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Podcast 156 Transcript

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A transcript for Episode 156: Wasting All My Time Time (2019-10-04).

Pronoiac passed the podcast to


Cortex 0:00 Well, you'll have to explain that again. I'll start the recording this episode we're gonna narrate all of the individual actions we take in the process and making

Jessamyn 0:09 the words of the of the late reco. Kasich wasting all my time.

Cortex 0:14 That's such a good song.

Jessamyn 0:15 I know it's my favorite one actually.

Cortex 0:24 Couple of things you.

Yeah, yeah. Rip replicates like this is the RICO Kasich Memorial, Medical Center podcast episode 156. I am Josh cortex Mullard. Hey, and I'm Jasmine. And it is right around the turn into the spookiest month of the year. It's still September, so I haven't had to pick out a new twitter name yet, but I'm gonna try and do it this year. How can people do that?

Jessamyn 1:05 I never do that.

Cortex 1:06 How come I just because it's fun, I think. Excuse.

Jessamyn 1:09 I mean, I always see it happen. And I'm always like, oh, that's the thing people do. I guess I could do it. I think I wanted mine to be the thing for me. Like when you see updates in the app store on your phone, and it's all like, I don't know, improvements and like there's a specific line that they use, like upgrades and improvements or improvements and whatever. I don't know anymore because they've hidden the app store from iOS 13. But improvements and achievements, upgrades and at any rate, that's what I wanted it to be because it always drives a stick in my heart because I'm always afraid they're gonna ruin my favorite apps. Yeah.

Cortex 1:49 Well, you know, actually, I did do a I did a Halloween name finally last year, but that's when I changed it. Like my twitter name is just Josh cortex Mullard. And I changed the O's to the whatever the Unicode sigil is that is used in the sort of glaring side. I love it. emoticon. So maybe I'll just make maybe I'll just double those up. I'll make it two O's in each of those. I don't know. We'll see.

Jessamyn 2:11 Good idea. Oh, man, my poor sister. Now that we have Bitmoji Jim and I have become completely intolerable.

Cortex 2:17 I saw your post about that. Yeah. That's a yes. Cool. Jeff really likes the Bitmoji, too. I've never I

Jessamyn 2:24 didn't know what they were until I finally upgraded my phone. And I'm like, Oh, I get it. I mean, I probably will tire out of it. But not quite yet.

Cortex 2:31 But for now. You're just making little poseable. Cartoon people of yourselves

Jessamyn 2:36 cartoon cartoon me? Yeah. All right. So 156. Let's talk

Cortex 2:41 to six. Tell me Tell me something good about 156?

Jessamyn 2:45 Well, it's a rep digit. So in base five, it's all ones also in base 25. And maybe that just stands to reason. In base 77, and in base 51, which is how old I am. So I appreciate that. Looks. Yeah. Otherwise, yeah. natural number. It's six before 157. I mean, no other

Cortex 3:12 ones in base? Five, five.

Jessamyn 3:15 Yeah, it's a one. It's a five. It's a 25. And it's a one on 125.

Cortex 3:21 Yeah, okay. Well, I was thinking about Yeah, sorry. Checks out.

Jessamyn 3:23 Yeah. All right. Good, man. I'm just reading it off. No, no, I

Cortex 3:26 believe you. I was just I was I was I was I was surprised at my own failure to sort of Yes, anyway. Anyway. Yeah. That's, that's pretty good. I'll take it. Thanks. Now, we'll take this thing for me with my head. The thing is, like, everything's a fucking rep digit. If you can just pick any base you want.

Jessamyn 3:46 Five is a kind of a nice common base basis to 12. And five,

Cortex 3:53 I mean, no one uses five for anything. Eight, eight, certainly.

Jessamyn 3:58 I just used it Josh, what do you mean, no one?

Cortex 4:01 What what base? I don't think you can say base five is a common base based on the fact that you've read a trivia fact that mentioned space five, though, like it's when people use base five foot habitats.

Jessamyn 4:12 You use bases for things,

Cortex 4:14 I use base two all the time because of computer science shit, and because of my own weird math obsession, the shit. I've used base 12 for a little bit of stuff there. And base eight is octal. And base 16. is hexadecimal. And those both that's really just computer science stuff again, but you know, they come up. I don't know, offhand of an application for base five. But also I should not declare that because I don't know offhand. There isn't some common like,

Jessamyn 4:40 Well, sounds curious occasion. Oh, speaking of trivia, I haven't done trivia yet. So don't say anything about

Cortex 4:45 I haven't either today, so I don't know. And I'm playing in general. How are you doing in general?

Jessamyn 4:50 I've been bouncing up and down between promotion range and not promotion range and D league. I have Jim and I have been like snuggled up near the Top. So it may be that one of us probably him gets promoted. And then my friend Forrest, who's the other person who I pay a lot of attention to in my league is kind of right in the middle.

Cortex 5:09 Nice. Upper middle.

Jessamyn 5:14 That's a nice place to be. Yeah. Oh, and now I'm on the Rules Committee, of course. And committee, of course. Yes. It's been fun to have a whole bunch of stupid jobs.

Cortex 5:30 Yes, I did. We had the season started. Had I managed to forfeit on day two. Yeah, well, I haven't since then, I set up my reminder, I just, I need to set up a reminder to set up a reminder, like three days before the season starts. And really just

Jessamyn 5:46 mean, it's in every email you get literally. Well, yeah,

Cortex 5:49 but I have to, like, remind myself to act on. Yeah. Well, and then to act on having read the email. It's, it's complicated. It's not complicated. My brain is dumb. But, you know, that creates complications in my life. Okay.

Jessamyn 6:08 I get it. Oh, hey, put the pumpkins up. I emailed you guys, but it's

Cortex 6:12 gonna happen. You're just you're just, you're Johnny on the spot about it. You're, you're keeping in mind your

Jessamyn 6:18 costume questions. And that's

Cortex 6:19 okay. If they go up automatically, October 1, into the system, it's baked in. And if you try to move it, it's that thing where if you try and like avoid anybody jumping the gun on something, you have to jump the gun by so much. Defeated yourself. So like, it's probably good. If there's like a couple Halloween costume questions before they go up. Instead of like, dozens before they go up. You know, we've we've hit the mark those outliers. It's really early birds. Okay. They don't.

Jessamyn 6:47 Well, we told me this too. And I forgot it.

Cortex 6:49 Yeah, no, we have. I think it used to be. We used to have it automated to go out like two weeks before Halloween. And I think that was too late. And then you brought it up. And so we bumped it out to October 1.

Jessamyn 7:01 I keep forgetting. Yep. But that's

Cortex 7:04 not your fucking job. You don't have to remember I'd like to the only person who really gets to know is Trimble and they're on it. And they get the satisfaction saying Oh, yeah, no, it's already there. So Fembot go. Go friend, Bob. But yes, Halloween is coming. It's exciting. In it mostly secondhand way for me. Like I don't actually get like super jazzed about Halloween stuff every year. I really enjoy other people getting excited about Yeah, you You always do costumes. That's always nice. I always like seeing it coming up on Twitter, like the meta talk thread about it. It's It's good stuff.

Jessamyn 7:35 Yeah, we'll see. I don't know what's going on this year. I you know, I'm around. But we'll see. I don't I don't have a costume picked out. But usually they find me.

Cortex 7:44 Yeah. Well, we'll see what happens. Meta filter

Jessamyn 7:49 all over the map. Josh, there's

Cortex 7:51 all kinds of Yes, jobs. There's a bunch of jobs. And I said,

Jessamyn 7:55 Josh, because it's another job.

Cortex 7:59 site you go to and it's just my face staring at you. And

yeah. There were several jobs. I see seven jobs in September.

Jessamyn 8:15 You do? Oh, I guess September 4. When did we ship?

Cortex 8:19 We shipped on the first so we got the whole month. Home. Oh, yeah, we got we got a little bit of a jump last last time.

Jessamyn 8:27 Well, that's good. I hope Jim and Tammy got some people to talk to who have had bad experiences with bereavement leave from last time.

Cortex 8:34 I hope so too. Looks like yeah,

Jessamyn 8:37 it looks like diva Bad's coming to the US doing a tour in 2020. And trying to figure out how to make her tour work. And that should be pretty interesting. She does magic and kind of a whole little stage tour thing. She's trying to figure out how to how to move around the West Coast. Yeah, if you're a person who could help give her give her a hand.

Cortex 9:03 Yeah, like small scale touring is a pain in the butt. So yeah, helping figure that out would be a nice thing. I can't even imagine. Eliana is looking for photos in Vienna. So if you have a camera and access to Austria, you know, this could be a nice little gig to help out with a birthday gift.

Jessamyn 9:23 Melis Mata needs a little bit of help with a sewing pattern. She has a pattern but she needs it adjusted to her size, and maybe add a little bit of seam allowance and that's all she needs. But she can't do it. So if you can do it, get in touch.

Cortex 9:39 And btw frequent someone to help pick up tickets for super chunky in Osaka,

Jessamyn 9:43 that kind of looked interesting. Yeah.

Cortex 9:46 So if you're, you know, in the vicinity.

Jessamyn 9:49 And then there's some blob, the blob blob JavaScript developer, something from old Kentucky sharp which is actually a very good username.

Cortex 9:56 That is a good name and Oh, yes and I clinical trial in Malaysia and tour designer in Kyoto. Kyoto city.

Jessamyn 10:08 Like the same kind of toward the diva that needs something else.

Cortex 10:12 Sure. I guess if this sounds interesting, go look at jobs. There we go leaving one more. If you want to know, you got to go look. Anyway, there's a bunch of jobs. That's kind of nice. I guess September has been a hoppin month for for employment. It's kind of hard to throw a sexy spin on jobs. I'm glad it exists. Good jobs. Should we talk about projects? Yes. Because people are doing them. Yeah,

Jessamyn 10:43 there's a whole bunch of like goofy projects that I really enjoyed, many of which I found out about on Metafilter. Specifically, I enjoyed cheating Hangman, by basically a changes the word it's thinking of to try and make it hard, so it doesn't lie. And I don't I don't quite get it. Um But basically, you play hang man, someone is cheating. It's super frustrating. And I don't even exactly understand it, but I'm very looking forward to it.

Cortex 11:25 Yeah. Like, I think it's in the capacity if you'd like, you know, there's mostly jokey tweets, but but tweets of like Wheel of Fortune, partially solved puzzle.

Jessamyn 11:38 Take it in the butt or whatever, when that isn't what it means.

Cortex 11:41 Yeah. It's like, you know, bake it on the car. You know, that doesn't work. But like, point is it Yeah, you it tricks you into thinking of saying something nasty that oh, it turns out, there's an innocent solution. I think usually what is actually going on is that whole thing is manufactured. But the point is, you've got that ambiguity. And if you're actually playing Wheel of Fortune, if you actually thought it was taking the butt and decided to like, you know, see if there's a B, then there would not be a bee. And it could be that in this cheating. Hey, man concept, the clue actually was taken in the bud. I'm so glad we fixed it. This was a reference point.

Jessamyn 12:15 I said it, you are the one who restricts it, you introduce data.

Cortex 12:18 Anyway, so you asked for B and I was like, oh, but if that I'll have to give him b. So can I find a different candidate? So let's change it to bacon on the car. I hate that I pick something that transparently doesn't work, but

Jessamyn 12:32 no idea what's happening here. Anyway, that's the

Cortex 12:35 that's the general cheating hangman concept. And I haven't looked into like the details of the invitation on this one. But I think that's the idea. Like it can find in other words, just like get out of the way of your successful guests by saying, Oh, no, it wasn't, it wasn't that nice and kind of a different word that doesn't have that letter in it. Right? And it's just like, yeah, it's a concept. I've thought about it. I've never like done an implementation myself. So I'm actually really pleased by this. And I'm glad they made it.

Jessamyn 13:01 Well, and I mostly just wanted to complain about this. Because as an old person, I didn't want to complain about this post. This post is great. But like, I just like I play this game, you know, set the like, kind of matching card game. Yeah, there's like a set for the phone, right? And you can play like one set of 12 cards every night. And it's 12 cards, and it always has six sets, and you find them. That's it. It's my last thing I do on my phone, and I put the phone away and read for the evening, right? Sometimes it takes a little bit of time. Sometimes it takes a lot of time, except one night. A couple weeks ago, I tried to do the thing. And there was five sets in there. And you know, it's math, right. Like at some point, you're like, there is no combination that works. And so I asked for a hint, because I was like, clearly I'm having a stroke or something I need to kind of you know, get on top of this, if that's what's happening. And the hidden gave me a whole different card that wasn't in the original set in order to solve it, which is against the rules. And it just has made me like aggravated through time. Like I emailed the company. I twittered that them never heard anything about it. Never heard from anyone else. And so now I still feel like maybe it was like a fever dream I had, you know, like remember that one time set didn't have a solution. But I don't know. And so cheating hang man made me think of my arch nemesis, the one set game that only had five solutions. And if anybody else has heard of this, get in touch we're gonna form a support group.

Cortex 14:36 You know, it's interesting, I always wonder with like, puzzle games like like the set thing might work like this and I'm sure that a bunch of other puzzle games I've played on my phone work like this, you know, it's they're probably not going to have a human being sit down and just like come up with a bunch of puzzles from scratch because it's a very general, right? Yeah, like, you can just write a generator that will produce, you know, valid puzzles, and like, well What if your generator has a small unusual bug? What if like every

Jessamyn 15:07 what I am saying? Yeah, exactly.

Cortex 15:09 And but but like I have this philosophical like feeling about like the irresponsibility of allowing that happen that is probably out of scope. On one hand, it's totally out of scope, whatever, it's a free app. But, but and then come on, like, that's the fucking like, if you were gonna take on the mantle of creating a process for generating valid puzzles, and you're generating invalid puzzles, what the fuck are you doing?

Jessamyn 15:36 One job.

Cortex 15:37 I'm trying to remember if FreeCell was always solvable, or if there was a similar sort of situation with it. You don't like the sign sweeper thing as a solid is another solitaire game of the

Jessamyn 15:48 solitaire game just didn't have a solution. I thought Solitaire, yeah,

Cortex 15:51 like Klondike or whatever the other name is for it, or Yeah, call it in the UK. That that that can totally happen unsolvable deal, like all the time FreeCell may or may not be possible to deal with literally unsolvable one. I'm trying to remember what the deal is. Because there's a question of whether that game itself if it's possible to just with a deck of cards, deal out, free, sell it away. That's not solvable. And then there's a narrow question of whether the free sell app on windows would ever deal an unsolvable puzzle. Yeah, well, yeah, it's designed to make sure it could be solved like it would throw out the unsolvable ones, but then maybe it didn't do it consistently. Or maybe unsolvable puzzles are just rare enough that it would deal them out. Everyone's well, just because that's what chance said. But because it was usually solvable people thought they'd all be somebody. There was, there's almost certainly been like two or more medical posts on this. Thesis, right? Yeah, exactly. But, but yes.

Jessamyn 16:51 You understand? You understand? Yeah, yeah. No, fucking right there with ya understand? Oh, my God, I think about it. So at any rate, I kind of well, and I wish the company had been responsive, right? Like, yeah, then you feel like you're playing a thing. And you're not just the product being sold. I don't know what's being sold to.

Cortex 17:11 Like, I've played some, like indie puzzle games that are like, you know, computer games made, like for the PC, rather than, like, you know, anonymous seeming App Store apps. And like, you know, they're made by like, there's definitely the guy who made that game. And like, if you find a bug with the, like, puzzle generator, he's gonna like, oh, shit, let's get on this. Yeah, I'm gonna fix that up. And I'm gonna write a change log, I'm gonna write a little news update for the steam page to say, Oh, hey, we found the bug. And like, you know, and like, I love being able to have that sort of, like, you know, this is someone who is excited about this puzzle concept so much that they made an entire game for it. And they're excited about the process of like, you know, being responsive to issues that show up because programming is difficult. Right? So yeah, but they

Jessamyn 17:53 feel like they're part of a community.

Cortex 17:55 Exactly. Yeah. I like this little graphic novel by CO evals. basis, basically, the, you know, Little Red Riding Hood story, but like with contemporary technology, and a little bit of a hipster lumberjack vibe. And, and yeah, it's just it's cute. Nicely done. And good job. Kudos. It's not a whole lot of say, just like its graphic novel.

Jessamyn 18:21 Which reminds me, I have to go read Charles graphic novel, which I was like, blah, blah, blah about it last time. And then did I remember? No,

Cortex 18:28 nope. Nope. You're just Nope. Can we talk about buddy stock?

Jessamyn 18:35 Oh, yeah. buttstock. Buddy, is it right? That I mean? Yes. But is this a word you grew up with?

Cortex 18:43 No, no, no, not

Jessamyn 18:44 at all. Me neither. But go on. Explain.

Cortex 18:47 Anyway, it is. Well, I mean, it describes itself well. Well, I'm looking for the description is a place other than where I'm actually anyway, it's your premier site for crisp sandwich photos. If you need stock photos, free stock photos of sandwiches, go to buddy stock Chris

Jessamyn 19:06 mean a thing in this? Or is this just kind of?

Cortex 19:09 I think they just mean the crispness of the image in this case, but I don't know. I don't know. Again, it could this could be another, you know, Regional English difference. Anyway, it's a delightfully dumb, wonderful idea. And

Jessamyn 19:25 I'm hoping it says no, no, no crisp. Sorry. I was on that reading. Crisp sandwiches. So they're sandwiches with potato chips. Oh, God, they are sorry, are and I knew that. And did I still ask them? I did. So it's all sorts of different ways. You can have a sandwich with a potato chip in it, including this taco that I have some feelings about. But yes, it's so fun.

Cortex 19:49 See, and this is this is just like absolute like content blindness on my part that I've looked at this site like a couple times now I know and I was delighted by like, just sandwich photos but I didn't even like parse the fact that was literally sandwiches with fucking potato chips inside us crisp. Yeah, yeah, that makes total sense. I was just like, Well,

Jessamyn 20:11 damn cereal were sent you like, it is in no way a sandwich. Except white bread in a fucking bowl.

Cortex 20:22 It's an extremely open faced white, white bread sandwich.

Jessamyn 20:26 It's Shut up.

Cortex 20:28 It's a guy at the end of Hellraiser face sandwich, where he gets his face torn apart. That one goes out to Chirlane Grif. Ah, yeah, anyway, buddy stock. Good stuff.

Jessamyn 20:45 What is a hot dog bun with? I mean, honestly, I enjoy it. It's a really fun website. This is just some fucking Jenga thing. You can't?

Cortex 21:00 That's fantastic. It's all it's like the stegosaurus of snacks.

Jessamyn 21:05 Yes. The steak a source of snacks. Oh, here's an actual Jenga. I'd love this. Sorry. Ah, good radio, but I'm pretty fun. So I'm trash you threw in another? And also the URL is vol dot WTF? How great is that you

Cortex 21:30 are as good and probably expensive. I assume like all of the new novelty domains are always too overpriced. Like I just keep paying.

Jessamyn 21:36 A lot of them had kind of introductory level.

Cortex 21:41 Do you think it's come down? Yeah, I guess I haven't checked back and see because like, who would keep paying? Like 200 bucks a year for a fucking mildly novel? TLD?

Jessamyn 21:50 No, I think there's a lot of people who have too much money in the world. Oh, sure. Sorry, I'm looking at their top level and I'm taking a What's your sleep animal quiz. Just go on.

Cortex 22:07 Anyway, yes. You mentioned Charles comic, Jesse and Matt. They wrapped up Season One of incredible to him, which is very fucking exciting. And I'm friends with both of them. And I follow him on Twitter and stuff. So I get to see a little hints of them working on season two and whatnot. But uh, yeah, good job, guys. It's a good thing you made. Boy, there's a bunch of other stuff, too. There's a bunch of stuff on projects, you know, how are we? Okay, do it do it.

Jessamyn 22:36 I always like it when people are learning how to do a thing. And then by learning how to do a thing, they build the thing because of the thing they learned how to do. Yeah, so this is really bulk who took a web programming class and decided to make a little web based trivia game. It's playable, though, it doesn't have any winning conditions. So don't freak out. But would you try it? It's not super mobile friendly, but whatever. But it's just a little text based. trivia game that requires a very strong password. But yeah,

Cortex 23:15 it seems password must contain, you know, one or more. Mostly held,

Jessamyn 23:19 little interact with this. But still, it's something cool that they built and congratulations. And it made me happy.

Cortex 23:27 We're gonna do it. And yes, a bunch of other stuff. There's a bunch of other stuff on projects to go check out projects. I'll put stuff up, put your own stuff up. Or do it see see they're doing it you can do to look what they're doing. You

Jessamyn 23:40 finish reading a book. This is I guess, my little promotion 32nd. I finished reading a book that was written by a person who I believe has a metal filter account, but I don't know. And the name of the book is lurking. And it's essentially

Cortex 23:54 what I know. Don't know for sure. Right? That's perfect.

Jessamyn 23:57 Well, yeah. And even I mean, she's my friend, but I just don't, I'm not sure. But I was interviewed for the book talking a little bit about about metal filter, but it's basically called lurking how a person became a user, talking about kind of from the old web to the new web, what our expectations of online interaction were, and everything else that's coming out early next year. But I read the aarC for it. And if somebody listening to this podcast would like that aarC let me know and I'll put it in the mail to you. Because it's a really cool book. I very much enjoyed it. It's not about metaphysics, or basically at all, there's a couple sentences about metal filter, but about kind of the old web and Joanne has kind of a dreamy way of writing about stuff that makes it very evocative and interesting. I think. So, lurking I will give you my arc if you want it. Your arc, advanced readers copy.

Cortex 24:54 Oh, I'm not enough of a book person to like, have the acronym Bam, baby. Yeah. This is probably the part where I started humorously mumbling for extended parts is one of the less good bits of like radio stick with. Oh

Jessamyn 25:12 my god, I did a wedding. Over the weekend. I did two weddings this past week, right one that was actually like a stand up in front of your friend's wedding. And one was just to stand up in front of your dog wedding,

Cortex 25:22 using officiating or just attending, officiating,

Jessamyn 25:24 officiating. And the one that was standing up in front of the people. It was on a farm. So I'm reading the thing. It's not very long wedding, but still, and like there's sheep in the background just like Matt. And then this guy had his 92 year old, very elderly uncle there who also kind of mumbled through the whole thing. And like, whatever it was cool for him to come to the thing. Obviously, he's the beloved uncle, but the sort of combination of the sheep being like my and like Uncle Joe being like, it was a very odd wedding, though. Lovely, and odd. So mumbling bring it, I can do I can deal.

Cortex 26:28 We've done it. We're on the Metafilter There we go. We're doing

Jessamyn 26:33 so can I just say, Fuck Richard Stallman. This is awesome. I love this thread. As somebody who didn't have to deal with very much of Richard Stallman weirdness, but had to deal with more than I wanted to just he would occasionally email me about random shit happening. And not in like a creepy way except that he's just weird, right? This whole very long thread and I'm sorry, because it was probably slightly difficult to

Cortex 27:03 to handle it. But

Jessamyn 27:06 it was. It was all right. I think this thread by s vendors about Richard Stallman being driven out of the Free Software Foundation because of creepy things that he said, on mailing lists. And the interesting thing about this thread to me is that it started in the middle of September, and basically it's still going because shit still happening. Right? Like Richard Stallman is looking for an apartment. Maybe he was living in his office. I don't really know. Like, maybe he did or did not retire from. Can you project new project? How do you pronounce it?

Cortex 27:41 I think I say I think I'd say New. And then think to myself, Oh, I should probably say Good. New to disambiguated. Well, I don't even know. You know, can you? Yeah, like, I think there's probably opinions but I don't remember what they are.

Jessamyn 27:53 Yeah. So but But it's interesting, right? Because he was part of a, you know, a code collective in addition to just being this like gross dude with an office. He also was sort of part of this code collective. And so there's a interesting I thought conversation about how much having one troglodyte being part of sort of an open source project does or does not matter and why. And it was a pretty lively, but by and large, fairly respectful conversation about that general topic. Yeah.

Cortex 28:29 Yeah, no, it's, it's interesting because like, I have this very detached relationship with that whole world at this point. But like when I went to college, like I studied computer science in the late 90s. And so Linux was very much in this point of early major ascendancy and the intersection of like, the Linux community and the existing Free Software, community, open source community, good new stuff, all that was like, it was a very busy, complicated slash Dotty time and lots of, you know, combination of excitement and like, odd bits of like, cultural, like, coziness and cachet about stuff. So basically, like the idea of like, Stallman and Eric Raymond, as he sort of like, celebrity figures in Linux nerd circles, right, was something I had this sort of like, osmotic, like I was aware of, and sort of picked up on but like, never really got embedded enough in that to really end up needing to develop an opinion about it. Same thing with like, like, like Linus Torvalds is like, you know,

Jessamyn 29:33 thought about Yeah,

Cortex 29:35 yeah. And you know, him relatively recently being like, oh, yeah, you know what it turns out I may be an asshole a lot and I should try and do better about that. You know, I haven't heard any follow up on that either way other than like, I think he may have reinstated himself in something but anyway, right. Like, it's like, it was like, I was definitely this like, nerdy dude at a Tech College studying Computer Science and so like these guys were just like the relevant notable figures rather than someone who underwent any kind of real, like social scrutiny. You know, it's like very easy for like, well, it's got Solomon Well, it's yeah, it's it's it's ESR Yes. It's

Jessamyn 30:16 like it's Stallman and like, he's a wacky genius, right. And it's easier to think that he's a wacky genius, if he hasn't tried to corner you with one of his gross pleasure cards at a conference. Exactly. Never happened to you.

Cortex 30:31 Yeah, no, no, that is very accurate. Like, I was in the same room as Stallman. One time in a Linux conference, like a friend went and briefly talked to him and said, Oh, hey, it's free software, and bla bla bla. And like, that's like the entirety of my actual direct interactions with him, like in that entire period where that was, like, kind of a big thing with what was going on with my, like, social group at the time. It's programming wise, basically. And then since then, it's like, it's, I don't really do software development, since I got out of college. You know, I make little games and whatnot and do web stuff. But I don't like to organize software development. You're not part of it. So I haven't like you haven't been plugged into it at all. So yeah, it was it was it was possible for him to be a very sort of abstract figure for me. And just like that big mythos thing, rather than like someone who actually required attention and contemplation, and like, looking back now, like, well, I've kind of relieved that I didn't get more into cult of personality stuff there. But at the same time, it does speak to something that like, it's not like this stuff is brand new. It's not like 20 years ago, Stallman wasn't a clear was fine stuff to write, you know. So like, the fact that I like wasn't aware of it then either says a lot about like, the lack of any sort of any sort of, like, you know, scrutinizing context to to that,

Jessamyn 31:50 and the position that you were in, but also kind of the position the community was in as well. Yeah.

Cortex 31:54 Yeah, there's one thing to say, okay, dumb, 20 year old me who wasn't aware of any of that social context and wasn't exposed to any of his bullshit, not like, somehow out of nowhere, picking up that there was an issue, but also like the fact that that didn't come up from anybody else. And it didn't come up, you know, in discussion with like, you know, professors, or people on mailing lists, or whatnot, who were like, old enough to probably have had a chance to know better. Yeah, it's weird. It's weird to think back on. I got email from him actually, a few years ago. Out of the blue, did Calvin and Kharkov the Markov chain, Calvin and Hobbes script a few years ago, that went around the web a little bit at the time. And yeah, I got email out of the blue from him saying, Oh, hey, this is very interesting as you should. And so talk to friends again, Stallman just emailed me about Captain America. And he's like, oh, yeah, he's gonna tell you to open source it. Yeah, he's gonna he's gonna tell you to, to GPL it. And I was like, oh, maybe. And I wrote back was like, hey, thanks. It's very nice. And and yeah, it's kind of similar to similar in principle to the way the Associated Press function in Emacs works. And he wrote back to say, well, you should definitely GPL. And also, no, actually, Associated Press works on a totally different this is a weird Yep. Like this, if you managed to make make your response weirder than people who rightfully expected, you would make it weird, thought you would make it. And then just recently, with the Stallman stuff, I was looking through some links to some Unix documentation, and it included a link to the description of dissociated press or something, where there's actually kind of a sniffing note about how it's actually different than Markov chains and it's a different and it works faster. Not all cheeses, some fucking loops are connecting themselves for me right now. And this is, you know, this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me dealing with this guy. Like, obviously, I don't have an issue here, right? Like, but uh, but it was weird just like that. We're like, oh, man, what if this but like, for decades and way fucking worse, right? Can't even

Jessamyn 34:00 Yeah, so and other dudes in the community were like, oh, yeah, that's just how he is. Which is one thing when they're telling you to deal with shitty email but it's totally another if you're having to deal with like Chidi harassment. Yeah, we've already probably spent too much time talking to

Cortex 34:14 him at all. But anyway, progress Hey,

Jessamyn 34:17 I had to tell poor Jim what negging meant over there because he made some kind of weird backhanded compliment to me and it's like he didn't mean anything by it you know, but I was like, let me explain to you why this gives me such a strong reaction and I'm gonna tell you to never do it again. Pickup Artists culture and Jim was but like we had to go through the whole thing because there was no other way I could explain why basically nice thing he said to me. Yeah, and I miss led to this like nope, go fuck yourself like response for me.

Cortex 34:51 It speaks positively to Jim that like it feels so plausible that he would need that like explained from first principles like not that He's incapable of like saying something kind of dumb But like, he's not like, oh, yeah, no, I Yeah, that's the thing I think about and do is like, Oh, wait, you know,

Jessamyn 35:06 I learned it. I'm trying to unlearn it with you like he just didn't even know it was a thing basically. And when I told him to him, he was like, Oh God, sorry. No, I was like, yep, don't worry about it. But that's why I am grouchy when you say that.

Cortex 35:19 I have a slack with some friends from from the college I went to non gross ones who we kept in touch over IRC for many, many years. We kept an IRC channel up and running. And then eventually, like, let's move to slack. No one wants to use an IRC client anymore, so fuck it. And they brought in a couple of bots that people had programmed just for their own amusement and edification, including a bot that like its whole deal is doing backhanded compliments. And this had been like a running joke from an old IRC bot related to tabletop campaign they had and Nick conceptually, it's funny, but it turns out like after like two or three times, it's like, okay, I got the joke. And also, this is just like an electronic stranger who keeps jumping in the conversation to say random slightly shitty Daiki things right.

Jessamyn 36:06 Congratulate you built a harasser. Phegley

Cortex 36:09 so we, we recently turned the bots off, and it's like, oh, yeah, that's the headache I didn't know went away until I stopped realizing I had it. Yeah, thing. Yeah. And that's just like, that's literally a dumb fucking computer that no one is going to actually specifically be hurt by but Right. Social interaction and society and shit, man. Yeah, a lot of stuff there. Yes. Here's, let's see, here's a fun thing I liked. Here's a thing that I enjoyed on meta filter. This was non Euclidean posted. This is about clique spring, Chris, who I did not know about but who is a thing. Okay, making a thing. Okay, so tell me more. Click spring, Chris appears to be a guy who makes things using machining tools. This is a video of him machining an elaborate object that I didn't understand what the hell it was until it was done and even then didn't really understand it until someone explained it in the thread. It's a card press A playing card press, which apparently is something that you use to apply some even pressure to deck of cards to keep it from being a little bit deformed and popping annoyingly when you're managing cards. And he did this flick spring, Chris did this as a gift for. Like, if you take a playing card and like bend it back and forth, or a deck of cards, they can sort of sort of well, snap. Like that's not ideal, I guess can help

Jessamyn 37:33 presses the snap out of them.

Cortex 37:35 Yeah, I think I think that's the basic idea. That's the world that I'm not familiar with. Because whatever I just you should be playing cards when I play cards occasionally. Right? But he built this for guy Chris Ramsey who's I think a card magician and other stuff guy. I don't know. How about Chris Ramsey? I'm sorry, Chris Ramsey fans. I was very confused. Because click spring Chris made this thing for Chris Ramsey. He's like, Oh, click spring, Chris is Chris Ramsey who's a card guy but also does machining. That's a weird, complicated mix of two very potentially time consuming hobby, then all came clear later. Turns out it's just multiple bikers and Chris. I don't know if clicker springs for Chris's wife. I guess I would have seen his hands maybe. But that's it. Anyway, it's a very nice bit of elaborate metalworking, I guess it was like a 200 hour project or something. But it's like, you know, a 15 minute video or something like that. And it's just it's really nicely done construction of a thing that comes out looking very pretty. And it's fun to watch because it's like, machine milling metal and electroplating it and I really enjoyed watching it. It was a very pleasant video of things being made, which I'm finding I'm watching more and more of like, I'm really, it's a good thing. Like I can just sit down and watch 15 minutes of someone making something quietly and it's, it's very pleasant.

Jessamyn 38:58 I have no patience for it. I tried to watch a woman talk about how to put on lip liner. And it was basically like she's got thin lips. She has thicker lips, thanks to doing her lips in a certain way. And I was vaguely curious about it. But it was like 11 minutes of like, you'll notice my mouth. I'm like no. Sharp. Oh,

Cortex 39:18 like, yeah, no, I don't,

Jessamyn 39:19 I don't know what it is.

Cortex 39:21 I am

Jessamyn 39:22 happy to do content.

Cortex 39:24 I'm happy to watch someone make something I don't want to almost ever listen to someone explain how to make something and that's the thing like this video is wordless. It's just a very well edited, cut together of a whole bunch of little bits of the various steps that went into this ginormous piece of work, but it's not the guy saying okay, now the next thing you're gonna want to do is you got to get out your, your metal aid here and you're gonna clap like you know, it could be fine if I was trying to learn how to use metal legs, but I'm not trying to learn how to use metal. I just want to see an interesting process condensed into a nicely like most

Jessamyn 39:57 of the time I really want to read but realistically I will watch stuff on video to learn things if there's a reason.

Cortex 40:04 Yeah, also through a five minute video of a guy, you know, fixing part of his dishwasher if I need to figure out how to fix my dish. Well, I

Jessamyn 40:10 learned how to make fake fingernails. Oh, yeah. For to help answer an AskMe Metafilter question. That was cool. Nice denture adhesive is the trick.

All right, is that are we done with Christian Chris? Yes. Okay, that's that. for that. I enjoyed this one comment post by Miko called Living with machines, which is a Zooniverse crowdsource project that the British Library is leading, and you can help study the effects of mechanization on everyday life. So basically, you browse through newspapers, and summarize stories of industrial accidents and workplace injuries. So it's

Cortex 40:50 very cool. How many of my baby sort of grim too but

Jessamyn 40:53 how many of my buttons does this press right? Yeah, it's like crowdsourcing stuff. It's a library stuff. It's reading old newspapers stuff and industrial accidents. And it had like one comment, which is counter Selena and 16 favorites.

Cortex 41:08 Nice. Yeah. was when I saw a post.

Jessamyn 41:10 I liked it. We're also wrapping up. I don't know. Sorry. Did you have one other thing you wanted to go right into? No, no, no, I was just, you know, talking to a couple like, you know, post your animal. Right. So redstart, who is metal filter user made their first metal filter post, with a little article about redstarts The bird, I found out a bunch of stuff about them. I learned I click the links it there's a secret sex life of birds article. Most male birds have no penises, but some of them like grow like a little kind of penis just for shits and giggles. I don't know if some of them had been enormous testicles. It's hilarious. So this whole thread was great. And I guess we're done with poster animal month. But it was terrific. And I was really happy to learn more about animals because animals are pretty great, right?

Cortex 42:07 Yeah, that's excellent. And as far as I'm concerned, it's always post your animal month. If you've got an animal in your name, or you kind of have an animal in your name, or you chose your name, while looking at an animal, just go ahead make a post. Well,

Jessamyn 42:20 there was another one that I did enjoy, which was by sugar and confetti, who did a post on sugar gliders that had some videos about them flying around. And they have bifurcated penises that is interesting. They have thumbs on their hind legs, and there is a little bit of kind of like crabby, don't have them as pets. So the thread itself is like, post was lovely.

Cortex 42:47 Yeah, you get what you get. Sometimes,

Jessamyn 42:49 you get again,

Cortex 42:50 I enjoyed this post about the thing that I was not aware of, even though it's been like I think in some circles, apparently forever, hippie bear made a post about a Rolling Stone article about like a decade long search for the source of a mysterious maybe European maybe mid 80s Like New Wave ish song that someone just posted a piece of on the internet several years ago. And people haven't been able to figure out what the song is or who it's by. And they're just speculating about the lyrics. That thing were like, 20 people listen to the same song and it came up with 20 slightly different takes on the lyrics because it's kind of mumbling new wavy vocals at times. And

Jessamyn 43:31 I love this because it's almost impossible to believe that something that was created in essentially modern times could have you know, the person that created it be completely unfixable,

Cortex 43:45 right? Yeah, yeah, like that. Yeah, that's, that's, that's a couple of people sort of talked about that like as sort of, like, part of the weird appeal is because like, you know, the thing is this, this, apparently, like, at least within the circles in which this search has gone on, it's a big thing. It's like, this is that song, the most mysterious song on the internet, you can find posts about it. And there's sub hoaxes related to it. And people trolling. And people who have like, big documentaries are like, well, this is what we've ruled out. And this is what we're going on. And the song is just a song, like, you know, there's people in the thread or have opinions all over it, like in the medical thread anywhere from like, wow, that's a really good tune. Yeah, it's a shame. We can't figure out to like, you know, it's fine. I don't care what the big deal is, I think Ross and sort of said, like, well, but why this song, which is a reasonable question, because like, whatever, it's just a song unless you fall in love with it. It's just a song. But it's not the song. It's the it's the mystery of it. And it's the fact that it is something that manages to be mysterious at a time where we've so gotten used to the idea that you can find out about a thing like if something exists, you've got a piece of essentially contemporary media and you're like, Well, I want to know more. You're gonna find there's gonna be some fucking fan wiki that has like pages about it. But not this one. This one we don't know. No one has said, Oh, that's mine. No one said oh yeah, that's this guys. I know we're

Jessamyn 45:04 even I remember listening to it a lot. And I have it because like every now and again, I'll post an Ask Metafilter question being like, I've got some song on a mixtape and I can't remember who it is, but it's like, I don't feel like that. I feel like that's going to be findable. If you just ask the right number of people and the right number of people's like, 50 you know, it's not like 7 million and still nobody has ever heard of it. Yeah, like, you know, I found some pretty obscure, not totally obscure, but like pretty obscure, like Seattle bands that were in songs on mixtapes, and you know, you just kind of targeted in the right direction. And so it's fascinating to me, that nobody could figure it out. And of course, hippie bear does a great job. But, you know, writing a post that makes it something you want to know more about in the first place? Yeah. I missed it at the time, for whatever reason, but I liked reading meta filter looking at the e book debacle. That is Macmillan, who's one of the big five publishers? Why?

Cortex 46:07 No, I've enjoyed laugh about. I have enjoyed seeing this show up on your Twitter feed as you've engaged with it. And so I'm just remembering Oh, yes, I remember that stuff. We're just mental was dunking on this?

Jessamyn 46:20 Yes, I enjoy dunking on it. Because it's so stupid. Like basically Macmillan is a giant publisher. They are losing revenue. I probably even talked about this last month, because there was probably some other thread, but like they're losing revenue there. They believe that library sales are part of what is causing this problem. And so they're going to start this embargo, where if you're a library system, you can buy one ebook. And then two months later, you can buy more ebooks, right? So if your New York Public Library and you know, Neil Gaiman comes out with a new book, or whoever's on Macmillan, I don't really know. There's one copy that will circulate among your, you know, 7 million library card holders. Whereas if you're Randolph, Vermont, and you've got 3000 library card holders, you also get one copy of the book. And it's just a shitty extortion racket, what they're trying to do is get people to buy the book the ebook. But realistically, what's going to happen is people are just going to be mad at them. And the guy is just a dummy, right? He doesn't understand the president of the company. He doesn't understand how ebook lending works. He doesn't understand how library cards work. And so the reason this is fresh in my mind is just today, the Vermont Library Association came out with a press release, essentially being like fuck this guy, but realistically, being a little bit more politic took about it. And because I'm their webmaster, I got to put it up on the website. And I was like, oh, yeah, right. And like I was asked to write an article about this over the summer that was published on the CNN opinion page, which I was very proud of. And then I published another article that was in the library print material. And so just I feel good about it, because I feel like since I'm not wrapped up in a library system, I can be a little bit more mouthy than I might be if I was representing the townspeople, of whatever. And for something stupid like this, being able to be a little bit more mouthy has some social utility, because it's super stupid. So it was good for me to check out this thread. I'm a little sorry. I was not in there commenting because I know some things. But you know, other people did a credible job at talking about it and hack. It's still open. I think so maybe I'll show up and say some things.

Cortex 48:45 Get in there make that late appearance.

Jessamyn 48:47 Yes. Get in there.

Unknown Speaker 48:49 We got in line. Everything seemed just fine and my friend. We've fought and fought and fought first a little than a lot because my friend then from the corner of my eye, saw another friend walking by. She said don't matter who's first and we're gonna get there at the same time. Just chill your muscles and relax your bone with those screams and traits. Don't matter who's gonna have ourselves a blast.

Cortex 49:30 There is a post about knitting a fence. This was a post by eyebrows McGee. That's right. That's, that's part of why you heard of. Yeah, well, it's like I'd seen content in it. But none of the links were marked as visitors and I think I ended up clicking on some like related links in Slack or something. Anyway, yes. Knitting lace fences out of fishing. That's one. That's That's it. That's the tweet Um, it's it's great. It's a fence that's like knit lace and just go and look at it. It's very cool. And yeah. Oh,

Jessamyn 50:10 this is beautiful. Yeah,

Cortex 50:12 it's, it's, it's really gorgeous. It's very nice.

Jessamyn 50:16 Ah, so yeah. Ah, and there's that lady with her big needles. Ah, that's so cool. Great.

Cortex 50:29 I can make it a twofer on textiles because there was also a pretty good post just, Oh, I love this nice big post by a bit of Shawn about sewing being something that is not really automated the way we kind of think of most like industrial commercial products being automated,

Jessamyn 50:51 right? Just kind of went through the Twitter's right that there was somebody Yeah, I don't even think it's a big Twitter

Cortex 50:57 thread, and then a bunch of other collection of links sort of on the subject from various places in the last few years. But the short version is it's yeah, it's selling it's complicated handling fabric is complicated, making clothes in a variety of subtle differences in sizes and whatnot. And from a big variety of materials. That's a difficult thing to make machines do well, and so mostly, it just doesn't happen. And humans do it. You know. And so when you think of like people doing, you know, workshop or sweatshop labor, for clothing, like That's literally how it gets made. Like that's that that's the system that's not like, the weird cheap version of it. Right? That's the only way, the only way that's like, literally, I mean, not quite, there's some people get into some like the edge cases like not like literally any sewing thing in the world is handmade, just like basically all of it, like in clothing is a good example of stuff where it's basically all of it, it's, it's, it's expensive enough to make a machine that does a good job making one specific item of clothing that like at scale, you might use a machine to create T shirts sometimes. But like only T shirts only from that material only in that cut. And that's because you were willing to invest a huge amount of money that you could instead use to pay a bunch of people not very much to just work it by the piece. So I mean, part of the story is that it's very hard to do this stuff. Well with machines. Part of the story is it's very easy to do it with terrible, exploitable labor choices to pay not very much money like that. That's the break. I mean, and that's the truth for stuff too, like like automation of automobile manufacturing wouldn't involve robots, if it wasn't cheap or not long run to have robots do it. Right capitalism

Jessamyn 52:46 means that it's all going to flow downhill until you have maximal

Cortex 52:51 working materials, easier for machines than working with fabric, which is enormous ly complicated. You know, that even like that extends to video games to like you look at like improvements in graphics. Over the years, like graphics have gotten so much more detailed and quasi realistic. And, you know, the big fucking announcements, it's feels like half the big fucking announcement in the last five years about graphics card technologies like oh, we've got this new sub chip on it. That old model fabric in real time is like, just like now your cape can flicker a little bit which like, that's a weird thing to pay an extra couple 100 bucks on your video card for. But there's got to be something to chase, right. Keep the market excited

Jessamyn 53:30 about that. There's a lot of people there's almost a class of people now who have like weirdly disposable income, but who aren't like the mega rich of your who are like investing it and maybe doing necessarily smart things with it or who just have like, way too much money. And they just do spend it on basically frippery. And there's enough of a class of that, that you can really like make a whole market selling things to those people.

Cortex 53:57 Right. Yeah, I mean, like, yeah, like advanced graphics cards are kind of like, by definition, a luxury good no matter what, like no one needs to have like the new NVIDIA GeForce,

Jessamyn 54:07 I mean, if you're building a game, you kind of do need it right or No,

Cortex 54:11 sure. But well, I mean, you only need you only

Jessamyn 54:15 thing you know, but if you're a video game developer,

Cortex 54:17 you need a cutting edge video card because you are programming a game to serve a market that in part is going to be buying cutting edge video games, so it's like It's turtles all the way down there.

Jessamyn 54:27 Well, I assumed you might need one in order for rendering that you wouldn't need one in order to play

Cortex 54:33 maybe I mean to some extent for development box but like that's that's at that point the market narrow so far from like the consumer base for graphics cards, who just developers it like it wouldn't be a market anymore. Like there wouldn't. Anyway it what the whole point is like, yes, fabric is hard. It's very computationally difficult to render graphic and video games. And by the same token, it's very computationally difficult to sort of track and model fabric for or automation. So like, you know, being able to just say, Oh, well, the computer will figure out how to do it. Well, computer is going to take fucking forever to do that. So like the computer won't be doing it. It's just weird. It's a weird parallel. I don't have that much interest to say about it. So I'm going to stop saying things about it. This is just to say, I enjoyed this post by M Shelley about McSweeney's post about poems, William Carlos Williams, revised after being told by his agent to do more plums contest. It's exactly what you think it was. It's very nice. Yeah. Now the next one is post is like, precisely what you would expect. And then the thread is full of people, you know, plumping up all sorts of other famous poems, and it's just a delightful little thing. So.

Jessamyn 55:39 And I had one, one more, which was, I think, almost my favorite, partly just because the title, which is just taken from one of the things, but it's a Johnny wallflower post, which is like a single link cracked thing, which basically talks about, like food hacks, which a lot of times are things, things you'll see like on a YouTube video, but it doesn't quite actually tell you how to make. And so you know, people kind of try or fail or they try it. And they're like, this is the fucking worst. And it's just funny. And the thread is funny, because people are talking about the things because there are a whole bunch of like, ooh, two ingredient recipes. And like, come on, like, just make some food, you know? Yeah. And hold on a second. Jim has some sort of sore gum, and he woke up in the middle of the night and took antibiotics that were like, designed for something totally else. And I've been trying to sort of talk to him about not doing and just thought I could, you know, but yeah, it's just, they're just really sort of funny. And the thread is all like, fun stuff. But then every now and again, there's a couple things that are actually good. So like Chubu shows up with some instant oatmeal pancakes that are actually delicious. I mean, according to them, but I, you know, I have no reason not to believe them. And so yeah, it's just people talking about food and, you know, stuff to do with leftover pizza and, you know, like, like, there are shortcuts to making some things like you can make a serviceable bread that doesn't require needing, but like maybe that sort of DIY pop tart or whatever the thing was that you read about. Isn't isn't a thing. At any rate, it was a fun thread, and I enjoyed it. Nice. Yeah. Maybe it's time to move on to the rest of the website, or do you have other things

Cortex 57:41 I'll do I got a few links, but I can just quick sweep them all there is a new project from John boys who did breaking Madden and a bunch of other goofy writing stuff about sports video games being broken or experimented in various ways and he's back at it and it's called the fumble dimension and they just put out their first episode and and it's good. I don't even if that means anything to you, it means something to you if it doesn't, great or whatever.

Jessamyn 58:14 I really liked John boy so okay.

Cortex 58:19 John, boys be Elias.

Jessamyn 58:22 Get it somebody called the library when I was working on Friday and asked if we had any Waltons videos. I was like, that's a thing. And I know but

Cortex 58:33 it was televisual content, why not? Potentially. I enjoyed this craft me post which will only make sense in context but it's post by overeducated alligator with a couple of links to collections of badly laid out typographic signage, yes, those things like putting vertical columns of text instead of horizontal so it reads like wrong, basically. It's very amusing. And yeah, you should, you should go look at that. Get some giggles speaking of video content, I'm enjoying watching sometimes I watch it and I posted on Metafilter I enjoyed this woodworking video about a perpetual flip calendar and I made a post about it. Flip, Jacko. Watch them and so

Jessamyn 59:24 the thing is, if I could show me

Cortex 59:28 ya know, probably the last couple of minutes I'll have footage of it action. It's just a calendar that

Jessamyn 59:33 calendar Okay, well, whatever.

Cortex 59:36 Also known prime made a first post. And it was about a big document about the history of the pyramids of Giza. Well, yes, that's what I said.

Jessamyn 59:50 I was too busy clicking. Alright, sorry. Anyway,

Cortex 59:53 you know, I'm prime made the first post yay, first posts. It wasn't about animals, but it was about pyramids. And that's cool too. went to big ol write up on pyramidal stuff. And that I think is my slate. I think I've cleaned my slate for Metafilter Shall we discuss AskMe

Jessamyn 1:00:09 metaphor saunter over to ask Metafilter shattering so this is something that will make a little less sense any auditory medium and then it doesn't a textual medium, but this thread by Diane F, basically at the dermatologist asking about a hobo oil, but they pronounce the Jays like, you know, Joe Jonas like jojoba oil, and then the dermatologist and I guess they have a mutual dislike for each other. I've read later in the thread. My dermatologist and I hate each other. And, but was basically like, how do you pronounce this? How would I even know about this? How do you know that's the rule? Ba and so it's a great thread, actually, for the most part with people talking about well, we pronounce it like haha, but here's why or why you might know. And then people start talking about pronouncing a whole bunch of other stuff, you know, and they're feeling bad about themselves and other people are like don't because people don't know. But then other people are talking about how to spell the word do you are like a look on your face. How do you pronounce that word?

Cortex 1:01:20 I say I say dour.

Jessamyn 1:01:21 Okay, that's exactly what I said. But then somebody else in the thread was saying it doesn't rhyme with sour which of course it does. So I don't know and we can go fight about it in the comments. And then if there's an interesting kind of side thing where somebody's like, Oh God, I guess everybody pronounces it wrong and then somebody was like pro tip if everybody's pronouncing it wrong. That's how it's pronounced. Yeah, so unless it's like you know loanword from another country or something like that where there literally is a way to do it wrong. Editor fun thread. I enjoyed it very much

Cortex 1:01:54 Navajo book and curious about dour though I'm gonna look this down or

Jessamyn 1:01:57 I don't know. I proud to like you pronounce it and we're the whole range of everybody. Yeah, I think it's supposed to be doer is my guess.

Cortex 1:02:09 That that's what the OED is saying. I was also

Jessamyn 1:02:14 as if they're sitting next to you in your room.

Cortex 1:02:16 Yeah, I know. It's a testing both doer and dour as English pronunciation of US English. Good. So yeah, Nope, we're all fine. I thought so. And then and then the British pronunciations are the same, except non rhotic. And then Scottish is dear. All right, there we go. Sorry. I got really caught up in that. That's

Jessamyn 1:02:42 why I enjoyed this excellent achievement for me and monkey toes and suka, bong, bong. Basically, good. Ron was saying, Hey, we have a mystery museum artifact. We don't know what the heck it is. It's got a pretty noticeable way of looking. What the heck is it? And Superboy was like, Oh, I think it's an ottoman tombstone. Here's some examples. Monkey toast found an example from LACMA. And then I found a bunch of nitwits on Quora talking about it, and then linked to some other explanations online, bar to file had some information because bar to file could read what it said. So it was cool. It was just a kind of a 1234. Here's all your answers. Good. Ron was super stoked, and was neat.

Cortex 1:03:32 On a slightly less mysterious front, but in the same sort of like, spirit. I liked this question about typewriters.

Jessamyn 1:03:39 This was so funny. I did not totally understand the question and didn't really follow up too much.

Cortex 1:03:45 I think it's just like, hey, we found a bunch of typewriters. And we don't know how to identify a lot of them. How do we identify them?

Jessamyn 1:03:54 I was just sort of surprised. I guess I never think of the skills I have as being actual skills. But I'm like, Well, of course you go look at this classic typewriter page. But like if you don't know that, you don't know that.

Cortex 1:04:05 Yeah. Yeah. So as much as anything, this thread is a good way to find out about a couple of like elaborate typewriter related websites. But I just say there's something there's something about a whole fleet of type white writers like that I find very charming, too. And they, they included LinkedIn pictures, like the whole slew and it's a bunch of typewriters.

Jessamyn 1:04:24 I have been to places where they have a whole bunch of antique typewriters, it it is very cool.

Cortex 1:04:28 We ended the shop I mentioned. Like, is just like, it's a typewriter shop in town. And it's like, it's not very big shop full of typewriters. And this sort of thing that like, you know, yeah, there's people who are into typewriters, they're into typewriters, you will be able to find this information. Right. So yeah, right. I like that.

Jessamyn 1:04:47 It exists. Yeah. This was a thread I liked because it is particularly timely because Jewish new year started last night at sundown, and this was blah, blah, blah. Basically saying Oh, Look, you're Jewish, let's say, but you're not planning on going to temple for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur war, your kid goes to public school, they get Christmas and Easter off. I mean, I guess Easter is on a Sunday, but whatever. What do you think about keeping the kids home even if they don't go do Jewish stuff on that day, and there's a whole bunch of different feelings about that basically, about, you know, my my feeling, because from growing up, and I don't have kids, so it's easy to have feelings about anything. It's like school is bullshit, let your kids stay home whenever the whenever the hell they want. I mean, especially if it's for a cultural observance, even if you don't, like go to your place of worship, you can stay home and talk about, you know, why, why your people care about this particular thing, et cetera, et cetera. But there's a whole bunch of different different feedback in the thread. And I enjoyed it, you know, because, of course, what they say right, you know, three rabbis four opinions. But it was cool listening to different people talk about this, and also the Jewish new year. So that's alright.

Cortex 1:06:08 That's that. I'm trying to find a way to structure that joke. That's the nice thing about asking about Judaism is you get more comments than you get. But that's like the two. That doesn't work at all. Yeah, that doesn't really hang

Jessamyn 1:06:22 together. I don't know. I don't know.

Cortex 1:06:26 Yes. Yeah.

Jessamyn 1:06:29 And I'm also wondering what they wound up doing, actually, because today would have been the day that the kids would be home from school. So yeah, I'd be curious.

Cortex 1:06:40 That's a good question. And the answer is like, yeah, let your kids stay home fucking school inculcate in your children, regardless of the circumstances, I believe in the idea of not being beholden to the arbitrary structures of the world, because they're gonna have to deal with them enough when they grow up anyway. Why not make them think that you can just have a fucking day off if you need it?

Jessamyn 1:06:58 Right? Well, but needing it is different from like, arbitrary, cultural holiday, right? Because when I was a kid, we did get to take like, you know, kind of what my mom called Mental Health days. And just like, you know, you don't feel like it, if you don't have a test, if you don't do it.

Cortex 1:07:13 You know, I never had that kind of discussion with my parents, I think my parents probably would have been generally supportive of that if we talked about it in those terms, but like, it never came. I was very much like the overachiever fucking kid. And like, you know, a little bit like, you know, beholden to the narrative, like, you know, doing a good and doing it right, and being solid and getting A's and whatnot. And I think there was, like, casual parental pressure towards that insofar as certainly, like, there was positive feedback for doing things like getting good grades. Yeah. But, you know, it was mostly I just didn't really have that framework. It didn't occur to me naturally, to assume that I could just say, you know, what, it doesn't have to be a thing. I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna not go to school today. There's nothing on the schedule that matters. And I just boy, I could use a day off like, that was not like in the skill set that was not in the like, conceptual model of how the world worked. And so instead, like, I would be sick, sometimes in a sort of bullshitty way. Yeah, I know, you mean, and then feel compelled to sort of, like keep up that fiction or even manifested, like, I'm pretty sure, like, managed to effectively make myself sick a couple times. Because I really didn't want to go to school. And I really needed to, like, sell that to myself as much as anything. Yeah, I know what you mean. Anyway, so yes, that's what I'm saying is like, Yeah, fucking tell your kids you know what, this is a good excuse to just stay home from school for a day and reclaim that and like, whatever the fuck, I'm for it. Good. That's my answer typed out into the air over microphone good.

Jessamyn 1:09:27 We talked I think I think this was on pre roll right about the dates and pumpkins, which are going to be coming back to Metafilter. When you ask a question about costumes, and this was the first one that I saw paid attention to and thought would be coming,

Cortex 1:09:41 they'll be coming out like regardless. Oh, they're going to show up on the posting form period. I get a big sort of like, Hey, you maybe Maybe you came here thinking about costumes if that's the case. Let me tell you,

Jessamyn 1:09:54 Mr. Wright. Tell you what,

Cortex 1:09:57 I'll just tell you that's fine to do, but also search here Okay,

Jessamyn 1:10:00 so basically super Libby has been invited to a event A What We Do In The Shadows themed party if you have not seen what we do in the shadows, both the movie and the American TV show, go do it. You'll probably really like it. And I've been instructed to dress as one of the undead. What are some easy, cute comfy ways to do that? There's a couple bits of feedback including my favorite, which is linen never being like my go to Halloween costume is quote, pajamas, but a costume, unquote. Awesome. Love never. That is a great idea. So like pajamas, but teeth, or slippers, or a little blood in the corner of your mouth, or whatever the thing is. So yeah, good thread. Also Halloween.

Cortex 1:10:49 That is, yes. It's time to get spooky.

Jessamyn 1:10:52 I feel like every time you say spooky, you're saying spooky instead.

Cortex 1:10:56 That's because I'm saying spooky. Josh. What? Why? Because it's a thing we like to say on the internet. We owe us the spooky Okay, let's let's wait. So is spoopy actually, like, not familiar to you? Are you just rejecting this?

Jessamyn 1:11:16 It's not familiar to me.

Cortex 1:11:18 Okay, no, it's been a long, long running. Here's at least I don't know how many years but definitely for several years now I would say spoopy as sort of like a goofy joyful take on spooky. Maybe it's sort of like, scary, but not really scary. Maybe kind of like spooky, but failing to get there maybe sort of like not reaching as far into actually being scary as you think you are. And so it's just sort of like cute and dumb. Instead, this whole constellation of meanings I associate with spookiness as like an intentional replication of a misspelling of spooky.

Jessamyn 1:11:51 Okay, I thought I just heard you wrong the first time you use that word. And then the second time I'm like, I'm pretty sure.

Cortex 1:11:59 No, just google google google spoopy 3.7 million results on Google. Like,

Jessamyn 1:12:06 scary and funny at the same time. I had no idea. How do I do this?

Cortex 1:12:13 Anyway, I don't even remember it. Yeah. Sounds like a spooky party.

Jessamyn 1:12:20 Yes, pajamas. But yeah, never.

Cortex 1:12:25 Yes. There's a very, very popular question. From crunchy potato asking about entertainment for decompressing. And I think it's popular because like, as always, this is sort of a thing people could use. They're asking specifically about like, basically, you know, TV entertainment stuff in that vein that

Jessamyn 1:12:44 no gruesome no jumpscare no intense interpersonal con flit. No sudden unexpected nonsense. Totally. Yeah, I feel

Cortex 1:12:54 mostly just chill, chill TV, you know, not necessarily slow TV, but like chill TV, they bring up Great British Bake Off, which is like, yeah, like, that's, if anything, the Bake Off is a little bit more engaging for me than like the true chill change, somebody

Jessamyn 1:13:09 cries on the British Bake Off. That's not and

Cortex 1:13:11 I'm also I tend to me, I tend to get invested into to, like, you know, like, I don't have a problem with a conflict when it shows up. But like, I'm emotionally invested in bakeoff. Like, I'm gonna be paying attention to it in a way that maybe like, for me, it might not even be the right thing in this recipe. But like, you know, people have a ton of suggestions as you would expect about a bunch of stuff. And this sort of ties into that whole watching videos of stuff being made. I think that's like working pretty well, for me as a version of that in like little 15 minute chunks.

Jessamyn 1:13:40 Somebody was talking to me about they watch a lot of pouring videos now. Pouring videos, p o u r i n g. And it's just people who make these kinds of art. hanging wall painting stuff, but it's all like videos that show like pouring this paint from the top and then it kind of okay, for a thing. But it's like usually lots of layers, and it turns into something kind of cool. And I've seen it too with takes, like there's ways of doing it like with, you know, basic.

Cortex 1:14:14 Yeah, Port icing that Yeah, but like it's a whole thing,

Jessamyn 1:14:17 apparently, that I didn't really know about. But somebody on Twitter was telling me they use it to relax and I was like you do what now? And then I started watching them and wow, some of them are really kind of interesting to look at. You know, it's like mandala making kinds of stuff.

Cortex 1:14:31 Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, I could tell that I've watched it like really? Yeah, no, it's just like, you know, you're building up a I've definitely watched a couple of like, videos of that sort of thing being done for an art project over the years and it's it's a neat looking thing. And like I've thought about like the idea we've been trying to do that, but like figuring out the materials if I haven't bothered. Yeah, I've got other stuff I can work on. I do other things with paint already.

Jessamyn 1:14:54 Here's some Pinterest wall just to you know, give you some

Cortex 1:14:59 things to look at Got a Pinterest

Jessamyn 1:15:00 511 Best mores.

Cortex 1:15:05 Pinterest is so terrible, like the real bad like Pinterest is a very bad website hiring extremely,

Jessamyn 1:15:11 try very hard to keep you from getting to the source of anything. And absolutely fuck them. And to

Cortex 1:15:15 me, they're there, they're, like 900 pictures just

Jessamyn 1:15:20 want to try and find like the picture of the thing. I mean, that's how I found the Ottoman headstone actually was, you know, Ottoman headstone. Because you know, the, with this certain era headstone, you would have like a little kind of a thing at the top that would indicate kind of what job you had. But you just have to kind of go scanning through a whole bunch of like different headstones that look mostly the same except with a different little bump on top. And Pinterest is good for that. Oh, good for them. I also hate them. So you know, I'm not telling you to like them, I'm just saying, yeah, they are.

Cortex 1:16:00 No, the pouring video thing is interesting. Because like, like, I immediately know what you're talking about. I've never really thought of as the genre, but hey, fucking why not? You know, there's a lot of people on the internet, there's a lot of content you can generate. So why would there not be a whole gigantic pile of those, you could just sort of, like work through Yeah.

Jessamyn 1:16:18 Yeah. And here's, here's another What, no, no go? Well, this is another kind of popular list generating thread that I liked, which is by meeting shoe puppet, basically household items that you use, not for their intended purpose. So like you can juice a lemon using a pair of tongs as the reamer. You can use a hydration bladder for an ice pack shoes are good for valet trays, bla bla bla, bla, bla bla. But it's just kind of a lot of different people talking about different stuff you can use in your house to do a different different thing. It got me excited about cleaning my sink. Even though I don't even know if anybody mentioned sink cleaning. But I was like, oh, there's all sorts of different ways you can clean this something something why haven't I done this? So I went and did it.

Cortex 1:17:07 Yeah, I enjoy is much for its potential energy, this question from Oumou that like, I feel like I've sort of put myself out there as needing to come back and add more of an actual answer to, but he's posting saying, hey, what's the deal with chord progressions in New Pornographers songs? And it's a good question, because I really liked the new product preserved. I do too. Yeah, one of my favorite bands at this point. And they just they're very good songwriters, among other things. And part of it is they do do interesting and slightly unconventional things with like, the harmonic arrangement of their songs. So I like I immediately both know exactly what Lynn was talking about. And haven't put it into like, like a firmly thought out like model of how to describe that thing. Even as someone who does songwriting myself and like, tries to think about choral movement and mix things up sometimes. But there it is a thing they do very well as a band. They they they take different swerves, not like weird outsider, you know, a collective music news. Yeah, yeah, it's not it's not getting into strange, like experimental composition stuff. It's just also not just doing like, you know, meat, potatoes, 164 or five. And that space in between exactly where that sort of amount of variation while still being recognizably, you know, pop constructions would be interesting to think through. So maybe I'll try and think through that, and come back and put in a little bit more thoughtful of an answer. But But yeah, it's kind of like, yeah, that is a thing. That is a thing. And I kind of want someone else who just happens. Oh, yeah. I'm a I totally know, ecologist. And here's my here's, here's my five page essay on the core structures, like yes, someone did work. Excellent, great. But anyway,

Jessamyn 1:18:58 I liked this thread by except insects, who's basically like, look, you're single, you don't have any dependents, you're writing a will? Like, what? What do you do? What are the things you need to think about what you know, I don't even have really nieces or nephews that need this money. How do you figure it out? And you know, how do you determine who to give your things to how do you determine who's the person to give those things out? And it's actually a really interesting, not very long thread. With people talking about how they made the choices they made, and one person kind of near the end is like, well think about if you have intellectual property because that's its own thing. And except insects is like, Oh, yes, shit, actually, I totally do. Hey, helpful. So that's a that was a good thread. I learned some stuff and yeah.

Cortex 1:19:52 Nice. Yes. Yeah. No, it's yeah, it's weird, right. Like the whole concept of, I think the popular concept The will is tied into stories about like, the execution of a will, which implies interested parties presenting after the

Jessamyn 1:20:06 way like a lot of interesting drama and pose to just, yeah. It's like,

Cortex 1:20:11 Nope, that should go somewhere. How do you decide where and how and yeah, right. What else we got? I just

Jessamyn 1:20:19 got one more. And it's another one, those kinds of work shocky questions, which is basically a question by Jay Chu, who just moved into a new apartment with their partner, and their partner has a whole bunch of sentimental stuff that doesn't quite have a space in their new apartment. And so it's a really kind of tricky situation, right? I want to talk to my partner about the fact that they have these boxes of sentimental things that are not part of our, like, we don't use these things. But we also don't have space for these things. And right now we can't unpack, because these things are in the room that I'm going to use as my office. And when you just read the question, kind of depending on what your outlook is about stuff, this could really be anywhere over the map, right J shoes partner could be like a wacky hoarder, who has, you know, a total problem and is creating a problem for the family. Or J Xu could be sort of an uptight Marie Kondo type person who just wants a place for everything and everything in his place. And what's a couple boxes under the bed, right? And watching different ask meta filter responders respond from whatever their personal perspective is, like, somebody who's sentimental about stuff, or your partner needs, you need, you know, DTF Ma, right, like MFA, MFA. It's really interesting watching, you know, I think Jason got some interesting feedback. I think they're kind of stuck in a weird rut with their partner, regardless of what the problem is trying to figure out how to deal with this. Because clearly, they have a loving relationship. And yet them and their partner do not see eye to eye on this stuff, to such a degree that they don't even have the vocabulary to speak to one another about solving the problem in their relationship. And it's tricky. Stuff is tricky, very tricky, and especially when you've just moved, which a lot of people pointed out, like, maybe give it a couple of weeks. But yeah, it's just, it's a hard. It's a hard problem. And it was interesting to me to read the different responses in this thread.

Cortex 1:22:30 Yeah. That's nice. It's I mean, yeah, cuz like, yeah, that's, it is such a it's such a subjective thing, like outside of like, specific, like terrible, like hoarding situations, like, you just have to make some level of decision about what priorities are on space and sentimentality.

Jessamyn 1:22:51 Or had full information, right, like if it was like J shoe and J shoes partner, both writing about the issue, you'd have a lot more information than Jay Chu being like, well, this is how it looks to me, even though obviously, that's all you ever have. And so it's interesting watching people try to fill in the blank spaces that you don't know, right? Because like it's really just these boxes of stuff. It's not like they're an accumulator, but still it's boxes of stuff. Oh, and by the way, they're trying to have a baby maybe. And so how does that fit into the whole mix and fascinating so fascinating.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:26 Man each other shadows bigger lesson let's hold till eventually our theories could explain it all I'm recording on history now on the bedroom all women lead light, okay, common thing over and over.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:48 I am walking out in the rain, and I am listening to the dial tone again, and I get it.

Jessamyn 1:23:59 But that's it for AskMe Metafilter. For me, what else what else you got going on?

Cortex 1:24:03 Um, there's a few like nice notable things from meta talk. We, you know, we did the we participated in the software and the climate strike.

Jessamyn 1:24:13 I saw that I appreciated that. I don't know if I mentioned that.

Cortex 1:24:17 Yeah, it was it was it was nice, fumble got, there's there were some prefab sort of overlay stuff being provided by the folks organizing that. So from Paul got one of those gussied up on the site, and you know, wasn't styled to look like metal filters was an overlay and so it's like a little bit weird to see. Which seems like just about okay for like, you know, a one day sort of getting your attention sort of thing. And it was that sort of thing. Were you supposed to just be able to click Next and make it go away. Everywhere. But Internet Explorer, of course. Yeah. Turns out there was a problem with IE, there's a couple little weird problems with mobile, some specific mobile situation to where there were a little bit of headache sounds like anybody who got actually genuinely inconvenienced by that that they paid or sorry, we picked something that we thought would work pretty well and So, also, climate change is a horrific problem that is going to be a problem for everybody. So oh, well, one slightly annoying day on part of the internet. That seems like an okay trade off. But yeah, some folks rounded up some other information about stuff and thread and sort of chatted about things news. Nice. And let's see, there was this very fun thread, actually.

Jessamyn 1:25:25 Oh, no, it's a different fun thread.

Cortex 1:25:27 No, this is this is Agent rocket posted about. Yeah, it's just a fun read. Like, it's, it's basically saying, hey, you know, things got invented, you know, 10 years ago, or 15 years ago, or got released or got announced. And there was a metal filter thread about it at the time, because it was an interesting thing. And someone posted about it. And we talked about it. And now, that was five or 10 or 15 years ago, and look at how we look at that now versus then isn't an interesting story, like, revisit those threats. And the ensuing discussion turned into talking about some of those things, and people linking up a bunch of threads from various notable things. Like, we look back and I was like, Oh, that was a thing at the time, or oh, that seemed like a new thing at the time. So it's just it's, it turned into a fun pile of reading. It's a good rabbit hole, if you want to end up reading some old threads about technology stuff, mostly Sure.

Jessamyn 1:26:16 I love all threads about technology stuff. I also enjoyed this rabbit hole thread, about fashion police that eyebrows wiki posted basically your most regrettable useful fashion decision or last week or whatever. And it's just, it's just fun. Because by and large, people can kind of look back on whatever they end, especially with metal filter people. In a lot of cases, they're like, look, I wear this bullshit thing when I was in high school. And actually, it looked fucking great. You know? The fact that kids thought I was weird. Well, sure. Great. I see that now. But still, this looked amazing. Like I really enjoyed a lot of people just talking about what they decided to wear, especially in high school, but not always, sometimes it's, you know, regular the nowadays. And it was it was it was fun. Portal Quine, as a high school senior I wore around this hat that was very similar to Tom Brady's terrible hat. And thinking of it now makes me want to die. And I do feel bad for quiet. But I did enjoy the contextualization of Tom Brady's terrible hat because I knew exactly what it was they were talking about. And, and that was funny. stupid hat.

Cortex 1:27:34 Okay, Tom Brady traveling back in time to ruin your high school preferences. There was another William Carlos Williams thread on the site in the last month. This time was from Ghidorah posted saying, Hey, I'm working with high school seniors to do poetry stuff. So trying to explain Metafilter to a bunch of Japanese high school students talk about this is just to say

Jessamyn 1:28:03 why I don't get they don't get. Yeah, and

Cortex 1:28:07 so it just, it sounds like it just turned into a nice moment. And then Cadore also is like, you know, of course, because I'm an evil teacher ask them to make their own versions of the poem for next week. Which we got some follow up on and also a bunch of more just like riffing on William Carlos Williams, which will always always make me happy. So I enjoyed that whole thing. But I really liked the idea of, of Fedora explaining metal filter to a bunch of Japanese high school students. And yeah, that was the thing. I liked that that was nice. Good.

Jessamyn 1:28:39 I think then the only other thing that I had on my list of things was fizzes. Just happy things post. Even though obviously it's not a conversation. Limiter. I don't know. That's how eyebrows Biggie always said, like whatever somebody's like, just happy things. I'm like, oh, yeah, you and what are me like, I just have some cognition streak that doesn't really serve me as well as a middle aged woman. But it's like, Hey, here's some, you know, post some stuff you liked basically?

Cortex 1:29:08 Well, and you know, like, I think there's like there's some kind of fucking life skill in learning to recognize the difference between focusing on having things and being told not to ever discuss unhappy things and like, exact that should be a fairly easy distinction to make, but also the weird way that cultural forces can come in to like be disapproving of fully experiencing your emotions. What that makes people like learn to sort of stake out some No, actually, I'm going to define, I'm going to offend my right to like, feel my feelings or whatnot. But then that can turn around and be like, you just want to do that every time there's a possibility that someone would try and police your emotions. And I said, No, no, let's just chill and talk about something nice because we feel like it you don't have

Jessamyn 1:29:50 to write it if you give it a positive orientation. Somebody feels like they have to come around with a balancing or

Cortex 1:29:56 he says it's a complicated like there's a lot of weird shit go One of the it's complicated and I'd like that sometimes is that react to that itself is pretty merited but sometimes it is okay to just be like, hey, you know, let's just take a fucking minute and be like yeah here's a here's the thing I liked so so thank you for this for for going for that sometimes I appreciate it oh you know one other thing it was your birthday? It was your birthday it was your birthday last month happy? Yes. Did you show up in that thread because I didn't until just now so if you didn't either I feel much better posted by Jessa Yeah, you shut up okay.

Jessamyn 1:30:36 Yeah, well cuz you know, it's been a weird year right? Like, I my summers weird. My shingles came back I've got some weird medical issue that I'm working my way through, which is going fine. But I didn't I didn't really do like a big birthday thing this year, and I do most years. And so my birthday this year was like in the middle of the week, and I had like a doctor's appointment the day before. And like, the news was inconclusive, which is kind of good, but maybe not. And so I was just kinda like, Thanks, everybody. Yeah, like, like I've literally put it off until kind of you know, I feel better but it was very nice. Thank you Lauren Neeson who also had a birthday so Happy Birthday, Laura and that son, and everybody else who had a birthday on the same day, which includes a Neil Boston owl brambles, Daniel Schuster, dear wasa Lee drew BGM 1947 G hair smells terrific. Greenie God Jehovah JD fan Joe PASM Kimber Russell quarry Chia lady gypsy measured out my life and coffee spoons such a good username, new world mom Paco 758 friendly face Ren domination, robot Rex our profit cigar, something Salem Socratic T Gore a bit garbage score, garbage and timepiece. Because it's hard, right? Like, I'm the high profile user that has a birthday that day. But metal filter is big enough that there's 20 People who have a birthday on any given day. Yeah. So I appreciated this. I thought it was very nice. I did a big thread on my birthday on Twitter, which was like, hey, it's my birthday, send gifts. And I'm too stupid to know that gifts and gifts have most of the same letters. You know what I mean? So everyone was like, oh, play on words. And I was like, Nah, I just wanted to see some animated GIFs. And I didn't even think about it. Which I know what you're gonna say, Josh, is if I pronounced this correctly

Cortex 1:32:27 dites I know I think we've we may have talked about this before, but like I am cleanly into a place where I no longer have like, an opinion. Oh, great. Like I don't even know what my opinion would be i i They just exist in superposition in my mind

Jessamyn 1:32:46 is like what are you fucking when you type you know, but I did have like a kind of a fun Twitter thread on my birthday. That was just goofy pictures that I enjoyed. And that was you know, in addition to this metal filter thread, those were great kind of low key ways to do birthday stuff. Like I went out for food and like I did a couple things with Jim and that was really nice. But in general, it's been a very low key year compared to last year which was big FIFO which even though I didn't do a lot of stuff, I did some stuff. And it was it was a thing so yeah, it was my birthday. All right, for a good month of leisure. I was probably the most leisurely this month that I've been any Virgo month of leisure in the last 20 years and if it's because I just had some lingering crud and not some you know potentially terrible illness that I'll I'll look back on that and be like way to go You nailed it. Yeah, that's my hope.

Cortex 1:33:41 Nice fanfare there's good places just started up its final season just started.

Jessamyn 1:33:48 Oh, right. Right. Right. I'm very excited. I haven't seen the opening season opening episode. SNL started. started up again, which is also good Woody Harrelson and what? Bobby Eilish Billy Eilish, Billy Eilish that person Yeah, who like broke her ankle and is a child on the show. No, no, no, no, no, but like, but like in a very like, dressed up, dress up outfit and also had a booth you know what I mean? Like that dress up like in a ballgown, but like was in an outfit, and also had a booth and we were like, did they break recently? Like, why about

Cortex 1:34:32 like, so I know. I know. Basically nothing about Billy Eilish as a person I know Billy Eilish as a currently Ascendance pop musician essentially like she's she's got a album out I think I've heard like she's got one single the bad guy. Yeah, but beyond that, I know nothing about her or the Billy Eilish brand essentially. So I don't like I don't have really opinions. One way or the other beyond saying it would be both totally plausible that she, like broke her ankle somehow is like fucking I'm still going and playing the show. And equally plausible that like her ankle is fine. But like the idea of being the sort of person who would break your ankle on brand to you know, yeah, so who fucking knows? Yeah, just like it's like it's it's, it's, it's pop, there's an industry surrounding this and I haven't cared enough to try and develop any further opinions on the subject other than clearly a pop situation is being marketed. But there's some cool instrumentation on her single so that's nice. And bake off bake off his back to all of maybe it's the great British baking show, I guess they may be rebranded it. I can't tell if they rebranded it when it changed from Maryberry at all to the current slew or if it's just that Netflix and bake off, like branded as baking show in the US because I just see it on Netflix. I

Jessamyn 1:36:07 feel like they're two separate things, but I literally don't know.

Cortex 1:36:12 Both of Yeah, like, I don't know, if I'm still calling a bake off after rebranding, or if I'm knowing that Bake Off is what it's called in the UK. But I see the US branding, which is baking show. I don't know, I don't fucking know. It's a good question. It's not a very good question. It's a question. It's a question I have. And I've asked it. I've done that. I think probably we probably stopped doing

Jessamyn 1:36:34 it. That's a great. I mean, I've had a great time talking to you like always.

Cortex 1:36:39 Yeah, it's a solid word like it like 94 minutes, so

Jessamyn 1:36:41 it's a good amount.

Cortex 1:36:43 That's a good like, it's it's not like an art film. It's just a solid movie. That's that's what we've done. Really? Yeah, maybe,

Jessamyn 1:36:50 maybe because those Avengers movies gone way too long. I think

Cortex 1:36:55 we should really have spoilers for the next podcast after the last song plays. On every episode. We just like make up some stuff and like, you know, a conversation that we're definitely going to have next time.

Jessamyn 1:37:05 Oh, where Josh reveals something like that. Yeah,

Cortex 1:37:09 you know, like, like the end credits, things in Marvel movies is what I'm going for. Was that clear? Did that come through this refund? Okay, that's what I'm trying to say.

Jessamyn 1:37:18 But I'm not that sophisticated about you know, superhero movies. Or Marvel movies. I can't tell you who's Marvel and who's DC for the most part. Yeah, Batman.

Cortex 1:37:27 Not just that shit. They they pull that shit every single time you know, you get to the end of the movie and the credits roll and then while it's still on, you're like,

Jessamyn 1:37:32 Wait a second. They're not really dead. Or are they?

Cortex 1:37:35 Yeah, yeah. And then it cuts the fucking fan. I was doing some shit or whatever. Right?

Jessamyn 1:37:40 everybody's lives.

Cortex 1:37:41 Don't keep listening after the end of the song at the end of this episode. I'm absolutely not actually going to do this. Absolutely not get your hopes up. The rules are called Okay.

Jessamyn 1:37:52 on IMDb like you can look in the movie has a singer? Yes. And it's

Cortex 1:37:58 a dog guy except for like staying in your seat instead of a dog dying.

Jessamyn 1:38:02 Sure, Josh. Thank you for your rapid

Cortex 1:38:06 update. I did it again. We got so close. I almost didn't mention the dead dogs. Good talk to you Jasmine.

Jessamyn 1:38:14 As always good talking to you Josh. See you next month. Let's do it by myself leaving. Again,