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Podcast 155 Transcript

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A transcript for Episode 155: No curses, no whammies (2019-09-01).

Pronoiac passed the podcast to


Cortex 0:00 A couple of things you

Yeah, no, let's I guess let's actually roll. Let's, let's let's do it. Let's do the post pre roll. This is episode 155 of the medical to monthly podcast. I am Josh cortex Mullard. No, I'm Jessamyn. And welcome to this. I didn't say welcome at the beginning, which I usually do so post hoc post pre roll welcome. I don't I I'm not sure I use post hoc correctly. I think I think I use it in general like, yeah, I feel like it's got a very specific sort of meaning. And I often use it just to mean like, after which may be too general.

Jessamyn 1:01 Oh, shit. I don't know anything about how are your first two trivia days?

Cortex 1:06 Oh, boy. Well, my first one, I'm

Jessamyn 1:08 gonna kill you.

Cortex 1:09 My your I Am a dead man. My first day went fine. I lost but just because the other person knew more answers. Wait, that's okay.

Jessamyn 1:18 Okay, how right didn't?

Cortex 1:19 I don't remember. But no, I feel I finished my first day. And I was like, Okay, well, you know what I should do? I should set that reminder. Because I I've learned in the past that if I don't set up a reminder, I might actually jump in. I literally got distracted from setting up a reminder. And then yesterday just went away. She did. She successfully played both day so far. I realized this morning that I had missed yesterday entirely. And then I set up a reminder so there's my forfeit for the season. I said yeah, you know, so she's bringing up the average.

Jessamyn 2:03 Did you set up but you set up your mind set up

Cortex 2:05 a reminder now? Yes, I set it up this morning over breakfast while saying oh crap. I didn't do my literally yesterday. So that's outgoing. All right.

Jessamyn 2:11 You want to hear funny joke? Yes. I'm now on the learned league Official Rules Committee. Executive Board. Oh, nice. Like there's a rules committee. And then there's a like a, the people that run the Rules Committee. And I'm one of those people just because of you know, I volunteered because why not? And so what it means is, I'm the person who gets on the forums. And I'm like, Hey, everybody, just so you know, you can set a reminder or all the other stuff. And it's a perfect fit for me. Honestly, it's great. Just it's you know, it's telling people Well, according to rule, you know, 17.1 bla bla bla bla it's mostly just helping people honestly. But that is kind of funny. I wonder if there's a way I can like detach myself from you, as

Cortex 2:59 well to not have to be reminding least or not to have.

Jessamyn 3:03 He doesn't have he doesn't need to be my referrer anymore. He could just go be himself

Cortex 3:08 as fuck ups are now entirely his own. Please don't hold me responsible at this late date.

Jessamyn 3:13 Right? He knows.

Cortex 3:15 Yep. That seems reasonable in

Jessamyn 3:17 like, what what is your? In my?

Cortex 3:21 I don't remember. Let's see what your what am I in this video?

Jessamyn 3:27 Yeah. All right. Let's move on. But,

Cortex 3:30 Rory, sorry, I

Jessamyn 3:31 thought this was gonna be like a friendly fun conversation. I didn't mean for it to be.

Cortex 3:38 Yeah, wasn't one of the one of these seasons I will never forfeit. And that will feel great. I don't think it's happened yet.

Jessamyn 3:44 I think I'm 890 games without a forfeit.

Cortex 3:47 Nice. I'm not. I'm not so much on the streaks. I don't believe in streaks. I feel they're they're bad for your help.

Jessamyn 3:55 That is not untrue. Actually. Like, I think I've told you I use a little habit app to make sure I like do my little shoulder exercises every day. And like I missed it one once in August. And now I'm like, Well, it's the pocket forget exactly. Point of anything.

Cortex 4:13 Genuinely, I think I do better if I don't try and like be super fucking consistent like that and set the expectation that any failure is going to qualify as like, you know, the end of the world.

Unknown Speaker 4:23 I think that's a healthy attitude.

Cortex 4:25 Yeah, I think we've talked about that before even we should talk about that periodically. And if we've ever forget to then it's the end of the world.

Jessamyn 4:31 A ton of metal filter people in your in your group to you there's Angela, there's Jason who is zero key or I don't even know what his user name is Kevin Lumpkin, who's my referee. Logan ayliffe. Who's my referee. There's like five of my refer. Is it just in your branch? That's cool.

Cortex 4:51 Yep. All right. Yeah, I actually forfeited with Logan, actually last season. He wrote to apologize and then wrote a follow up to say, Wait a second. Did you forfeit.

Jessamyn 5:00 I believe you see me on that? Because you did, which are both my guys. Yep. Yep. Matt forfeited.

Cortex 5:11 This is now that's all we're doing this podcast. We're just gonna talk about trivia.

Jessamyn 5:16 No, he didn't. He's doing alright so far. He won one. He lost one. That's a good good one. One. I lost one.

Cortex 5:22 I would hope that most people to two days in don't have any records, whatever they overall season length forfeit thing. I'm really I'm getting in there early. Get out of the way. Yeah, just now. Now. I now don't have to worry about screwing up because it's already been done. And I could just get along with like,

Jessamyn 5:39 trying to make XOXO, please, you know?

Cortex 5:43 Yeah, I'm gonna just do it right first thing in the morning? Because I know like by the evening, I'm not going to have any brain left for it.

Jessamyn 5:52 And then it'll be too late. Yeah, exactly.

Cortex 5:55 All right. Let's talk about metal filter.

Jessamyn 5:59 Yeah, because 155 is just a wasteland.

Cortex 6:03 Yes. Like, what, what do you do with that?

Jessamyn 6:07 There's just nothing interesting. There's like one street sign. There's some roads?

Cortex 6:12 Yep. Men have filter jobs, jobs. That's the thing. There are on medical, a couple jobs up from

Jessamyn 6:20 being off. And I really feel like people need to get back on the jobs. I do. Notice that you fix the map. So Matt

Cortex 6:27 was asked, you know, we I had been paid something or did it just come back? Yeah, no, no, we had to fix an API call. Still another little gap. I think we're still trying to track down but that one works. Now. That's not obviously broke. When you look the page, I still think maybe we will just get rid of it. Because it's still not really doing but fixing it was faster than refactoring the page to not have

Jessamyn 6:46 it, though, isn't refactoring the page just commented out the map?

Cortex 6:51 Well, but it's refactoring several pages, because meta filters code base is weird. And the themes are separate code bases, and

Jessamyn 6:58 so sorry, you know, I feel like this is my fault, because I use the classic theme.

Cortex 7:02 Yep. Yep. It's it's it's specifically and only your but there were a couple job listings in in August. There's a

Jessamyn 7:15 couple literally a couple. Not Yeah. A couple.

Cortex 7:18 Yes. So even figuratively, it's more just vague, right? I guess, I guess, literal couple as in literally, I don't know. I'm over determining. Anyway, Quispe lover is looking for a blogger indexing issue. And I just destroyed the URL for that post somehow. But yes, if, if you know how to fuck with that.

Jessamyn 7:46 That's tricky, right? Like, Google Search Console is confusing, but it's also like, I'm really fascinated by this question, actually, like I follow a lot of quiz plovers. Questions, generally speaking, and I'm super interested in, you know, how Google does what it does. I mean, Google owns frickin blogger, right? Like, I mean, the fact that you can't find those posts is really surprising. And yet, it's difficult, right? So you know, somebody probably knows exactly what's going on. And, you know, would be a great help to Quispe lover to get that straightened out.

Cortex 8:27 Yep. Yeah, managed to be surprising and yet not like, that's kind of the problem with the sheer scope of Google's properties and interlocking things at this point.

Jessamyn 8:37 Yeah, yeah. That maybe you're being punished for some random thing you didn't even know was a thing. Yeah, exactly. And then, Tammy, oh, sorry. Yeah, no, I was just gonna say Jim and Tammy brand new user, somebody writing a story on bereavement leave policies. If you've had a bad experience with bereavement leave, and I'm sure people have because it's often a bad time. Get in touch.

Cortex 9:04 And that's your job. That's your jobs update.

Jessamyn 9:06 You know, I had a bad experience with bereavement leave when I worked at Metafilter. And I had a shift during my father's memorial service that no one could cover. I mean, you know, me, I'm not really still mad. I just keep remembering that and being like, yeah, yeah. I think it's the absence of bereavement leave more than anything else. Yeah. I think Martin, they'll probably get bereavement leave.

Cortex 9:37 We would, we would definitely make it happen. Yes. Yeah. See,

Jessamyn 9:41 amazing. Look what you've done. It's

Cortex 9:43 crazy. Yeah. The lessons we learned over time.

Jessamyn 9:47 I mean, that's it for jobs. Yeah.

Cortex 9:49 So let's talk briefly about projects. I mean, like, I feel like every August comes around, I say, there's like, well, it's August. Like it's the hot shitty part of the summer and also overdue. In

Jessamyn 10:00 the Northern Hemisphere, though, yeah, I mean, that's the thing. I don't totally understand why there isn't more like, you know, especially like Australia and like Southern Hemisphere activity around this people should be more indoors, I don't know.

Cortex 10:17 But it's nice and cool out when people get outdoors. Because it's, you know, I guess

Jessamyn 10:23 I have a project that I loved this month. Specifically, this was by Simic G, I assume that's how you pronounce that, who basically is doing a final project in a class called organizing information to design an index for something that already exists. And they chose podcast episodes within the radio topia network. Like I'm a big fan of the radio topia network 99% of visibles. On there, they've got a couple other really good podcasts, as well as some others that whatever. And basically, they did kind of a YouTube video of how they index all of those podcasts. And so basically, there's a policy paper design pages, and then a little video that just kind of talks through it. And I just think it's really cool. Because honestly, you know, if I can go on briefly, like this is kind of what's missing with a lot of content online is the inability to find stuff, if something doesn't have a useful search box, right? Like, if you ever tried to find something on Twitter, without using the advanced search, it's impossible. Yeah, no, it's bad. And it's and it's not supposed to be like Twitter doesn't care. So that's fine. It's not like they're trying and failing at the thing they tried to do. They don't care, right? YouTube, same thing. They don't care. Like the difference between finding like the song and like 100 other people's ukulele covers with a song. They don't care. Like, that's just not important. And so it's nice when people who do care can like build something on top of that, to allow people who really care about content and being able to drill down effectively and whatever. That's super helpful, useful. So I love this. The end.

Unknown Speaker 12:04 Nice. Yeah.

Cortex 12:06 Yeah, no, I I always feel like I need to explain the fact that I have seen everything, even though I haven't necessarily engaged with everything, because I've approved the stuff in the queue. And it's not interesting radio, and yet every time I feel the need to say it. But yeah, I saw that went going by and I thought, Oh, that looks interesting. And that it just didn't, I didn't get back to it.

Jessamyn 12:25 Well, it was interesting. I watch the video, and I enjoyed it. And I'm always happy to see other people who are librarians, I met a filter. And remember, folks, everybody who is marked as a colleague on my profile is somebody who either now or in the past has worked in or around Libraries and Information Science. Good to know. Nice.

Cortex 12:47 Yeah. This is one of those things where like, this is probably interesting to people. And I don't have much use word because I just don't engage with poetry well at all, but Kwasi randoms been working through translating Chinese poetry as part of the process of getting better at Chinese. So there's, if you're into that, boom, there's a bunch of translation work that they're doing on some poetry that they're posting as they go, which seems like a pretty cool project.

Jessamyn 13:21 Oh, definitely a cool project. I like this project by Jeff L. Who mostly was on a really long bicycle trip from Bandon Oregon to Henderson, Kentucky, but then also and didn't get any flat tires. also took a whole bunch of pictures. And you know, talked about it a little but these pictures are beautiful. And the format of the blog now I'm like, is this Squarespace What is this is just really cool. Cycle Blaze. Oh, so I guess it's a, like a site that set up for you to be able to do a travel journal. Well, it's awesome. And people can like heart little things. And it's mostly you know, good for pictures and reading. It's kind of a medium like setup, but for you to do a travel journal. Really cool. Congratulations on no flat tires. And yeah, I just thought

Cortex 14:21 that's very cool. Do you think we should just start doing like the short Square Space ads to see if they just randomly send people money when they find out that they did that on their podcast? Is that how that works? No.

Unknown Speaker 14:35 Have you ever thought actually about getting ads for this?

Cortex 14:38 I've thought of I haven't looked into it much because I need to like actually do metrics on it. But we don't have like a super wide listening audience. As far as I've seen last time we looked so I don't know that the ad rates it would be worth a disruption in the show. But also I should find out I should like

Jessamyn 14:56 look into it. Maybe I can get a free toothbrush. Pick because that's part of it, right? Like sometimes the ads are just these idiot jumping in ads that sound terrible. But sometimes it's just the host being like, I have a subscription to The Economist. It's awesome. You will like you will like that kind of thing, which is

Cortex 15:12 more interested in the mail, as you're angling for, like a toothbrush.

Jessamyn 15:16 But quip is always advertising on podcasts that I listened to. And I'm very interested, but not $25 interested if it would actually change my toothbrushing life because that it frickin wouldn't. But I'm curious. And that's it.

Cortex 15:31 Yeah, well, this now qualifies as an experiment to see if they're secretly watching and listening. So if you see oh, that's no fun. Come on, be a little paranoid.

Jessamyn 15:43 Oh, my God, dude, if you've actually lived with someone who has actual paranoia for any length of time, you will no longer find all amusing. I don't

Cortex 15:51 find it probably more amusing in general, but it's I haven't I think. I think as much as anything, it comes up sometimes in managing user interactions on Metafilter. Like, imagine, like, are just dealing with that as part of what they're dealing with in their lives. And you know, so? Yes, it's a whole thing. It's definitely a whole thing. Right. There is this project from Brent a Jones, which

Jessamyn 16:19 is gonna that was where I was going next. Yeah,

Cortex 16:21 it's like, kind of a maybe oral histories like overstating it structurally. But it's, you know, folks from it's looking back at Ferguson, five years later, Ferguson, Missouri. And basically, it's people from Ferguson telling their stories on the five year anniversary of Michael Brown, Junior's killing and all of the shit that went down in Ferguson as a result. So yeah, good stuff, like good pictures, audio of folks on their stories. Definitely worth looking at.

Jessamyn 16:56 Yeah, I just I know, the Ferguson librarian, who, you know, they were like, a real part of that whole situation. And I just sent it to him, because I think I like it.

Cortex 17:10 Looks nice. And there's several other things. Yeah, I haven't I haven't dug in on other stuff. So I can't really talk about it. But people are posting stuff. Go look at the things people are making. Well,

Jessamyn 17:22 I do have to say, like I always say, if you have done a thing, and it's, you know, creative in any number of realms, right? It can be pictures, it can be something you build at home, it can be, you know, something that's going on in your life that you document if it's got a web aspect, or you can give it a web aspect, put on projects, because it's always super fun to see what other people come up with and do.

Cortex 17:42 Yeah. I'm here for it. People are here for it. It's, it's, it's good. Yeah. Shall we discuss? metal filter?

Jessamyn 17:54 Yes, because metal filter this month I have, because I have not been feeling well. And I've been, you know, one of the things that doesn't feel bad is sitting around scurrying around on the computer as opposed to like lawn work. And also because poster animal has been happening this month, Medical Center has and because there's no more mega threads, I'm sorry to people who love them. But I did not love them. So I feel like there's just more air in the room. Now, for whatever reason, even though I haven't worked at Metafilter this month. All those combination of things mean I've been engaging with Metafilter even more than usual. And it has just been it has been grant i I have really enjoyed it in a way that I haven't in a while. So that's been fun.

Cortex 18:39 That's very nice. That's very good to hear. Yeah. I have been. I've been I've been genuinely enjoying post random a month, which I guess I guess we could I guess we could like link to and explain.

Jessamyn 18:51 Yeah. In

Cortex 18:52 short, in short, there's a lot of people who have some sort of animal reference in their username. And one of those people is if only I had a penguin. And if only I had a penguin made a meta talk post saying, hey, you know what? I'm going to post about a penguin. Once you post about

Jessamyn 19:10 sometimes. What is another one of those words you pronounce funny? Penguin? Penguin? Penguin? Penguin? Penguin?

Cortex 19:19 What do you say? Penguin? Penguin? Penguin? Yeah. No, that one feels like a I can't I mean, I guess it's the same valid and that one feels like what I know like Dragon dragon like that one I it's a very perceptible like I get that this is a point of major, like, phonetic disagreement. But yeah, and I'm saying penguin and that there's the difference here. But it's a subtler one to me like that one doesn't work out to me. Like I'm used to like people being on either side of that one.

Jessamyn 19:47 Oh, sure. I mean, I'm not saying you're doing it weird. I'm just saying like, Oh, it's

Cortex 19:51 just, it's it's good. It's an interesting one because it's relatively subtle, but that subtlety there's so many cases where Something like that is either a subtlety or something someone just literally cannot discriminate phonetically because, right, they don't have that discrimination of those two similar sounds in the vocabulary. So they just the one that they do have, like, is the one that they hear and they hear it for both of them, you know, from either side of that golf. So, yeah, yes, Penguin. Yes. Anyway, that's, that's an animal and so are lots of other animals.

Jessamyn 20:27 So just a couple of them. For the ones I saw, are the magic fortune telling fish done by Capricorn. This Capricorn frickin fish. I don't even know, at any rate, done by Capricorn, you know, those little like plastic things you put in your hand and they curl in certain ways and it's supposed to, like tell you a thing about a thing. Capricorn did a really great post about what we know about those fish like it's kind of a small post didn't even get a lot of comments, but just fascinating links to some old stuff including this like, I don't even know what it is like a magic forum where people are talking about the the history of these things, and it was just super fun. I liked it.

Cortex 21:13 It is an animal from the ibex family. That's well, I don't know, taking take it up with the astrology I guess. Or a genus. Capricornus is a genus of goat like or antelope, like can also

Jessamyn 21:27 feel a lot of fish. Yeah, whatever. It was great. I loved it. I'd like to point

Cortex 21:31 out that I wanted to search for Capricorn and really realize what I was gonna get with a bunch of like, you know, zodiac and astrology stuff, and accepted that and then clicked on the link for Capricorn, parentheses, astrology that came up high in the search results, and then just deleted the underscore parenthesis astrology, closed parenthesis from the URL, and that worked. Hey, just get to that disambiguation page instead. And everything's great, isn't it,

Jessamyn 22:01 isn't it? Oh, hey, speaking of astrology, the Virgo month of leisure started last week. Which means everybody

Cortex 22:09 what? I don't know shit about any astrology stuff. So I know Alright, well, what I can tell me more about the Virgo month

Jessamyn 22:16 starts in late August and it goes through late September Virgos I mean, I'm not an astrology believer. I just find this kind of stuff. Fun. You know, it's like what sports team is your sports in. And but Virgos are supposed to be like super organized and super kind of maybe type A and really uptight. And so me and another Virgo friend. My birthday is next week, me and another Virgo friend basically put together this thing when I lived in Seattle called the Virgo month of leisure. What you're supposed to do Virgos is like, chill out on your horoscope month, right? Like, just don't, don't get all wrapped up in the stuff to try to like give yourself like an affirmative permission to relax, right? And then it's become this ridiculous joke. Because every month in the Virgo month of leisure, I mean, especially because school is starting for a lot of people, which either means they attend school or they teach or they have children attending school or whatever. It's always a clusterfuck. Right? Every single damn time. It's just everything the wheels fall off, right? Whatever, whatever it is. So like last year, I got shingles. It was ridiculous. The year before that was like right after my mom died like it was just Oh God, everything always and so it's like a joke now. But I mentioned it every time on Twitter. I made a little Virgo month of leisure webpage. And it becomes like a funny joke where Virgos all get together and talk about how they're screwing up their month of leisure.

Unknown Speaker 23:43 That's great. Yep.

Jessamyn 23:45 Thus ends my PSA. Thank you for coming to my TEDx talk.

Cortex 23:48 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for informing me. Sure. I feel much better now. Sure. Oh, right, right.

Jessamyn 23:57 Is that satrix? That's right, right. I

Cortex 24:00 think it's a Atrix?

Jessamyn 24:01 Yes, I Atrix did a great post on the grease on which is a honey badger type animal that lives in Central America. And it was a fun thread because they're these weird, funny little honey badgers, and the honey badgers satrix says they hunt singing mice and they listen for these mice to sing. And I just thought you could have like a whole little children's book about you know, the grease on and the singing mice and etc, etc. At any rate, I liked it. It was another poster animal posts and it was it was good.

Cortex 25:01 There's been a lot of nice like there's there's been several first posts, post general post too, which is kind of great like people getting in on this as like a reason to just, I'm gonna do it at all which Excuse me?

Jessamyn 25:14 What is going on there?

Cortex 25:16 I got some burps I got some burps going on.

Jessamyn 25:18 Hey there should ask Metafilter is right about burps

Cortex 25:20 are there are is there i correlated the the wrong plurality singularity. Yes. Anyway

okay, let me just I'm gonna just, I do not have my stuff organized. And I'm trying to. I know. I can say it once per podcast. Here is a post from 2006 I'm just gonna jump right in here. Well, that's organized. Here's a post from 2006 by Darton. De Hartung. I've never he's, I think his name is hard, Tom. That makes a lot. Yeah, because it's but his in mind, in my mind for like, literally, you know, going on 20 years now. It's just been gar tongue.

Jessamyn 26:09 In my brain like dark tongue. It rhymes with art long another Yeah, exactly.

Cortex 26:13 So here's a post by him from 2006. About probably a big joke or possibly an actual insider account.

Jessamyn 26:23 What are those something awful things? I love these. Yeah. But the thing

Cortex 26:27 is, I was reading I think I was helping someone on Twitter a few weeks ago, try and figure out a thing they couldn't remember that they had seen on Metafilter. And they had a vague memory and couldn't pin down. I saw

Jessamyn 26:40 that happen. Because a lot of times with those like, oh, this old Metafilter thing. Yeah, I'm like, Oh, I might know that.

Cortex 26:47 Yeah. And this was checking my favorite. This was like a month and a half ago. So I don't feel bad about not remembering the details now. But I favored it to the Gosh, bring that on the podcast. And then I've completely forgotten. Oh, what else was going on? In that conversation? Talk about? Yes, there is I remember. Can you believe it? I just had three offline conversations about how I won't remember it. Before I remembered about Person B, person B, person B helped

Jessamyn 27:10 you go to your something awful thing first, and then we'll move on to the other Well, here's

Cortex 27:13 the whole thing. I don't fucking remember. Like it was it was some parody thing. Or was it you know, it's like, you know, the more recent, you know, rogue fucking department of whatever, Twitter stuff from the last few years, like, Trump got elected. And then like, people in the government were like, like, going to talk shit. And then there was like, people who were clearly saying, oh, people really liked those rogue accounts, and whether any of them were real or not, who knows? But definitely, some of them were people just sort of trying to run a weird grift for attention and share. So this feels like the 2006 version of that. So what happened? Is that something awful thread rather than a series of Twitter accounts,

Jessamyn 27:47 right? I had I had an old question for you. Alright. What is thirst account? Man?

Cortex 27:54 I don't know exactly. I've never quite looked into it like a thirst. I'm associating with the concept of like, you know, horny for that. Whatever. Like thirst in that sense, like thirsty thirst?

Jessamyn 28:10 Well, there's thirst like that. There's, there's a thirsty tweet at thirsty account.

Cortex 28:16 There's a couple possible answers here. And like one answer is the it hit my perception sometime in the last I don't know two or three years via social media. And then the other answer is probably now backdate that a little back to like, if you're actually paying attention to Black Twitter instead of white people picking up on Black Twitter is my general sense of how that moves. But that's how it almost fucking always but it was because that's just kind of the whole treadmill of Twitter is this steady state of appropriation of Black Twitter slang.

Jessamyn 28:48 Okay, so it's a black slang thing that may.

Cortex 28:51 Yeah, but Stover sort of? Yeah, I just haven't dug into it. So I don't know. So I've heard like thirst trap and thirst. I've heard thirst account but never like dug into a thirst trap, I

Jessamyn 29:03 think regards to like Instagram, right, where people are like, I don't know, there was some? Well, because I started reading read it's mid asshole, because I ran out of metal filter. And I love Am I the asshole? Because, I mean, this is getting a little deep, I guess into divergence. But like, you know, you can just answer like, yeah, you probably shouldn't have done that that way or no, you're cool. I know you feel bad, but that other person is the person who's the jerk. And somebody was talking about like, am I wrong to like Instagram, a picture of my sort of stepdaughter? And you know, my husband's ex wife is shit. And you know, they have a lot of followers on Instagram, and they're like, but it's not a thirst account. And I was like, Oh, what, why? And I figured you would know so I assume it's just kind of a I don't know be horny for me. Instagram account, the hopefully somebody listening does

Cortex 29:58 Yeah, that'd be nice. That's That's as far as I could possibly pick it. Because I haven't dug in on it.

Jessamyn 30:04 But which question to ask because it just seems

Cortex 30:09 ya know, I'd be curious to know more of the, the the context and details of that, that usage and that practice. What else do I have? Oh, here's another

Jessamyn 30:20 are we going to talk about koshnb Now, are we gonna wait for that to come up? Nacho

Cortex 30:25 speaking of Carson B. I personally agree. McGorry wanted to eyebrows Margaret Ouroboros Magram wanted to shout out Carson PE for helping out with some ID stuff. Trying to remember the exact details but basically, I think Carson be used his good good administrative brain to help her out with some annoying fucking paperwork. And I'm gonna

Jessamyn 30:52 Yeah, he's smart with the passport stuff. So if you ever have weird passport questions or need assistance, he is your go to guy.

Cortex 31:00 Oh, yeah. She was trying to renew her passport is what's going on? I renewed my passport this summer, so she can actually travel is here. sister's baby. Yeah, so good job Carson. B. Also, hi, Carson. B. I haven't seen you in a very long time.

Jessamyn 31:14 Hey, Coach Jimmy.

Cortex 31:18 Here's a post about neural network generated death metal. And I came across it. I think I came across the actual thing. I was like, oh, I should go post that on Metafilter and then found out that there was a four month old post about it's like, well, but also great. Someone got there. So anyway, it's exactly what it sounds like. If you think you would like to hear some neural network generated technical death metal. There is a 24/7 live stream in this post. And you can do that. There you go. That's my book report.

Unknown Speaker 31:53 Great What was that technical death

Cortex 31:54 metal? Yeah, I assume it's like getting into specific sub genre of stylization. There's a lot of fucking branches of, of metal. And I've never like dug in on them enough to really know much of anything about though I

Jessamyn 32:07 don't know too much about him either. I feel like like I like metal but I don't love metal like there's other kinds of branches of music that I really like where I'm like, I really would like to know the difference between this and that. But

Cortex 32:19 I was just listening to new millennium cyanide Christ by my sugar. Last night I was hanging out with Churchill music and sort of going back and forth and stuff and it is declared by Google to be progressive metal.

Jessamyn 32:38 So is that like prog rock? I think so. I mean, really different.

Cortex 32:42 I based on this one song I listened to by this band, I would say like in a sense of like prog rock kind of although doesn't sound anything like prog rock, but sort of the structural tendency and

Jessamyn 32:53 the progressive, kind of the same thing in the music. Yeah. And like, it's got

Cortex 32:57 complicated Polly rhythms and sectional changes and whatnot in a way that I associate pretty strongly with a lot of like, you know, if, if Rush was making extremely fast, totally bleak metal. You know,

Jessamyn 33:11 can we talk about the rush movie that just came out and a whole bunch of people on Twitter, were all talking about rush at the same time? I missed this entire opening.

Cortex 33:20 I have no idea what we're talking about. I mean, I assume we're talking about a movie about the band Rush, but

Unknown Speaker 33:25 I think so I saw none of it was called rush.

Jessamyn 33:29 I don't know. But all I know is like people from very check on the IMDB well, maybe. Oh, now I'm really confused.

Cortex 33:39 You just had a weird dream about rush.

Jessamyn 33:42 I was on Twitter, and everyone's talking about seeing rush. And then I was like looking at them. I'm like, they don't all live in the same place. And then I assumed it must have been like a concert movie. And then I didn't even know they had broken up. They're like the first concert I ever saw. So like, I feel some kind of special feeling towards Russia, even though like I like them just fine. But I don't love them. But because I saw them first. I think about them more than like other bands that I like as much as I like them.

Cortex 34:10 Sure. Yeah, no, I missed that entirely. I saw no mention of this. So or I did and just didn't. I have two baseball posts, which is like two more baseball posts than usual.

Unknown Speaker 34:26 But these are just tend to be really good. Yeah,

Cortex 34:28 I mean, that's the thing like I I'm gonna skip the five minute long explanation that I'm not anti sports. I just don't perfectly follow up and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Jessamyn 34:38 But baseball, why does that be five minutes? That seemed like a perfectly great explanation. I

Cortex 34:42 feel like it's easy for me to go in there. Basically, I think I think when people post about baseball and metal filter it, it tends to always be something sort of weird and interesting. And I appreciate that. And one of the posts that I liked from recently was Churcher CHR Chr. Yeah. I posted an article about how every baseball team has a quote wet

Jessamyn 35:04 guy now please tell me what this means. As in like a

Cortex 35:07 guy who looks like he's fucking soaking wet. Like he's got wet hair hanging down. He's got like

Jessamyn 35:13 buckles. buckholts was like this greasy. I didn't even think of him as wet. Like he was just as greasy dude.

Cortex 35:21 Yeah. And I think it's sort of like in that same sort of territory.

Unknown Speaker 35:25 Hey, buckholts he said this article.

Cortex 35:28 Perfect.

Unknown Speaker 35:29 I know about baseball. This is great. buckholts is soggy. Hey, day.

Jessamyn 35:37 Oh my god. Sorry, go on. Oh,

Cortex 35:39 that's me. That's a whole it's a it's not a it's not a lengthy article. But it's just a fun read. And as someone who doesn't particularly pay attention to baseball, I enjoyed getting a little bit of like, oh, yeah, and this is a whole thing going on.

Jessamyn 35:51 So basically, they assume these guys have something in their hair that they're then putting on their baseball

Cortex 35:58 that's part of the thing is the article sort of gets in from like the it leads off talking specifically about a guy who's like, you know, that also under suspicion for maybe sort of, like doing something to fuck with his ball, like throwing spitballs or grease balls? Oh, I love but it comes up that there's also some wet guys who just like they aren't pitchers. So they that doesn't, they just want to do that's just their style, so and so like, I like that that is a whole vein of thing. I like it. But baseball posts from like the last week. This one's from filthy life, like,

Jessamyn 36:28 oh, well, I have a great segue from this. So this is gonna be honestly

Cortex 36:31 I feel like this post is about Keith Comstock, who's a guy who played a little bit of Major League and a lot of minor league in a mix of the both and he never really had the big baseball

Jessamyn 36:43 minor league and just kind of never made it up to the majors. Well, he

Cortex 36:47 just like he played a little bit.

Jessamyn 36:50 Oakland A's sold them to the Detroit Tigers for $100 in a bag of balls, and he had to deliver the ball.

Cortex 36:58 So he just delivers a little history of how he got this minor league card where it's like probably the only minor league card or baseball card ever that has the guy being hit in the in the balls with a ball is the post photo he wanted to set up. And it's it's great. It's just a dumb little gag card. But like it's a story of how he had to make this fucking effort to get this card made and had to sort of like do this brinksmanship thing.

Jessamyn 37:21 Got a sense of humor about it, right? I mean, that's the thing that's kind of that's kind of nice about it that like he's funny about it. And so you can enjoy it. You don't have to just feel bad for the guy. Right? It could be like a really grim story. Yeah, it's just

Cortex 37:36 a fun, goofy chill, sort of like, look, yeah, this guy is not taking himself or his career terribly seriously. And he liked that he got this card made. And so I thought that there was a lot of fun, too.

Jessamyn 37:46 Yeah, no, I enjoyed it. I basically had seen the card first and then went backwards in metal filter, which my glorious segway was also how I found this post. I didn't count on this package deal, which is essentially just a single blog post with lots and lots of pictures of rock and rollers in incredibly tight trousers. Back in the day, were like tight trousers just meant you could just see their whole package. And like, you're just looking at a bunch of dudes told packages. And it's fascinating, especially because we're not really used to, you know, the female gaze or the sort of gay male gaze like we're used to kind of the male gaze, we're like, you look at like, theoretically, it's called the male gaze. It's a heteronormative term, but like, where you look at a person, a woman and like, it's all about like, how desirable she would be or what her sort of androgynous zones for lack of a better word would be. But you rarely get a whole bunch of pictures of dudes. Nowadays you do because I think people are a lot more sort of equality minded about that. So there's as many like, you know, hot dudes to look at as hot women to look at. But these are just rock and rollers with tight pants back in an era. Well, and you know, Elvis Presley, like back in an era where you just didn't see that, like, we're, you wouldn't have seen these pictures, kind of otherwise, they're all collected in one place. And of course, that thread is gold. Like it's just funny jokes with my friends. You

Cortex 39:26 know, I feel like roadster it's not like, it's kind of cheating here. Like it's not like wearing tight pants. He's just he's literally standing around with underwear. That's, you know, that's Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 39:35 but you can see his whole package. Oh, yeah, no,

Cortex 39:37 no, I'm just saying. Yeah.

Jessamyn 39:41 And this is my chief net. I don't know if I mentioned that or java net. How do you pronounce this user now?

Cortex 39:45 Boy, that's a good one. Right in my head. It's actually like shoving it.

Jessamyn 39:49 Yeah. shoving it to but I don't know if that's true or not. Maybe they can let us know. And yeah, I just I really enjoyed just be Being able to enjoy

Cortex 40:02 this. I liked this post from no Capricorn and Capricorns coming in strong this month. Post about a guy named Dave Hebb who is just a guy who's interested in sign Tronic signs in Boston sign tronics is a company that makes commercial signage for like, you know, stores. And this guy is in the Boston area and likes finding these signs made by this California signage firm and documenting him and that's his whole thing. Like it's such a weird old internet kind of thing. But in this case, you know, the leadoff post is actually a Atlas Obscura video sort of following him around a little bit. But there's a whole bunch of like Facebook group stuff, and Flickr stuff. So if you like, want to look at a bunch of old signs, here you go.

Jessamyn 40:53 And then people like, you know, the thread is also people like, Oh, hey, there's one near me, like, you know, which is always kind of fun, where you take something that goes from the internet, and you connect it to your real life.

Cortex 41:04 Yeah. And you realize, oh, this is a very, this is a specific like, thing that now I can. Now I can see as I go about me, and like, oh, there we go. Yeah, that was cool.

Jessamyn 41:14 I liked it. Speaking of which, there are two library posts this month that I enjoyed, and I'm sorry, if I missed other library posts, one of them is by meta quarry. And it's essentially a Smithsonian Magazine article about how there was a book scare in the late 19th and early 20th century about diseases that could potentially be in library books. And then it you know, turned into kind of a discussion with a lot of the usual librarians about, you know, what actually is in library books, but also like when we talk about being afraid of diseases in library books, or in public generally, is that just really talking about kind of xenophobic fear of other people, you know, you know, that is talking about diseases and library books, just really talking about how you think kind of the public is gross, yeah, and you are not gross. And that's why you drive your car to work alone, every day, instead of taking the bus, or whatever, whatever things are. And I just, you know, I like talking about library books with people. And then this post by not on display, my man, about library land, which is a bunch of people to also Massachusetts, I don't know why we've been so Massachusetts today about a bunch of people who go around to public libraries and other libraries and break them according to a bunch of different criteria. And they've got a blog that looks kind of nice, and whatever. And this all started because they were in my area, or one of them was. And so we met up for lunch. And I was sort of talking about talking about libraries, but also this guy kind of lives in here where Jim lives, and they've got kids that have similar kind of kid problems. And I was like, Oh, you totally get along with my boyfriend, bla bla, bla, bla, bla, bla bla. So I met, the guy told Jim about their website, Jim looked at the website was like, This is amazing. And then posted to metal filter where it got met with the predictable responses. I mean, it's, you know, it's good and bad, right. But like, these guys are like designers, but they work from, you know, out of their house. And so a lot of times, they're working from libraries, which is where this started. And so they go to libraries, and they're like, wow, you know, libraries are really different in terms of the services they offer, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so they started just going around and looking at libraries, and Greg kind of might want to be a librarian. And but of course, anytime you talk about ratings, people get really grouchy. And anytime you're like, you know, I'm a guy who works from my laptop, and I'm just a white dude coming in to tell you that your library doesn't have very good parking like that makes people feel weird. Yeah. So

Cortex 44:02 I think there's even just like an instinct of like, Oh, hey, I'm an entrepreneur, and you're gonna disrupt workspaces, things that people like, it's easy to bristle at that side, too. So yeah, there's all these Oh, sorry, well, just, there's all these weird little checkmarks of things that like, I totally get how people were like, and then it turns out, the guy shows up

Jessamyn 44:20 sucks, right? Like these suck as an organization. But do you want all of the people who normally would work it, we work working in your library? And I think that's a really interesting, open question. You know what I mean? Because kind of you do up to a point, like you don't want them to come to your library, and then try to change the culture of your library. But it really would be nice if more of the affluent members of our community felt that the library was for them. The same way many of the less affluent members of the community really feel like the library is for them. Right? So it's hard because sometimes those different parts of your community don't always get along. Sometimes it's good for them to rub shoulders with the library. But sometimes they have conflicting and competing needs. And then how do libraries deal with that, and sometimes they deal with it poorly, and that makes people feel bad. So I thought that was all a very interesting outgrowth of this thread. And then Greg PC, who's one of the two guys got to a better filter account showed up. naturedly showed up, which I appreciated that helped

Cortex 45:24 really sort of like reground, some of that, like very abstracted crossing to, which was nice.

Jessamyn 45:29 Well, and it's funny, because, you know, they, the site's kind of popular, and it pops up all over the place. And I am one of the moderators for like this 30,000 member, librarian, Facebook group, which goes about as well as you can imagine. Interesting, right? It's interesting to meet a lot of different librarians. Librarians are really different from one another in a lot of important ways. And so this got posted there. And man, people were off to the races, like, Fuck these guys kind of like in a way that I was actually a little surprised at. And so I showed up about 15 Questions, comments in and was like, hey,

Unknown Speaker 46:06 yeah, this website, Greg's a friend of mine.

Jessamyn 46:11 Everything kind of shut down, right? Because it's easy to just be snarking on randos. It's a little bit different to be yelling at gentleman's friends. But I mean, that's, I mean, again, I think that's what the internet does in general, right? Like, you know, changing yelling at the wall to yelling at gentleman's friends, or whatever, but then you get to know people who aren't like you and kind of figure out what their story is. Yeah. Yeah. And I thought, Jim, I thought Jim did a good job at that post, too. Like, you know, sometimes he gets a little wacky, and I'm a little bit like squirrely, Jim. But

Cortex 46:46 that's it. I have, I've actually got a pile of stuff.

Jessamyn 47:10 So I've got like, one more probably for metal filter.

Cortex 47:13 I'll speed round a little bit of my filter stuff. And then we move on to ask, this is something that like, I favorited that's another older post that I favorited I think because I found out about it and started researching it and was like, I should make a medical poster that turns out that four years ago, church aids Tucker did, and did a perfectly good job of it. So

Jessamyn 47:30 that username from I love that.

Cortex 47:31 I don't know. I don't know. That's

Jessamyn 47:33 a good question. Go and see. Church. Ah, Tucker. Oh,

Cortex 47:40 yeah. It's his name, I guess. I don't know. Or I don't know.

Jessamyn 47:46 I don't fucking know. Who even knows. I like it, though.

Cortex 47:49 Anyway, apparently, there was a thing called TV pow. In the late 70s, and early 80s. You never heard of it, you could like watch and call in and shout power into your phone to interact. And that's the whole like, like, take that take what you can put together about the state of like television and telephonic technology in the late 70s. And you know, this was shit, but it's still something that was happening and it's fucking amazing that find out about effects so I found it delightful. It's a fun read on some old media stuff that I was too young to even be aware of at the time. Ah, that's lovely. And that is basically impossible now because we have video games right but but yes, so I thought that was good and and I was four years too late to make a post. I want to shout out some of these posts or animal month posts from people posting for the first time. So it

Jessamyn 48:45 is another great thing about post your animal

Cortex 48:48 it gives you gives you gives you an excuse. Oh, I

Jessamyn 48:51 forgot I have mine too. So

Cortex 48:53 So golden eel Congratulations on your first post about eels garden eels specifically, what are these little they they they plant themselves in the sand like they're but in a little

Jessamyn 49:08 garden. It's not like they live in your garden or like they grow like

Cortex 49:11 they don't live in your garden but that sort of grow maybe like a garden you just got to watch watch the video. They're delightful they sort of creep up and back down

Jessamyn 49:18 watching an ad first for

Cortex 49:22 Well, I mean you don't have to do it right now. But anyway, good job gold. Neil just ducky posted about a bunch of ducklings jumping oh my god

Jessamyn 49:32 adorable. My video finally started

Cortex 49:35 well that the ducks are two so it works. It all overlaps. And it's it's ducks and it's adorable. And there's some other links in there one of which is like much more. Just like you made the decision to go with the cute video of the ducks jumping into the river rather than have the ducks jumping off a cliff not always living Yes, I'm sorry geese which is It's a very compelling video, but it's also Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 50:02 Oh my god.

Cortex 50:03 It's definitely like, hey, get ready for some red in tooth and claw nature bad situations kind of show that must be taken from. But if you're into it that's really difficult. Yes. And then quacks like a duck posted about ducks ringing bells in Somerset and that was also quacks like an expert post. So good job all you with your first posting and your posting of animals and it's it's been Oh, and there was another this is not animal theme but there was a first post about Randall Reeves, who is making a figure eight vaulted voyage solo circumnavigating both the American and Antarctic continents in one season. And by Jack this was by Jack, macro, macro macro. I'm reading this macro. Yeah, great. So yeah, first posts all around. It's it's great to see that it's been very fun seeing people dipping their toe in the water. So good job. Hey,

Jessamyn 51:04 that's awesome. I turns out I have more posts. That couple animal ones, which are orange dinosaurs slide did a post about the giant orange dinosaur that lives on route one in Saugus, Massachusetts, which briefly got a giant donut, courtesy of canes, donuts, which is the best donuts in the world. I will fight you. And it was just fun. Because if you're from a certain part of Massachusetts, this is something you remember. And so it was one of those great old timey things that I didn't know what orange dinosaur was really going to be able to, you know, pull off there. And then of course, I made a pun, animal. Post your animal post, because last part of my name sounds like a fish.

Cortex 51:54 Yes. So you said just salmon

Unknown Speaker 51:57 just savage. So did a great post about diet fish? Yes. And it was actually

Jessamyn 52:03 kind of fun. Because I mean, it wasn't exactly fun because it was kind of supposed to be about giant fish. But it turned into like, basically, because of the links that I used like a fight about like these dinguses say that orca whales are the reason we don't have any more of these giant fish. But realistically, it's not orca whales, it's overfishing and climate change and a whole bunch of depressing things. So the thread didn't go on very long. But I really appreciate it psychiatrics and dip flash in mandolin conspiracy coming in and kind of you know, lay in the science down. Oh, nice. What was actually going on? And I made a post for Eartha as well, because of this. Yeah. About raptors and raptor rivers, which just came up in a book that I was reading.

Cortex 52:49 Yeah, we have some Raptors around here. Sometimes every time we think about our thoughts. Yeah. I appreciate that. The first comment in your post made reference to the feral hogs because of the June hog connection.

Jessamyn 53:04 There's a huge feral hog problem like in Vermont. Yeah. Which I Who would have known right, but like, I guess there's one town that has a whole bunch of them living in the woods there. I mean, the good news is the Vermont population, unlike some populations on the other coasts, is kind of an armed population. So people actually know how to shoot animals, which, you know, it's really a mixed blessing in a lot of ways. But it does mean there are people who can actually deal with it instead of just calling the police and making the police deal with it.

Cortex 53:35 Yeah. I really dug this, this post arbitrary and capricious put together post about,

Jessamyn 53:45 oh, this was great. See this whole month? I don't know. I don't know what it was. This post was great. Keep going. Yeah, it's

Cortex 53:51 an artist name. Pina who has been making comics about ADHD, ADHD, alien, it's been through like the character and organizing ideas just like, you know, girl with a couple of tentacles because it gets an alien like, you know, or antenna is what I'm looking for.

Jessamyn 54:09 Right? Well, like, I feel like a weird like a weirdo. Because of the way I act with my the way my ADHD makes me move through the world. Yeah. And so I understand that it's different. Yeah. And so here's me kind of showing. Yeah,

Cortex 54:23 and so there's just like documenting that whole experience in some really good comics or like characterizing, you know, this or that aspect of it. And

Jessamyn 54:30 when I thought this was just gonna be one of those Bored Panda rip off, like things where it's just like, we just took 25 of this person's comments from their own website, but actually, there's like an interview and everything else. That's actually pretty good. Yeah.

Cortex 54:41 So yeah, they're there. They're good. I've I've been seeing them going around and that's

Jessamyn 54:48 all I need. Jim read them. Because Jim's got ADHD. I don't think it's like a secret. But you know, it definitely kind of affects the way the two of us interact because I don't and so Oh, you know, I feel like I understand a lot of kind of how his brain works not entirely but a little. But these comics, I read them. And there was a couple things in there where I was like, Oh my God, that's that things he does that I thought he was just doing. Because, you know, he's not paying attention or whatever, like, you know, because, like he has ADHD, but also sometimes he just doesn't pay attention in ways that I don't think are ADHD moderated. He's just not listening. And people are still just people too. Yeah, yeah. And so this was like a weird, obscure memory thing where we'd be like having a conversation, and suddenly he didn't know my middle name or like something were like, buddy, we've been together 11 years, this is horrifying that you don't know what the hell you're talking about. And one of these comics kind of explained that phenomenon that I hadn't really known, was linked to everything else. And it was super helpful for me, and he read them and he's like, yep, that's like, that's all the stuff. And it was, and it was helpful for him to understand that, from my vantage point, these behaviors looked like this, even though on the inside of his mind, it felt like that. And so it's given us a little bit more language, kind of like the emotional labor articles when they came out through meta filter, a little more language to describe what we're observing and experiencing, sort of dealing with sort of one ADHD partner and one non ADHD partner, like I have anxiety and kind of that's a little bit more understandable and explicable. So this was good. And also, you know, we might mention this later, but there's a whole meta talk thread for people who are neurodivergent, I think, is the wording they used for people to kind of talk about their experiences on meta filter as someone with, you know, neuro divergences or different cognition or whatever. This came up. And they actually have another list of threads in that thread of open threads about various neuro divergence topics that people might find interesting. Yeah,

Cortex 56:53 yeah. I think this trackable just posted a round up towards the tail end of that thread. yesterday. Yeah, it

Jessamyn 57:00 really was really good. I have that thread in my recent activity. I think I posted something in it early, but mostly I've just been reading along.

Cortex 57:06 Yeah. Yeah. No, it's and that's been a that's been a good read. And, and, yeah, this. This, this felt very, like onpoint with that.

Jessamyn 57:17 Yeah. Yeah. There's a great discussion going on in that thread. Right now. And it's cool. Yeah, I think Jim has the last post in it. Yeah. It's somewhat berming to see my life. So I was happy about that. Thanks. arbitrary and capricious.

Cortex 57:35 Yeah. I'll just mentioned that I want to move on to ask because we're gonna get real long here otherwise, but things that people can go look at if they want something Dinty Moore posted about the ship post sampler, which is a blog slash, little bit of like, kind of crafty community that you like, I'm not sure exactly what the total contours are. But basically, the core thing is a blog of sort of AF formational. Ship postie fiber crafts stuff like cross stitch. These are lovely, and the other It's good stuff.

Jessamyn 58:10 Heroism involves kindness dipshit.

Cortex 58:16 Economics is astrology for men, whenever well in the thread. There's this post by Libyan about Mike Adams, a Canadian artist who uses a jewelry SAR to do stuff involving cutting up and rearranging children to cut up coins and do collages and designs made out of pieces of coins. Oh, I

Jessamyn 58:41 bet I'm gonna love that. Oh, my God, it's good stuff.

Cortex 58:43 And there's some good links in the thread there too. And then posted about issuers guide to electronic music, which has been posted about before because it's been on the web for a long time it gets updated everyone's while and

Jessamyn 58:56 dealing with these coins.

Cortex 58:57 Oh my god, recent new update with a bunch of like a big long electronic music mix. It's the Oscars guys just like everything in electronic music genres up through, like 2010 or so in terms of like, you know, genre splitting. And it's a giant pile of opinionated writing by this guy who just likes to write opinionated stuff about electronic music and also compile big piles of it together. And it's, if you're into that sort of thing, you will enjoy this. If you're into that sort of thing you may already know about this, too, but whatever. Yes, that's something a musical hole to fall into if you want to. Great, shall we talk about AskMe Metafilter.

Jessamyn 59:41 Let's talk about AskMe Metafilter AskMe Metafilter also great, but I always love AskMe Metafilter. So it continues to be good.

Cortex 59:49 You're in the pocket of big ass metal filter. How can we take anything you say seriously when you're clearly compromised?

Jessamyn 59:54 Sure. Sure. Absolutely. I mean, I think that really affects the way I deal with the INS This whole forum on Reddit, right? Is I'm just kind of like, wow, you know, I think you could have done that a little better. But, you know, I tried to be very equivocal and friendly, whereas a lot of people on Reddit are just like, Nope, you're the asshole. And I'm like, Oh, gosh. So favorite thread, which was just a couple days ago was by why six? Why six? Why six? About, you know, hey, I used to be a blogger in the late 90s. I didn't really do that much stuff. But now I started my blog up again, and I'm looking around for the OG bloggers, is there anybody but cacti? And there's actually a lot of them and no surprise, a lot of them are people on metal filter, right? Like, I've still got my blog going. And there's a whole bunch of people in that thread who are like me, as as well as like other people you've heard of, you know, Andy bio, and then Neil and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Paul Ford, you know, Dave Weiner. And there's a whole bunch of people. And so the best part of all of this is, okay, that's a great thread, right? It goes on and on and on. And a whole bunch of comments people are site. And then PB. You remember PB PB, who went and got a straight job at the University of Oregon, actually scraped the links from it and made a blog post nice with links to everybody's bugs. And it's lovely.

Cortex 1:01:25 We should we should make a Webring. Right. It's just so cute. Yeah, no, that's great. Yeah, no, I definitely had been keeping half an eye on that. That thread itself. But yeah, I hadn't seen that before that. That's fantastic.

Jessamyn 1:01:41 Yeah, and I posted it to Twitter, which maybe helped a little who knows. But yeah, it was it was just very cool.

Cortex 1:01:50 There was where's it? Oh, here it is. This what is this mystery machine question.

Jessamyn 1:01:58 I always enjoy those mystery was this

Cortex 1:02:01 one. This was the mystery. The bio wave indoor growth enhancers. It's a fucking box with this spinning metal structure in it essentially. That yeah, it looks like it's probably a giant pile of bullshit. This is what it is.

Jessamyn 1:02:17 Salty. Salty. salticid is basically like, Yeah, but the machine. Still it's cool.

Cortex 1:02:24 It's a cool looking one for sure. And probably a one that's not going to cause too much trouble if you don't lose a finger. But yes, this was a question from intercom.

Jessamyn 1:02:34 Photosynthesis.

Cortex 1:02:35 Yeah.

Jessamyn 1:02:37 Man, I'm looking at that filter with the ads on because I'm opening all these links in Chrome. And it is weird with the ads on the app. Do you ever look at it with the ads? I do

Cortex 1:02:48 periodically? Just to make sure that they are you know, working? Yeah. But But yeah, that's a good reason to be logged in on Metafilter. To not see most of them ads.

Jessamyn 1:03:00 Yeah, I never, you know, I never logged out. But it's been interesting today. I enjoyed this Kayo Mara post about what language has the least ambiguity? Like in what language does word order not matter? What language sentences can be put through a juicer and come out the other end? You know, what, what does that mean? Because it had a bunch of linguists who showed up and was like, wow, like, that's not quite. Like, that's not ambiguity, per se. But, I mean, I think what you want to know is like, you know, what language is, can you move the words around in a sentence, but you still deal with the sentences as opposed to like, you know, man bites dog dog bites, man. And basically, nebula when phone shows up, it's like, Hey, I've got a PhD in linguistics. So but it's good. It's, it's a, it's a really, you know, cut too mushy is like, I've almost got a PhD in linguistics. I've only got a, you know, undergraduate degree in linguistics. So I was not the person. But you know, people just talked a lot about language and what you know about language. And so I really enjoyed and it looks like a O'Meara did also sort of everybody discussing kind of what that means and how that works.

Cortex 1:04:13 I'm going to toss that into the language channel on the Exarchate slack. Because there's XOXO has a slack and there's a language channel that linguist and language people then they think they'll appreciate this thread, basically. But also, I have selected the first two comments in the thread are, you know, someone suggesting a constructed language and someone was saying, Oh, wait, are we talking about natural languages or complex? Because it's, that's two very different questions. Right? Right. Like if you want to design a artificial language, specifically around the idea of addressing some sort of messiness or structural deficiency in natural human language then yeah, that's that's a different sort of situation entirely. But you know, also, nobody fucking actually like, speaks constructed languages outside of constructed languages. booziest circles. So it says something about, you know, the durability of that approach to language versus people just sorting some shit out. Yeah, no, that's neat. Yeah, that's right. I'm delighted to see that I want to read speaking

Jessamyn 1:05:13 of people sorting stuff out. How about this question by curious about whether Wolverine and werewolves could get tattoos? Yeah, but with the tattoo gets spit out. Just the way a bullet gets spit out.

Cortex 1:05:28 Yep, it's a it's a fun thread. Because that like I mean, part of the problem here is like answering this question involves like, not only calling on comics cannon, but expecting complex candidate self to be consistent and explanatory, but explanatory. Sure. explicative, which is like a fool's errand. But it's still yeah, there's enough meat there to chew on that, like you had people putting together some like, sort of, well, if we take this part into account, then that would suggest, so yeah, that was a lot of that was a fun thread and, and curious news, a friend of mine. And so he actually texted me to say, Hey, I'm thinking about asking this?

Jessamyn 1:06:06 Well, because it is kind of a palm reader question, right? Like, who's the best palm reader where you can refer to sort of a cannon that's internally consistent. But that doesn't mean the answer you get is true.

Cortex 1:06:18 Yeah. I mean, you're not gonna get a fact out of that question. And I think that was part of his concern is like, Is this is this to whatever because it's kind of a goofy comments questions like now fuck it go for it. It's a it's an interesting question that people can tackle in terms of this, like, fictional context. And people brought in like, talked about some of the other supernatural stuff. Like he was like, you know, hey, werewolves, and vampires, and whatnot, too. And like, yeah, these these are, these are fictional systems for ideas that can't exist in the real world. So the who knows how those systems work, let's let's talk about this. Think about it. And it's, I think that's half the reason people enjoy some of this kind of world building aspect of fiction is you get the opportunity to think through and play around with and sort of try and extrapolate from ideas that are implied are just sort of sketched out in like, here's the big idea way and then trying to figure out where it all falls down when you try and make it consistent after the fact.

You. Speaking of tattoos, there was this post about getting a tattoo and whether people had regrets and what they were socking. And, yeah, it's just basically that is how it hit my radar too. I just like I saw a misspelling in the title in, like, my email, and it's like, it's like, nope, actually, that's, that's on purpose. Perfect. That's, that's, that's excellent. But yeah, they're gonna say, hey, you know, if you have tattoos, do you actively regret getting your tattoos and thinking about getting a tattoo and sort of having anxiety about it and want to know where people are at. And it's a whole thread full of people having all kinds of feelings about various tattoo experiences. So it's, it's a really fun, interesting way and

Jessamyn 1:08:27 with a lot of different kinds of tattoos, right? You get people who got like shitty tattoos when they were kids, and they're totally fine with it. But then you get people who had kind of nice tattoos more recently, who were less fine with it. Like it's just, most people didn't regret their tattoos, I think was the overarching, but, you know, some people did, and no big deal, but it was just, you know, an interesting, it was interesting to see different people talk about it. Yeah. And what you might want to think about and that kind of thing.

Cortex 1:08:59 See, I've got a couple I'm mentioning them partly just because I had to leave a mod note in them. But Khumbu asked this question about trying to pick out good songs to sing into a hand dryer.

Jessamyn 1:09:16 Oh, Christ, and then everybody was like your ears?

Cortex 1:09:19 Yeah, there were a couple of couple of people who really wanted to make sure that you were careful about your hearing and the germs in public restrooms, which are totally reasonable things to worry about. If the question is should I lick?

Jessamyn 1:09:30 Well, let's, let's talk about this. I feel that for whatever reason, the people who are on the internet have a tendency to be actually overly concerned about the germs in public restaurants. Sure. Like I I'm only responding to you being like, completely reasonable, and I'm like, not exactly reasonable, right? Because what we're talking about a meta filter about like people being afraid of the public, I feel like public restrooms and germ phobia I mean, unless you're like immunocompromised falls into that same thing you think other people are grosser in the bathroom than you are. And so you assume it's a place full of pestilence and disease. Yeah, no,

Cortex 1:10:12 I think I think there's definitely a big mismatch between people's specific like, Locus of concern about this stuff versus the reality that like, in both directions, like, to some extent, bathrooms are places that have bacterial germs in them, because it's a place where humans go and it's a place where humans go to deposit waste. And so to some extent, a bathroom is going to be kind of if you really want to worry about it a higher risk factor replaced then, you know, a study or a conservatory kitchen, but yeah, probably not more in the kitchen because kitchen got other stuff going on. Yeah, either way. Like there's a certain baseline level you have to accept as a human being that there is a certain amount of like gross junk that exists in your environment. And yeah, but at the same time, whether it's going to be some fucking crazy Oh my god, as soon as I'm out of this room, I'm safe thing is like that.

Jessamyn 1:11:04 And I feel like it's not differentiating effectively between gross junk, which Sure, right, other people's gross junk, as opposed to dangerous junk, you know, things that are actually going to potentially cause a problem for somebody else who doesn't have the same level, like be as clean as you want to, like, that's totally fine with me. But like, presuming there's a danger there is like a different a different thing for me, like you would warn somebody else as opposed to just like, I don't like to touch the door in the bathroom or whatever your thing is. I just I feel this is a very American, not entirely just American, but like a very American thing for some reason. Yeah, maybe so the end my my derail about public

Cortex 1:11:49 baths anyway, Uber wants songs to yell into into a hairdryer basically, and

Jessamyn 1:11:57 we help you where it's proper hearing protection. Yes, he's a smart guy he will

Cortex 1:12:00 we're not even yell but like play like you know, use use the airstream as the source of wind and then like, shape that to create. Anyway. So that was funny, and I liked it. And I had to tie like, just embrace the dryer core.

Jessamyn 1:12:18 Well, I liked a billet Don's question about fake books. He's making an escape room and needs fake books, but they need to have like lettering that he determines on the bind on the spines. Oh, so like, how do you? How do you do that? They have to be thick, fake books, big, thick fake books for an escape room? And it's actually kind of a difficult question to answer. I'm not even sure if he wound up getting an answer. But I think people gave him some ways to kinda and run. Ah, those those issues. That's interesting.

Cortex 1:12:53 Right?

Jessamyn 1:12:55 I mean, you wouldn't think it would be that difficult. Because, you know, he's just doing like a escape room. Like needs to not pay $100 a copy? Yeah. But like, we'd pay 20. And can you do it? And the answer is, you're probably better off like buying something already bound at like a library book sale and putting your own stamp on it.

Cortex 1:13:14 Yeah. Yeah. Seems like just putting something over. Cheap used book. Yes, interesting question. Yeah, I

Jessamyn 1:13:22 thought so too. Because I was like, Oh,

Cortex 1:13:25 wait, yeah. I know, a couple of escape room people. And maybe I should poke them about it. I

Jessamyn 1:13:33 think having like custom books in your escape room is really that common? A Well,

Cortex 1:13:40 I don't know. I mean, like, it seems like it would be like, it's a proper question, right? It's a it's a field of sort of props management where even if you haven't, like, had to do a ton of books for an escape room, you might have like, grappled with like, what would it be involved for a book and have like, more of a head start on like, oh, well, you know, this is actually what I've seen people do. Yeah. Versus like, let me start from scratch. No, that's that's kind of great. You and You ans asked a question about the nutritional value of PIP.

Jessamyn 1:14:10 Excuse me. I saw people complaining about this on the internet

Cortex 1:14:14 the question or pith or what?

Jessamyn 1:14:17 Ah, you know, diet questions about food that's barely food. But yeah.

Cortex 1:14:22 Anyway, they're basically saying what's, you know, what's going on with the nutritional value of pith? And the answer is like, not much really. But they had read that they've written pulp instead of pith and their title was pulp fact not fiction, which is a pretty which was a great title. And then they flagged it to get fixed on search ruined it. Yeah. Well, I mean, that's fine. And then I got like, you know, a well received mod note recognizing I had to destroy the joke and so it doesn't happen very often. Yeah. So that was a it was a it was a nice little thing all around just a goofy little situation and asking Put a smile on my face.

Jessamyn 1:15:01 Nice. Well, this is another old question for the old, which I enjoyed, which was bye sweaty or sweetie? What is the maximum number of rings on a landline? So in the olden days, ie 1991 killing myself here, you know, when everybody has landlines, how long would a phone ring if you just let it ring and ring and ring and ring and ring and ring and ring? And I think it's, you know, they're writing a book. And you know, people talk a little bit about etiquette, like, you don't let it ring more than like 10 rings. But I think other people talk about if you let it ring for too long, you get this like recorded message, or, you know, it would hang up or whatever. And people are talking about their recollections from like, 1988. And, you know, monkey toes remembers, like her neighbor broke up with her boyfriend and then laughed, and he called when she was out and the phone rang for hours. Yeah. So I'm not sure there's a definitive? Ah, let's see. Mr. Zark. One knows somebody's dyed in the wool telephone nerd. Short answer it will. Regan definitely.

Cortex 1:16:16 I think I think when it comes down to like, it seems like what's coming out is there's like a couple different answers, depending on what specific assumptions you're making about the intermediaries involved, like, like the default answer is, it will just ring and ring and ring and ring and ring. Unless something else involved will cut it off. And digital switching, I think has maybe made it a thing where it doesn't happen so much anymore with digitally mediated calls, because like, they're just gonna say, well, we waited for two minutes, it's done, or we waited for our main ring splitter. But where the cutoff is where that would have started being a thing seemed like the biggest point of disagreement and people's recollections into the trance like, Well, I remember like, you know, this timeframe. And then yeah, did ring and ring and ring? Well, I remember the timeframe earlier than that, where it would stop. And, you know, what were the factors that came into those different experiences? And how much of its difference in recollection or local switching? Or? Yeah, it was interesting. It was a really interesting sort of, like, pile of, of stuff to watch people dig through.

Jessamyn 1:17:15 Yeah. And if you're somebody who likes the phone, and likes metal filter, sort of bouncing over to metta talk briefly, there's dial up. Yes, I did have you I just, uh, basically, you can set like a little schedule, and you can call a number, and you get linked to somebody from that group kind of randomly, and you can have a phone call with them. Yeah,

Cortex 1:17:37 you set up a group. And the group has like scheduled call time, and anybody who's in the group, in principle, gets a call from dial up. When that window arrives, and then it matches people up. And and that's the whole idea. So you if you join the, if you download dial up and you join the MEPhI. Line, then at Saturday at 10pm. Whatever

Jessamyn 1:18:08 Greenwich time, I guess people can figure it

Cortex 1:18:10 out. Yes, go go go look at numbers and figure out math. But I think basically 10 o'clock PM, Greenwich time.

Jessamyn 1:18:17 So it's 1pm on the West Coast. 4pm on the east, you will

Cortex 1:18:20 get a call from I know I'm just letting CST throw me off because it's in Central Eastern. Now. That's not it. But Eastern. This was posed by Kay Tomash, who is in Hungary. And so central European standard time probably is what's the ESD is I'm just like, my my America brain is getting in the way of parsing. Anyway, the idea is you get a call and then it'll match you up with another person who also just got a call. And then you can have a random conversation with someone who the only thing you necessarily have in common with is having joined this group, although in the case of Nephi you also have Nephi which is why he joined the group in the first place. Yeah, that idea though, it's a neat idea. And it's an interesting I'm, I have found on thinking about it that I'm enthusiastic about it, despite the fact that why the fuck would I make a phone call but it's like that's the problem with making a phone call. It's not that I dislike interacting with other human beings. It's that I don't want to like have to do a thing on the phone because that's almost always I'm trying to accomplish something that's not probably a fun task. So yeah, I'm looking forward to bumping into somebody else. Come Saturday when the dialogue brings so we'll see what happens.

Jessamyn 1:19:31 Great. Have a good time. I love it. Yeah.

Cortex 1:19:35 Sorry. You had other ask stuff.

Jessamyn 1:19:38 I did. This one by Whoo. I think which was just I want to see the best night sky I can see. Money is an object but not much. Where do I go I speak Mandarin Spanish and some Japanese and English. I don't really camp. Let's talk And so basically they're just looking for low light pollution. The end. And so a lot of people kind of chime in with places they know or what what they know about it, where you might want to stay. And it just, you know, it gave me a little kind of like, ah, like, think about being somewhere where you can see the amazing night sky like I can see a lot of night sky out here where I am in Massachusetts, but I know it's like nothing like what you can see if you're in a place where it's really, really dark. Yeah. And so it was neat seeing people just talking about where the good spots were. And one of the things I'm probably going to do today or early next week, is have a wrap up thread. Another wrap up thread, it's been a while since we've had one a meta talk, so that I can hear what happened to other people's ask meta filters, where they were like, help me make a choice and then see what happened because I want to know what happened. Yeah.

Cortex 1:20:56 Nice. Anything else ask?

Jessamyn 1:21:00 Let me do a quick sprint. That was all I had favorited Let me see. I did not ask a question. I answered a zillion questions. Not at all. Oh, well. Sure. What good radio this one what can I do there was other stuff that I enjoyed I just assumed maybe you might have some more stuff. I didn't want to

Cortex 1:21:28 bore I like that's that's that's record breaking from talking that law? No, I know them are very long so.

Jessamyn 1:21:34 So tell me about some ill conceived opening acts for concerts for masala mu, which is all fascinating. Listening to different people talk about in a lot of cases, these are conferences that peep concerts that people went to. And so they talk about just the the bizarre combinations that they saw, you know, weird bands opening for other weird bands, you know, the times the Beastie Boys open for Madonna, the time the bla bla bla bla bla. And so you know, just thinking about thinking about those. Those things?

Cortex 1:22:11 Yeah, that's kind of great.

Jessamyn 1:22:14 And no, there was a lot of like library questions that I tried to answer. There weren't a lot where I was like, oh, yeah, absolutely. But not something where I'm like, Oh, everybody, everybody should listen to this. Like, I'm really interested to see what happens to you know, Walker West ridges situation, where basically, there was a friend coming to visit in October, they didn't set any dates. Next thing you know, the friend is gonna be there for eight days.

Cortex 1:22:44 That's too long. I remember this one. What do you do?

Jessamyn 1:22:47 And they they highlighted like, tell her quick, usually you can cancel tickets. But I don't know if that's what happened. So I'm really hoping Yeah. They figure something out.

Cortex 1:23:01 Yeah, that's tricky.

Jessamyn 1:23:03 Right? I mean, can you imagine some friend just said, like, Hey, I'm gonna come visit you. And you're like, great, I'd love to see you. And then they're like, I'm here for a week. And you're like, No, yeah, no. Yeah. But though, I mean, I like you very much. But if you were coming for a week, forget it. I'd be like, Wow. You can stay at the Moby Dick motel up the road. But no, I didn't have many others. I'm sorry that, you know, I didn't want to end this on kind of a slow. No, no, no. I just enjoyed reading and playing along with AskMe Metafilter. I guess the other one that I enjoyed reading, but it does feel a little, you know, conspicuous consumption II. So you know, what it had was like, Hey, we have an opportunity to buy a lake house. Talk to me about a lake house. And, you know, Metafilter users run the gamut, right? And some of them have Lake houses or have had Lake houses, or think Lake houses are a terrible idea. And so it was interesting to me, as somebody who does have like a summer place, kind of that I agonize over in various ways. What are the things that different people do to sort of manage their own sort of secondary homes or homes on a lake or whatever? It turns out, there's a lot of people who have a lot of the same issues I did, and it was nice to know that. Yeah. That's definitely it. That's my last one.

Cortex 1:24:36 Well, let's mention a few things from in the talk. Then we'll wrap up since we're pretty deep into it already.

Jessamyn 1:24:40 deep into it already.

Cortex 1:24:41 We just mostly just going to round up things we mentioned in passing already. So they're all in one place. But there it is, post your animal months. And that's a very fun thread and it's indexing as it goes. people's posts, many of which we've mentioned here, and if you put your animal cover if you don't have an animal in your name you won't make a post. Make a post if you about an animal or even about you can make you can post not your not your animal this moment. You're not animal. Yeah, you you're gonna make a post. It's not about the animal that's not a new username. That's okay to just just get in there. Get in there.

Jessamyn 1:25:18 Yeah, get in there. I enjoyed Chairboys ThinkPad love thread, which is just, I liked it meta talk is had a little bit more kind of chatty. Let's just talk about like coffee. Let's just talk about, you know, whatever. It was fun to talk about my ThinkPad and listen, other people talking about their ThinkPads I love my ThinkPad

Cortex 1:25:37 it's funny too, because like, it feels almost like, like, there was the concerns like is this to Pepsi blue because like, let's talk about like this brand. But at the same time, I feel like there's a ThinkPad sort of feeling the same way as like specific areas of like Apple computers, or like your palm pilot. Like, it's not like, oh, like, let's talk about my Sony VAIO like Fuck no, no one wants to do that. But like ThinkPads, man, it's fucking ThinkPad. There's like the weird. So yeah, I feel like there's something about this specific sort of. There's something there. But yeah, I was I was I was amused to see I was like, Yeah, okay,

Jessamyn 1:26:11 fine.

Cortex 1:26:13 We mentioned the neuro divergence rate, which I think basically just closed up this morning. Is that how the timing worked. But I think we mentioned that that was brand new when we record the last podcast, but basically, it's a big long conversation from people talking about their experience on meta filter and sort of on the internet and in the world. From the perspective of being an order veteran, talking, it's been an hour and a half, I'm out of it being neurodivergent, or dealing with anxiety, or ADHD, or the autism spectrum or a variety of other mental health and mental broadly speaking neurodivergent. There's some discussion about like how broad a term that is, and where it gets used versus dealing with more specifically stuff like the autism spectrum. Basically, there's a lot of complicated things that people are dealing with in their lives, because people's brains are complicated and varied. And it turns out that affects

Jessamyn 1:27:14 how you experience pedophiles and how you talk about it with each other. And it's good for people to sort of understand that who make posts that you want to be accessible for various reasons. Yeah,

Cortex 1:27:26 so it's a good read. If you if you if that resonates with you, as far as where you are, it's a good read to sort of see what people are talking about. If that doesn't, it's good read to get a better understanding of where people who are having a different experience of worldview are coming from, since we're all here in this place. And understanding each other's are really fucking good idea. So. So yeah, that that's been good. There is we started a second people of color thread, and a talk a month or so ago, and we just started a new one the other day, Brandon posted a couple days ago. So that's going as well as a bummer note, but Mr. Bill passed away.

Jessamyn 1:28:10 He was a really, I felt like Central metal filter person in a lot of ways. And he was a guy who had like, been through some shit. Like I first got on my radar when his wife died, which was a long time ago. And then were you working at metal filter? Yeah, no,

Cortex 1:28:25 that was 2000, I think was 2009. Because I think was 10 years.

Jessamyn 1:28:29 Definitely. Yeah. And, you know, the community kind of was hugely supportive. Matt, like, tossed him some money, I think for funeral expenses or something like that. And there was just I mean, you know, he's right up there with P. Jaron is kind of one of the sort of big hearted old timers who was also dealing with a bunch of health issues kind of for a long time. Like I was friends with him on Facebook also. And you know, we would chat about sort of Amy and other stuff after that. Yeah. Kidney liver cancer, I think something just, yeah.

Cortex 1:29:01 Yeah, it was enjoyable. It was a bad fucking deal. He had a he had a habit of posting basically a URI, the kind of check in Hey, thanks, everybody posted on Reddit talk basically say, hey, you know, I think he posted a year after he passed away, he made a post say, hey, it's been a year since that happened. And this place has been really important and supportive. And so thank you all and that, I don't know if he did like clockwork every year, but like, several times, he's done those over the years. And well,

Jessamyn 1:29:29 I mostly knew him from metal filter, but reading other people's remembrances of him. You know, he did a whole bunch of stuff for the tech community as well. He maintained a bunch of mailing lists. He was kind and generous to a whole bunch of different kinds of people, not just kind of our little sort of metal filter clubhouse, and it was nice to just read about other people whose lives he touched in ways that were super positive. Yeah.

Cortex 1:29:57 Yeah, man. Anyway, that superduper sucks and I am going to miss him. But yeah, likewise. Yeah, I was glad I heard about it from cold chef had reached out to me and put together

Jessamyn 1:30:11 to me to Vinci thing to do, like, just so you know. Yeah,

Cortex 1:30:15 you're good dude culture finally made up my mind I decided finally I will. I'm willing to declare that you're good dude. I don't know where I'm going with this. I think I think maybe maybe that's as much as we should podcast today maybe we should cease podcasting at this juncture and yes. Do you agree? Yes. All right.

Jessamyn 1:30:40 I also think wrapping up podcasting on this Friday afternoon. It's a Friday. It's Friday, before a holiday weekend is great.

Cortex 1:30:51 Yes. So say we all it's done. That's That's it. The podcast is already over. If you're hearing this now, you're actually just imagining it. I don't have anywhere to go with this bit. Hey, Jessamyn it's really great talking to you. It's been really nice talking to you.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:05 It's always really good time. All right, well,

Cortex 1:31:07 let's do it again. I don't know a month does that work for you?