim was a treasure, but I didn't really know that much about him. And so it's actually been neat to get to learn more about some of the specific things about him besides just his body of work. Yeah. You know, he apparently was a was a gracious corresponded. Like, there's a lot of people you don't want to places that had like letters that Sondheim wrote them, like being encouraging or, or whatever. And, yeah, yeah.

Cortex 1:01:12 But yeah, what else have you got, and then we'll move on to the old green

Jessamyn 1:01:15 Bella Donna wrote this really interesting post, which was a single links Vox thing about, you know how hard it is to set fees for your work if you're a gig worker, independent contractor freelancer or whatever. And what goes into that. And again, like the article itself was really interesting. But then the thread was really interesting for a lot of people talking about how you think through how to charge for your work. And Brad user, Brad Bain is in there a lot talking about he does sort of, you know, consulte kind of stuff. Talking about how, how he does that I talk a little bit about the work I did. Scalzi shows up talking about, you know, back when he did hourly work, what that should be other people talk about, like, well, it's fine if you're in demand, but what if you're not in demand, bla bla bla, bla bla, you know, it wound up being a very interesting chatty thread about money that I enjoyed, kind of sparked from just this one, you know, article on

Cortex 1:02:15 Yeah, no, that's that. I'm gonna toss that in my activity to read later. That sounds like a good read, I think, is a weird, complicated topic. Like I have thought about that mostly in terms of like, art stuff, where it's also like a weird, like, like, the reaction I most often have when I'm like, buying someone's art at like a, you know, art market or something like that, like a little, like a farmers market for art, you know, not like, not like an art market. People craft fair. That's sort of territory. It's like, I enjoy buying stuff from people. And also, like, half the time, I'm like, You should really, you should charge more for this. But I also know, it's not as simple as like, you should charge more for this and then make more money so much as you should charge more for this, and then you'd be getting what it's worth. And also you wouldn't be because people won't buy it because you're charging too much. Like it is fucking complicated

Jessamyn 1:03:03 of craft stuff. As I'm sure you know, like, you know, it's very hard to recoup the time and effort you put into kind of like one off things, like my cousin who's like the fancy laid out woodworker talks about this, like, you know, somebody will ask, I think this is like, apocryphal story about generic woodworker. But, you know, someone will ask how much it cost to make a chair and you quote, one price, and then they say, how much will it cost to make four chairs, and they quote, a price, it's like, at times higher, because making one chair can be fun, but then having to make like, three extra chairs is just drudgery, or it can be. And, you know, I think that's true for for a lot of people, like you have to kind of do things at scale, in many cases to make money off that, especially when you're getting started. But that's not the fun part of making art in, in many cases. Yeah. I want to give kind of a big, you know, Achievement Award for the month with this specific example to brain Wayne, who has been doing this great set of posts pretty much daily, as near as I can tell, that are all posts that have a jumping off point of a piece of short fiction, but then each post goes in some different direction using that piece of fiction as a jumping off point. And so the one that I really liked was from a couple days ago, which is John hobo, who's a writer who I vaguely know, doing a short story or you know, a little essay called the ones who take the train to Omaha us. Based on you know, Ursula Gwynn and then you know, people talking about people responding to liquids story, and what do you learn about it? What you know, is it or is it not kind of a thought experiment? Fascinating, really fascinating. Because, you know, I remember reading that story when I was young and that, in fact, I have a, like, a friend of mine who, you know, speaking of making art, like made an art book, or a pamphlet of this story in a in a fancy binding, and it actually is so beautiful. Like it hangs on my wall, kind of where I do my work, because I think it's the thing that's worth thinking about all the time, like, what value does your work have when there's still suffering in the world? How can you reconcile that? What do you need to be thinking about as you as you go through your life? And so I just want to, you know, thank brain Wayne for a series of fascinating posts in general. And this post in specific I thought was, yeah,

Cortex 1:05:39 I've been seeing these goes by it's been, it's been nice to see them. There's actually one from maybe just this morning, maybe it's last night, I don't remember where the date stamp is anyway. Yes, talking about the use of second person POV writing, by marginalized writers that I have on my tally to go read. Oh, fascinating, thinking about that a little bit, just by chance, based on some reading recently, and it reminds me partly of like, how effectively it was done in the first book of the Broken Earth trilogy from MK Jemison.

Jessamyn 1:06:14 Oh, interesting. I remember second, like reading my first second person novel, I think was like Jay McInerney, during the sort of weird coke fueled short story and books stuff that we tended to get in the end of the 80s. And it was, it was such a weird effect, because I hadn't really read it in a while, and of course, found McEnery completely unrelatable in a whole bunch of ways. So I'd be really interested in learning a little bit more about about this. It sounds it sounds like a great post. Yeah. So yeah, that is it for me from Metafilter. I made a couple more posts that I liked. I don't know if Jim made more posts this month, but that was the one I enjoyed the most.

Cortex 1:06:58 Well, let's do let's do AskMe Metafilter.

Jessamyn 1:07:00 Great. So much good stuff in AskMe Metafilter. Obviously, it's what dancing sense of season. Is it is authentic sense of season.

Cortex 1:07:10 Yeah. I think tomorrow, no, no, there, darling. Okay.

Jessamyn 1:07:15 Season, which means we have a lot of questions about gifts. And I enjoyed the kind of thoughtfulness besides se d, self, se o se yet again, se d et again. Se yet again, whose son is engaged, going to marry a woman next fall. But this is a Christmas they're going to spend together I want to think about how to give her a gift that welcomes her to the family, but I don't know her super well. You know, and she's not taking the family last name. So a family monogram would not be the thing, what would be the thing. And it's interesting looking at sort of different people's take on that because of course, you know, people have lots of different ideas about what would be appreciated, what wouldn't be appreciated, you know, something fancy something cozy, something to wear around the house. If everyone gets pajamas, she gets pajamas, that kind of thing. But I just I just like the sort of care and attention because this is one of those things where I just throw up my hands and I'm like, you know, this is why I don't like gift giving my sister and I made a plan no gift giving this year because I just we just can't you know occasionally we do like little giftie stuff and this year neither of us really want to deal with it. So Jim's birthday is this weekend. We're going to do Jim's mess. You know Jim is gonna get presents for his birthday and that's probably the last presente thing I'm gonna deal with and I'm fine with that works you know some years we do it some years we don't. But I liked reading along with this thread I liked the idea of conscious thoughtful gift giving even when I do not engage in it so yes,

Cortex 1:08:56 yeah there's a question I saw Bond Cliff

Jessamyn 1:09:01 thinking of I know what question this is

Cortex 1:09:04 and it's a good one and it's it's also on my I will read this later. But it's where did the Rock and Roll ending come from? Which is immediately a very good question and like I saw it on Twitter without context it's like oh, I know what he's asking about he's asked about like when like you get to the end of song and then like, put it in and the whole band sort of like goes into a weird Yeah, yeah. Who invented that Jim asks and boy I'm kind of curious about the story there so I see one Z a couple of long best answered comments in the few answers rash

Jessamyn 1:09:38 appears to be what a lot of people trash can and Trey interesting

Cortex 1:09:45 I don't think I've heard Trash Can I maybe I've heard like, I feel like I didn't have a name for it.

Jessamyn 1:09:49 Are you doubting monkey toes?

Cortex 1:09:51 I would no no, no, no, no, no, I Harold

Jessamyn 1:09:53 Josh.

Cortex 1:09:54 No, no, no, I'm not doubting that. That's that those were both sound like very good answers. I'm realizing as someone who was only ever in one band that really did those. I don't think that we had a name for them. Yeah. And I'm realizing I just I didn't have any vocabulary for it. So this is very useful, right? So yes, I like that.

Jessamyn 1:10:16 You're on the air. Yeah. Yeah. No, that was that was fun. And, you know, I, I had no input. So I just enjoyed reading along to kind of, yeah, figure it out. I thought this question was funny, because I'd never thought about it before, but it was good to think about this is Trevor case. I've got wood glue, super glue, super 77 glue sticks. Is there something I could glue with a glue gun that I can't glue with? Glue? Why are they here?

Cortex 1:10:52 That's an interesting question. Yeah. And, like, it's just like, it sets up real fast.

Jessamyn 1:10:58 It sets up fast. It's good for stuff that are like weird shapes faster than epoxy. It fills space kind of way. Well, Adam Savage Of course, cake points out has a good video about why he uses it. And this is a long thread. You glued paraffin wax to paraffin wax. I don't even know. I have a hot glue gun somewhere. And I'll be honest, I have never used it. But I feel like at some day, you know, that day will come and I'll be so happy that I have it.

Cortex 1:11:31 Yeah, no, yeah, I'm pretty sure we have one around somewhere. But I don't know what Angela has used it for recently. I grew up with that. Like my, like, my mom did like crafty stuff

Jessamyn 1:11:43 a lot. Yeah.

Cortex 1:11:46 Like, like very, I would say the traditional JoAnn Fabrics at sea sort of like realm of crafting things. If that makes sense, of course. And like a glue gun was definitely in use, like on a regular basis along with various other kinds of glue. So it was always sort of around in my childhood. But it's it's interesting, because like it actually seems like a very sort of like, it seems like something that I would use for shit really, except for I don't have anything that I would use a glue gun for and so like, like a glue gun with a soldering iron when I'm doing stained glass. It's kind of the same situation. Right, right, right. Yeah, I mean, you maybe could, but that seems like a real disaster. And

Jessamyn 1:12:28 I think there's a lot of people you know, perhaps like your mom who they don't have six other kinds of glue, they've got a glue gun. So it does all the things. You know,

Cortex 1:12:38 I mostly associate with that sort of like freeform working fast thing like you can. You can put two things together, you can put something onto something and you can do it like quick on the fly while you're sort of improvising.

Jessamyn 1:12:49 Right? It's not like epoxy where it has to harden or a whole bunch of stuff. Yeah. But yeah, I didn't know this. I learned some stuff. I appreciate it.

Cortex 1:12:57 Yeah, I will also read this thread. I've got like my afternoon reading is getting slotted up here.

Jessamyn 1:13:02 Fan freakin tastic. Thanks, podcast. Well, thanks

Cortex 1:13:06 me,

Jessamyn 1:13:07 then you're definitely going to enjoy reading about Andrea Andre Agassi learning to watch for Boris Becker's tongue in tennis. This is basically no. Yeah. Oh, Amber. Val is reading a tennis article who decoded his opponent's body language to figure out the surf. So that they could figure out the tricky surf in agent rocket. Got it in four minutes. Nice. And also Melis Matta points out that a guy's his autobiography is actually really good. And then people talk a little bit about David Foster Wallace. And here's some other brain Wayne has another article. So it's a nice, Malcolm Gladwell. But also probably talked about it. Yeah, neat little thread, tiny thread, asked and answered. Perfect. But yeah. Boris Becker. And you guys, back when tennis was huge.

Cortex 1:14:10 A unicorn chaser asked the other day as a callback to our calendrical discussion at the top of the show. calendrical That felt pretty good. Felt pretentious.

Jessamyn 1:14:21 Yeah. Probably not even a word. That's one of the weird things about listening to the cowboy. He makes up words. Like big words. He doesn't make them up but he like mashes together like two words to make new words and because He talks so fast, and because he's generally speaking so smart. Nobody's ever like what? That's not a word. But it is funny like listening to it and being like, totally not.

Cortex 1:14:45 If you're understood then it works. Right. I mean, that's, that's one of the beautiful things about language is like all of the words we do have just worked arrived through usage and you know, combination and intention. So, you know, if you can invent a one off word that clearly communicates Meeting Hey, that's a fucking word. It's just not a well attested one.

Jessamyn 1:15:03 I very much apologize for telling you calendrical is not a word, because as you of course know, I'm wrong.

Cortex 1:15:08 It is totally a word. I mean, it sounds like it could be a fucking made up word, just, uh, at some point, because it sounds

Jessamyn 1:15:14 like cylindrical. It sounds like you took a different route and made a word in that way. Oh, yeah.

Cortex 1:15:21 When do you get it? When do you get to say calendrical? Like, how often? Are you talking about things that have the nature of being like a calendar

Jessamyn 1:15:28 and mostly tell you the truth? So yeah. Great, never.

Cortex 1:15:36 Yes. What were we talking about? Oh, yeah. How do you manage your time? I don't say, you know, currencies are posted.

Jessamyn 1:15:41 Business stops, I know loud.

Cortex 1:15:44 It's, you know, how do you manage your time, which basically saying, hey, you know, I mean, it's a straightforward concept. But like, it's an it's a thread full of people talking about that stuff. And like, what are the things I've discovered? Like, you know, I joke about not manage my time, like, I manage my time, I wish I manage my time better, or more consistently times, but like, everybody figures out some things that work for them. Yeah. But this is the thing I come back to every time there's a sort of like, how do you do process X stuff, method questions and ask me, I like them, because like, everybody always has this different subset. And you kind of get used to what works for you and you run with it. And you forget about the rest of that possibility space, just extend until you actually go and stop and think and listen to what other people are saying about like their different ways

Jessamyn 1:16:30 to have plans, and for whom this is a thing that they are mindful about. Often, they're very good at explaining it. Like there are some epic posts in this thread. There's one from Janet silver, there's one from iMk Miam. There's one from Katie, Katie, that are long talking about, here's how I do it. Here's how I think about it. Here are the questions you have to nouvelle persoane. And I love reading it because I'm productivity geek is kind of wrong, because I'm not trying to like do more better faster. But I do like to do things efficiently. For me, I love it. Like, I love it. Like when I get to do a walk, and I hit like the five places I need to do errands and the whole thing takes less than an hour. Like I feel smart. And I like feeling that way. You know, and it's just about me, like it's got nothing to do with anything else. It's not comparing myself to other people. I'm just like, way to go, you now have more time to drink coffee, eat candy and read the newspaper. You know what I mean? Like, it's all about freeing up that time for something like I wouldn't enjoy it, if it was a job, you know, when I was being super efficient at the job, because then you just get more work right. But like, you know, getting nominally loafing time back is feels like some sort of accomplishment. It feels like you stole something in a way that's exciting in a weird way. And so I love these threads, because, you know, I've got my process. But it's interesting hearing what other people's processes are because maybe I can learn a thing, or maybe my life changed and I haven't worked the process into how I live now that I used to like one of the things my sister and I were talking about is, you know, we feel like the fog is lifting from our lives a little bit. We're not in constant pandemic crisis mode, not that there's not still a pandemic. But you know, we can see a couple people in a safe way which really makes a difference. And so we feel like we've gotten some psychic space back in our brain and both of us are like cooking more you know, we're cleaning our house more like I spent like, a couple hours this weekend just filing you know, but it was like this pile of papers that I had to fucking deal with and grump grump grump, and I just didn't have the psychic space for it for a year. Yeah, and I got to do filing, which for me, was something that really felt good and it's fine if it doesn't feel good to you, or if you hate it, or like whatever the problem is, but it was great for me. And so reading how other people are doing it, especially when I think some people are feeling you know, their children are getting vaccinated. Maybe they've got a little bit more in the way of options like don't get me wrong, oh microns a fucking kick in the teeth. But like, it is really interesting to see how people manage this. And of course, you know, the other part of it is the other part of it is something I have forgotten that I'm sure will come back. Oh, it applies to my work life sometimes. Like when I work with people who are like, I need to figure out how to organize my files on my computer. And it's tricky because simultaneously the solution is the one you're likely to use. Right? Which means it's got to be as close as possible to what you're already doing. But also You know, some people just kind of aren't organized, you know, their minds just aren't super organized. And so sometimes, which, again, it's fine. Like there's lots of different kinds of people in the world, I say that with no judgment. But for those people, anything, like nothing's going to specifically stick within what they already do. So you literally do have to prescribe something externally. To be like, well, you just need to do this. Because you're not going to be able to modify what you're doing now to something else. And it's hard because, you know, having that conversation with people and being able to sort of explain how they can deal with their email when they've got 15,000 unread messages. You know, that's a tricky conversation, we talk about sort of community engagement and how to talk about that. Like, you know, it's not the doctor telling you, you've got some bad health problem, but it is kind of like, well, like, there's no magic bullet or whatever. Yeah, don't people say magic? Do this? Silver silver bullet? Yeah.

You know, there's no, there's no special wave a magic wand. And there's no one answer, right? It's not, there's not one way to clean your bathroom, there's the way that's gonna work for you to get the bathroom clean, and adapting whatever you're doing now, to that involves engaging with whatever you actually need. And it's the same with technology, right? But that's a hard thing for people to hear, I think, because they just want someone to give them a list. And there are, you know, websites like Flylady, or whatever that can help people follow a script if that's what they need. But for technology significantly, sort of less simple.

Cortex 1:21:47 And it's tricky, because like, you know, there might be a tool, it'll work for you. But the only way you're gonna find out is by using it and it working. And it's because everybody's different, because everybody has like different specific things that work for them and things that don't work for them and things that they're kind of allergic to like, yeah, the process of finding that tool is complete. There's no roadmap to what's going

Jessamyn 1:22:09 to work for you. Yeah. And oh, my god, does that bother people sometimes?

Cortex 1:22:13 Also, I think magic bullet is the JFK assassination. Conspiracy Theory thing. I think that's what the magic bullet is. So, yeah, probably probably. Probably not the best. Yeah.

Jessamyn 1:22:25 All right. I'll move on. I don't I don't

Cortex 1:22:26 I don't know how well, I mean, I kind of knew what you meant, though. Yeah. At the same time, I think I was much more likely to think, oh, like silver bullet, then. Oh, JFK assassination. Hmm. So I don't want to like oversell the problem.

Jessamyn 1:22:38 No, I know what you're saying. So there's a picture of my filing, which Oh, my God, between that and organizing my stamp collection, I have really been just a happy person getting weird little pockets of not organized into bigger, you know, organized things. It's really been enjoyable for me. Not Not everybody's thing, but definitely my thing.

Cortex 1:23:00 Nice. It is, I have a hard time wanting to organize stuff, but it is satisfying. When I

Jessamyn 1:23:05 do well. For me, it's like just finding the time where I don't have other things that are higher priority. You know, and I'm just getting into the doldrums of winter where, you know, I've done most of my public speaking stuff that I was going to do this season. I'm certainly not traveling for work. The holidays are a little bit more mellow this year. Because like, you know, often like going down for somewhere for Thanksgiving. And then going back down again for Jim's birthday a week later seems like a lot. But when I was going down every weekend for two and a half months, like it just doesn't seem like much right now. Plus, I'm getting my snow tires on Friday.

Cortex 1:23:41 Congratulations. Thank

Jessamyn 1:23:42 you. Very exciting. I'd like to I'd like to time it as close as I can to, you know, when I need to. I missed it a little bit this year, but not not terrible.

Cortex 1:23:51 I had to blink for a second because like, it's not a thing we do here. And I was like, oh, right, right. That's not even

Jessamyn 1:23:57 a thing I did in Massachusetts, like it's just the northern climes, where you're likely to have roads that you're going to travel down. I mean, I'm almost not sure I need to, because I'm just not going anywhere still. But, you know, if I go back and forth to Massachusetts, more, and we get more weather having better tires. Better, better situation.

Cortex 1:24:18 Yeah. prosafe

Jessamyn 1:24:20 Thank you. I'm shifting gears. I very much enjoyed flowers question. Hey, I just found out that Edie grants classic sale on electric Avenue is actually about the Brixton riots. What other popular songs are not not protest songs that you know about but are actually protest songs. And it turns out, there's a lot of them I keep forgetting that pumped up kicks is in this category. But like Bruce Hornsby, Chumbawamba tub thumping, had a lot going on in it. Hard Rain's gonna fall. I mean, some of these are ones you might have known if you're kind of plugged in Nantucket talks about how many gospel songs spirituals were kind of resistance songs white riot by the clash banana boat day oh by Harry Belafonte cetera cetera cetera great thread good music. Learn stuff.

Cortex 1:25:20 Yeah I'm trying to imagine the Ken Burns documentary that has all of these on the

Jessamyn 1:25:31 right. A History of pop music protests protests pop music. Yes. Very funny,

Cortex 1:25:38 like a Hard Rain's gonna fall lapsing into electric Avenue. Yes. And just make it work narratively. Yes. Do you have any other big hitters for Ask me?

Jessamyn 1:25:49 A little hitter, so I'll just toss them in a row. Hey, who made this Geiger detector from Waltham, Massachusetts, what the hell? I don't know who this company is. But help me figure it out. And a whole bunch of people fairly quickly. Figured it out, which was kind of interesting. Beagle eat cake and perplexity as well as employ helps and master this. Figure out what these detectors were asked for. Nick wants to do a little bit more traveling and is looking for reliable carbon offset programs, which turns into a pretty interesting conversation about the whole idea of carbon offsets and how you do it and whether it matters but people are nice and respectful about it. So I appreciate it it to Neely O'Hara is getting married. Very cool and is looking for classic rock songs to walk down the aisle two. They want wedding ceremony music second wedding for both of them traditional ceremony and they want to have some fun music. Their big deadheads they are looking for this that or the other song. Here's some of the songs that they're using. Do you have some suggestions for other songs and people do great list generating song and the last list generating list I have is by Leo

Cortex 1:27:12 Hara. What? Oh, interesting. Congrats, Neely. Oh, yeah,

Jessamyn 1:27:16 congrats. Well, stuff very nice. And this was a post by everybody had matching towels, loving to read my notes every

Cortex 1:27:25 time every time I love it. Such a good username.

Jessamyn 1:27:28 I was actually I heard like, Private Idaho came on the radio today. When I was listening. I was like, why don't I listen to the 50 twos intentionally as much as I should. And so everybody had matching tells really enjoys reading about the intricate logistics of things I never thought about. And hey, articles or books about interesting stuff. And it just occurred to me as I am reading this, that I have a perfect answer to this about the history of getting water to New York City, which I loved. And I don't know if anybody has mentioned it.

Cortex 1:28:05 Oh, nice. Get in there. Yeah, this is uh, this is another keeper.

Jessamyn 1:28:09 I'm gonna I'm gonna get up on in there. But great thread. Nice stuff. In those guts. Yes. Not. That's not right as either, is it?

Cortex 1:28:17 Oh, my God. No, no, you're you're you're fine. I'm just being okay. Hello. I think

Jessamyn 1:28:21 I thought maybe it was another bad metaphor that you were like,

Cortex 1:28:25 I think I think I then introduced the bad metaphor, because my brain is like that today. What was it get up in those guts? Yes. I think that's next thing. I just wanna know if it's a good title.

Jessamyn 1:28:37 I think it's a great okay, maybe it's not. Okay. Well, no, I don't know. Something terrible.

Cortex 1:28:44 Well, that's the thing. I think it's sort of I think it's sort of a sex thing. Sort of one but you know, yeah,

Jessamyn 1:28:50 yeah. All right. So yeah, that's it for me from AskMe Metafilter. I believe. I didn't ask any more questions, and I just need to continually thank people who gave me podcasts on the 13th of October. I have listened to none of them yet. But I am really continuing. I'm gonna I just got the email from you, Josh. That was like, Hey, how'd that go? Final answer. I need more time. I need more time. But I continue to appreciate people telling me good things they think I would like

Cortex 1:29:23 Excellent. I'll toss out a couple Mettaton things. There was brainwave noted a study that I participated while Metafilter participated in. I did the typing, about sort of how public trust and safety stuff is handled in online or not handles Yeah, yeah. It's like it's it's an interesting read and like there's not a ton of Metafilter content and we were just one of several participants. And it was kind of more about larger scale stuff check versus like the size we are but it was interesting to it was interesting to read through an answer and a And it was interesting to see the contrasting kind of stuff coming out of the other organisms developed. So thanks thanks, brainwave for noting that there was obit for Speedline passed away. Ah

Jessamyn 1:30:15 sucks. Yes, she was another treasure. Nether red headed treasure we lost way too soon.

Cortex 1:30:22 Yeah, there's a after us just getting bogged down by a million things. There is a new newsletter out and we've got another one in the works. So we're getting back to that and couldn't get that rolling along with some more good. And hello, no a bunch of other stuff.

Jessamyn 1:30:41 Thank you. Thank you so much for the gift swap, which is always super fun. I like seeing what people I did. I decided after all of this to not participate this year. Just thought Yeah, too much for me. But I enjoy kind of seeing what people do what people I'm participating in the you know, card, the the the monthly card swap, which I always appreciate, because it's just another way to get rid of some stamps. And yeah.

Cortex 1:31:14 Oh, and Glen is continuing to work on making the Mefi art and maker stuff happen. Yeah, that seems really like a brilliant project. Yeah, there's people posting about stuff they're working on. It's nice. I still need to get around to actually show it up. But glad it's happening. I'll get there eventually.

Jessamyn 1:31:34 Wave of one of our podcasts,

Cortex 1:31:35 probably probably. We could we could call this I'll get there eventually to

Jessamyn 1:31:40 I'm still gonna get there eventually. I think maybe the Electric Boogaloo thing is over. It kind of feels like I am here to tell you.

Cortex 1:31:48 Yeah, yeah. Oh, well. Rip old friend. That's it. I think that's a podcast. Let's get you your humidifier back on so you don't ah,

Jessamyn 1:31:59 I'm a raisin. I'm a raisin already. I gotta put on a shirt so that I look like I get dressed for when I zoom and meet me chimps therapist to say hello.

Cortex 1:32:08 Yeah. All right. Well, good podcast.

Jessamyn 1:32:10 Yeah. Good to talk to you glad. You know, everything worked. And I think all the technology worked first time except for me not turning on the stupid switch and answer those answering a phone call during this but well,

Cortex 1:32:20 but I remember to leave a note for myself to edit it out. Okay, remember to read and actually do when it happens. We'll

Jessamyn 1:32:25 see. Even if you don't it's not the worst. It was short. I was listening

Cortex 1:32:29 to it at the time. Well, you know, if I didn't, yeah, exactly.

Jessamyn 1:32:33 If I didn't sound too much like if I did it. And I was like

Cortex 1:32:40 if I didn't it if I did. We should stop. It's been

Jessamyn 1:32:44 nice talking to you as well. What's the thing?

Cortex 1:32:48 You found him? Nice. And yes, we'll see. We'll see what people will have had heard already. All right.

Jessamyn 1:32:57 Talk to you next year.

Cortex 1:33:00 If not, if I talk to you next year first. All right. Okay, I'm stopping