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Podcast 12 Transcript

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A transcript for Episode 12: Melissa May and a Harvey Girl (2007-07-30).

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Summary Keywords

people, talking, site, post, filter, melissa, hiram, band, metal, harvey, girls, diapers, play, photos, puzzles, music, thought, drinks, favorite, snake


Cortex 0:00 Hey Matt Howie

Unknown Speaker 0:07 Jessamyn Welcome to the metal filter podcast.

Jessamyn 0:13 Amateur herpetologists I was just a guy, guy with a nerve. It was hot outside, we were in the bar showed her mind open, she would show secure the ports. There's a snake in my shorts. We don't call animal control. just gets bigger. Yeah, we should figure

out a survey. So the whole challenge turned out to be really kind of fun.

mathowie 0:49 Yeah. So we'll open up a secure the ports.

Jessamyn 0:53 So I've been sort of singing that all day long.

mathowie 0:56 Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. Is there anything you want to say about the songs? your favorites? Were until you sever the snake by flapjacks at midnight, and secure the ports by snow foam. I've never had

Jessamyn 1:11 no foam. Yeah, no. You know, my favorite thing about both of those songs is they both got like, you know, kind of funny nonsense lyrics. And instead of using the using the challenge as a way to sort of interpret the music, they just wrote funny songs or cool songs about the topic, which I thought was great. And they're both kind of interesting toe tappers and they make very little sense. And one of them's all full of innuendo, which I personally find teehee amusing. No, I just enjoyed

mathowie 1:42 them. In just a minute. It was nice enough to post the lyrics. That's awesome.

Jessamyn 1:47 I know. I know. Well, and I'm really into lyrics because I don't really play any instruments, but I can, you know, sing in my kitchen like the best of them. So

mathowie 1:54 I need to add a more inside for music, specifically, so people can post lyrics and stuff. Right? There's not really Yeah, give them a defined way to do it. And more people do it.

Jessamyn 2:05 Right. Maybe have some tips on how to do line breaks and stuff. They're not going to do like 800 word. Lyric posts. Yeah, so

true. We're,

we're safe.

mathowie 2:14 Lyrics are cool. I think though, because you get a lot out of a song.

Jessamyn 2:19 Well, you can learn more about it too by like, What the hell is did he really just set herpetologist? Yeah, exactly.

mathowie 2:27 Um, so I guess we'll do an interview with Melissa may later on. Yeah.

Jessamyn 2:35 And cortex.

mathowie 2:36 They were in the same band, right? Is that the deal? They're in

Jessamyn 2:39 the same band. Basically, Melissa May and sleepy Pete aka her husband, Hiram. We're in the Harvey girls in Kansas with Interrobang and some other people. And then they packed up and moved to Portland. And they are now in the Harvey girls with cortex and see monkey I believe. And maybe one other person that

mathowie 3:01 I don't think is a B fight. They met Josh randomly or through metal filter,

Jessamyn 3:05 I think through metal filter. I mean, because they're music geeks. And he's a music geek. So maybe through the maybe through the metal filter CD, because I know the Harvey girls had a had a thing on that.

mathowie 3:18 Oh, so just recently, like last year or something?

Jessamyn 3:21 Yeah, they've only lived in Portland for the last couple years. Less than a year less than a year. Oh, cool. Yeah, and I hung out with them after the big metal filter. Video game arcade Shindig. Oh, yeah, I

mathowie 3:35 guess we should talk about that. party went off pretty well. I thought it was great. I had a lot of fun.

Jessamyn 3:40 I had a really good time there were there was definitely some feedback that like oh my god, this is a total nerd party. It's a whole bunch of dudes standing staring at their video games. But you know, I think we got people out who would not have come out if it was in a bar or you know some Tony club or

mathowie 3:58 whatever. Yeah, like when I when I've gone to a meet up at a bar I just end up talking to like the 10 people within my reach if you're at a big table or corner of the joint it's hard to like mix around and maybe I talked to a dozen people at a 50 and a huge meetup. So like I felt like his I had a lot more fun but I was staring at video games for half the night and not talking to anyone.

Jessamyn 4:22 I saw many photographs of you doing that. I mean you did that PB did that I was like the opposite. I was totally like I'm so gonna play Frogger and then like talk to people all night long although I had the high score on Tempest briefly

mathowie 4:34 Yeah, yeah, so I think it was like mostly successful like I do wish there was more socialization I missed out on saying hi to like, half a dozen people I was really looking forward to like be I figured I would meet everyone since the spacing kind of small but discounted how much you know, inside my head. I was thinking oh my god, all free games. These are so fun.

Jessamyn 4:57 Well, and there was a lot of people that like came around Really and left early or came late and left late, like I missed the champions brother entirely. And were you the one that sent out for the doughnuts? Or was that somebody else?

mathowie 5:11 Yeah. But that that's contributed even more to being a nerd party. Games and food. Yeah.

Jessamyn 5:18 But all the smokers could smoke outside and yeah, I mean, yeah, maybe we do it a little different if we do it again next year, maybe have like a meal or something. But

mathowie 5:29 yeah, it was, it was good. And that there was, I don't know, it was, I probably had more fun at that than I would have at a bar. But I understand there's definitely some shortcomings there. That we need to figure out some middle ground where there's more socialization necessary, like the place was twice as big with the same there

Jessamyn 5:45 was a lighted place to sit or like, I mean, there was like, he couldn't even really sit at the bar. There weren't even really seats at the bar, where there sort of stood around there for a while and talk to the evil bartender.

I figured just like Tempest was on free play, but there isn't like a free play. Right? So every time it ran out of credits, you went to him and he gave you like, four bucks for the quarters. Yeah, was great.

mathowie 6:12 So yeah, we should probably do this next year from now on, we'll have to figure out some venue that's maybe offers antisocial things to do and social things to do. Like if that place had, you know, like, if it was 10 feet longer into the street, you know, and there was more space to hang out.

Jessamyn 6:28 Like it was attached to a taco shop, or there was a taco shop next door. That would have been good. Yeah. Or something. And I don't even think we ran out the bar tab. No, we didn't. Like I think cortex and I closed the place with a bunch of other people. And yeah, I was still drinking free drinks up until I walked out the door. Yeah, I

mathowie 6:46 did. $1,000 tab and the drinks are only $1.50 to two hours each depending on what you drink. So there was at least 500 Free drinks. You know, I probably drink five beers, but that was like five for every single person that walked in the door and nobody came close to that. So yeah, I think last time I came close to it individually. I was gonna say there's a lot of plus ones that probably felt guilty about taking free stuff. Um, I think by the end of the night, they told me where it's six to $800 used up like nearly like an hour to go. So there's still like plenty of free stuff. And I just, I already pre paid for it. So I don't even care, whatever. That's a tip or something. Whatever is left over. Right. It went off pretty good. I should email him.

Jessamyn 7:32 Yeah, no, I thought it went off great. Well, and their door guy was like, I mean, there was a ton of people who showed up who were like her. Like it's a metal filter party. Like he was just sitting there like that's got to be not fun job.

mathowie 7:45 Yeah, he did a pretty good job of that. I saw a lot of like girls would come in with some guy and be like, you'd be like, you cannot belong here. I was just walked by and hear this argument or someone like just protesting like, What are you talking about? We can't come in like what do you like? Like as if it's a club with the velvet rope is just like it's just some dumb you know, thing you know?

Jessamyn 8:04 There's other nerds at the video game right now. Yeah. You want to talk about Metafilter? First you want to be

mathowie 8:26 sure to I liked in the past, and one I liked a lot today that just post this morning. Um, of course, I think the obvious one would be the poems rewritten as limericks, I actually have a remedial knowledge of poetry. So like, 95% of these make no sense to me, but the ones I have read are hilarious. And I see I can't believe how many people did them. This is like book material, like what people have posted here.

Jessamyn 8:56 When you see posts like this, you realize, it just makes me really happy. Because you realize how freaking clever people are. Like, sometimes you feel like it's just a bunch of like iPhone, Huffington Post reading, you know, whatever. And then you like read things like this, and you're like, oh my god, like everybody's coming at this from totally different angles, and they can write limericks very important.

mathowie 9:18 Well, it's the human creativity strives within constraints. And when you give someone some really weird constraints, people go nuts for it like

Jessamyn 9:27 that, you know, that's a very concise way of putting that Matt

mathowie 9:31 Well, I just see it in like every design contests ever op like one arm behind your back and you gotta use Photoshop 3.1 go in then everyone loves it. Like, right away. Yeah, these artificial barriers actually bring out the most clever solutions because it's, yeah, instead of the entire world being open to you, you have this tiny little trickery you have to come up with. So yeah, I don't know. Hardly any of these people didn't even title them. So it's really hard yet to read them and really be well

Jessamyn 10:00 Read or something? Well, no, you then you go to meta talk for the crib sheet.

mathowie 10:03 Well, someone already did it.

Jessamyn 10:05 Well, people have been making a decent list I think. I mean, I think because somebody was like you have to sidebar this really hard. Whatever that means. I

mathowie 10:15 got personal email saying that too.

Jessamyn 10:18 Did you sidebar it?

mathowie 10:20 Somebody did. I was on I was on vacation right then. Yeah, I got an email saying like, Oh, for the love of God, you've got to put this on the sidebar before the metal talk post. So I knew it was gonna be good. But yeah.

Jessamyn 10:36 So what was the what was the other the other one you really liked?

mathowie 10:39 Oh, I think the other one super popular was that Jessica Dimmick, the woman who got into the New York cocaine trade with a camera and just took them haunting photos of a whole bunch of people shooting up and stuff. I think it's a horrible flash site, but there's something like 50 photos of life as a junky kinda. And it's just sort of one of those weird situations where someone got access to something nobody ever gets access to. And the photos are really raw or not, you know, well lit and half of them are blurry, but the subject matters stuff you just can't really ever get a I do

Jessamyn 11:19 not think I saw that one. Drop me a link into the

mathowie 11:23 sea. It's a horrible flash thing. And it takes forever to load each.

Jessamyn 11:28 I mean, is it more horrible than any other flash? No. Oh, permanent permits cool.

mathowie 11:34 I don't know which she won some big award for it. There was a little bit of there. What is art? What is creativity? Why did she win an award she exploiting them they yada yada yada? Oh, I guess it's not that bad. It's just you can sort of click it to resize a window.

Jessamyn 11:53 Let's see pop up blocker. Oh, fuck. What is this doing in my browser?

mathowie 11:58 Works pretty good on mine. That lady

Jessamyn 12:00 it looks like Courtney Love. Oh, these photos are great though. transvestites in Nepal.

mathowie 12:07 Some of them are people like having sex. Like completely passion, Leslie. Like it's pretty cool. Maybe it turned off popup blockers. I got that to work.

Jessamyn 12:21 Yeah, we've had a lot of sort of attic drug talk on metal filter this week, I think.

mathowie 12:29 Yeah. This is from a couple weeks ago, I think. Yeah.

Jessamyn 12:34 Yeah. And somebody pointed out and I was just thinking like, yeah, it looks a lot like a lot like man, Golden's work who does very similar.

mathowie 12:41 Yeah. I mean, there is no original ideas, to be honest. Oh, yeah. So even directly linked to all the photos, which is handy if you don't want to go through the stupid pop up thing. Because not like Steven has a caption for anything. They're just sort of photos. There's a really haunting one as a parent of someone with a kid like getting high. It's fucked up. Like with a little kid, you may Yeah, like someone's got like a five year old in their arm. And like, you know, a lot of people are like, this is the most fucked up photo.

Jessamyn 13:12 Right? That's, you know, that's like the wire if you don't if you don't get it from documentary journalism, you can watch it on HBO.

mathowie 13:20 Um, the one that I love today was it was a great Tour de France post.

Jessamyn 13:29 It wasn't the it wasn't the abandoned. drag strip satellite facility church brewery missile site.

mathowie 13:35 I didn't even see that on. Oh, my all my favorite one was this Luke bream. It's like a kid who's just riding the Tour de France by himself with his mom, like, shuttling them around France. He rides like the night before on the entire route before

Jessamyn 13:51 so it's just doing the whole route, but not as an official dude. That's okay, great.

mathowie 13:55 And he's like finishing it right before the race starts and you get kicked off the road. So it's hilarious because every July every July for the last seven or eight years has been like, I just do Tour de France stuff like three hours a day I watch it and do email on the couch. And and this is like the set this is the lamest year you know, everyone's drugged out.

Jessamyn 14:17 Well, that guy got kicked out, right? Yeah, took a picture. That guy taken a pee and got rid of Seamus.

mathowie 14:23 But there's been like four major racers have been caught doping. I mean, the whole the whole sport is fucked. So this is like a bright spot, like just a hilarious like young kid who really wanted to just do it all himself. Oh, there's an awesome post by chuckles who does an entire grid of the last seven years of Tour de France finishes like the top five places for last seven years. And then he marks an X. Each person that is suspected of doping or connected with doping. And when you look at the entire grid, it's like 70 It's like spy two thirds. Every but yeah, it's like two thirds exes everyone has been implicated is pretty much, Lance Armstrong and four or five other guys that didn't and everybody else did.

Jessamyn 15:10 Right. And they're just freaks of nature and everybody else is trying to catch up to them.

mathowie 15:14 Yeah, yeah. So it's like, yeah, so that was my highlight that this entire month hasn't been wasted watching some crappy sport kill itself.

Jessamyn 15:24 There's Yeah, I haven't had cable access. So I've kind of been out of it. Basically, what I know about Tour de France is like what I've been reading on Twitter, you know, which has been like, you know, this doping scandal that doping scandal or whatever,

mathowie 15:36 TD T D F. is really good. So what were your favorite? What was the abandoned missile?

Jessamyn 15:44 I sent you the link it was just, I mean, there's a lot of posts like this on Metafilter. But this was the recent one. It's just lots of different lots of different photos of abandoned stuff on abandoned but not Oh, cool.

mathowie 16:03 Why Did someone call it web 2.0? It's just a basic like 1997 webpage with a 1997 back with image files.

Jessamyn 16:15 Who's calling it Web? 2.0? Sorry, a person this page which I'm sure knocks down

mathowie 16:20 the person. Oh, it's a web 0.2

Jessamyn 16:24 Yes,

mathowie 16:25 that's I love the abandon. You know, children's like amusement parks and forests and amusement parks by the beach like marine world is out in Long Beach. It's just rotting away with trees growing through

Jessamyn 16:40 what we talked about that last time. I mean, there's something not only about those sites, but also like the metal filter crowd loves them. And so every time there's just read like this, everyone's like, wow, this is my favorite. And it's, you know, like that sort of Limerick thing, like, everybody pitches in and they're like, I like this one. I like this one. And it's, they're fun posts.

mathowie 16:59 A whole Jeep factory with a Jeep on a pole crazy.

Jessamyn 17:04 Seeing that's what I say like, you know, you find something in there that you're like, Oh, this is great.

mathowie 17:11 Right sure to burry drag strip drag strip is just a piece of Flatland. What does that look like? Oh, there's

Jessamyn 17:17 grass looks like a road. Which actually is like what half the roads around here look like? So

mathowie 17:23 this oh my god Papst PBR baby.

Jessamyn 17:30 Do you know how many people were drinking? PVR at the like? Yo, Game Party. People were like, dude, even the good beer is free. What do you do? It

mathowie 17:39 is stupid Portland. They are stupid hipster thing everywhere. I

Jessamyn 17:43 guess don't call people stupid hipsters.

mathowie 17:45 I know, it's just a dumb trendy thing. I think everyone drinks that.

Jessamyn 17:52 The only other one I loved which was just because it had like these amazing photos. And it was another amazing Johnson post was the Welcome to the top of Europe sphinx observatory.

It's like an observatory way, way, way the hell up in the Alps. And now it's a UNESCO World Heritage Site. And it's like, it's got ice sculptures up there because it's totally freezing. And you can just see the top of the Alps from there.

mathowie 18:19 Holy crap. The thing is, thing is perched on the edge.

Jessamyn 18:26 It's like evil Mr. Mr. Freezes secret lair? Only. It's real. And it exists. And it's up the Alps.

mathowie 18:32 Oh, it's on the Eiger, the highest point in Western Europe. That's like the famous climb ice climb as the Eiger. And yeah, there's a train. Like, if you're going to climb the north face of the Eiger, which is just this wall of ice, you take a train, and you get off in this really dodgy like middle of a tunnel. The train stops just for this. You get out you're basically on the mountain like exposed.

Jessamyn 19:00 Yeah, there was a couple. A couple people in the threat talk about going there.

mathowie 19:05 Yeah, sounds cool. I think Nelson did that. Oh, really? Yeah. When he was training through Europe, a year or two ago. He said, like, yeah, you just you just you take the train to a mountain, they get out and then you're on the mountain, you walk up and you go have lunch in a meadow, and then you go back down.

Jessamyn 19:20 And you can't breathe. That's what one of these people were saying.

mathowie 19:23 Oh, yeah. What is the what is the elevation here? And we're like, there's no damn oxygen up there. But it's above 10,000. Oh, oh, 3500 meters. Jesus Christ. Yeah, yes. 11,000 is tough.

Jessamyn 19:37 It's the highest in altitude structure in all of Europe. And there's like Flickr photos, you know, because people have been up there and they put them on Flickr, and it's cool. That's cool. So that was the other one that I really liked. Even though it's just from two days ago.

mathowie 19:52 Johnson fest, what three weeks, three podcasts in a row?

Jessamyn 19:56 Probably. Probably don't, don't, don't say The number out loud he'll start to write

mathowie 20:01 this right you need I need three gold stars. I'm Mr. Yan AskMe Mehta filter. I have three media references, reference posts, and one I just liked personally.

Jessamyn 20:20 All right, I just deleted that stupid one about what happens if you pee fart and burp at the same time. So I hope that

mathowie 20:27 somebody made that.

Jessamyn 20:29 Well, it didn't last very long. It was just the last post. Yeah, it was just recently. And I was like, and like, you know, people were like, Dude, it's been on The Straight Dope. And people were like, Are you fucking with us? And then pee

mathowie 20:41 fart and what? Sneeze

Jessamyn 20:44 pee fart and burp.

mathowie 20:45 It's nothing happens. That's stupid. Exactly. That's what I said. But it'd be sneezing would do something involuntary but it turned

Jessamyn 20:54 into this, you know, lol. Yeah, but body. Yes. Okay, so. So which ones did you like from AskMe? Metafilter. Oh, I had one that I loved. But oh, no, I guess oh, well go on.

mathowie 21:09 Oh, there's three from I say. Three of these are really high on

Jessamyn 21:13 popular media. Me 3d is another three person.

mathowie 21:18 This is gonna be a project to

Jessamyn 21:21 filter by the numbers.

mathowie 21:23 Yeah. So really high. And the thing was really high in the list in the last three weeks. Was show me a Melissa may ask any movies? Yeah, looking for low best little low budget movies that not enough people have seen and, you know, these are awesome, awesome. Reference posters come back to later. That's why I wanted to mention it. So everyone sees these it might have missed them. Just because there's so much

Jessamyn 21:51 we'll have to ask. May have she seen any of them? When was that post from? It was from ninth of July? Yeah. She said tons of time.

mathowie 22:00 And then there's a jazzy electronic music recommendations list. I mean, Cuba Tia, which I actually found on delicious, a whole bunch people posted a link to it. Just randomly found it. And one of my friends streams of delicious links. And this is also like, I've heard of half of these and haven't heard of the other half and we'd love to start downloading them.

Jessamyn 22:23 I forgot Metafilter got boingboing for meat bombs. post of the talking heads videos.

mathowie 22:28 Oh, yeah. I was gonna mention that the metadata part. Yeah, I forgot that. That that was forgot that too. That was really cool. That was really cool. I've no idea where did he just pull that off some other blog or something? Or?

Jessamyn 22:38 I don't know. He's gonna be in Brattleboro, Vermont two weeks Alaska.

mathowie 22:41 Yeah, I don't know where he found it. But it was killer. Well, I was watching psycho killer with you know, family while I was traveling, and they couldn't believe it like that. Like the music is still held up after all these years plus that like it was just an like, you know, some like local channel in Italy that filmed them. And they had multiple cameras, and the film quality is amazing. And stuff. Yeah, it's not like some guy with a shaky camera in the front row. It's like, a film crew. Looks good.

Jessamyn 23:12 Yes, that was very good. So Jazzy. And the reason I mentioned it is because I saw it all over delicious. In addition to

mathowie 23:18 Oh, right. Yeah, it's, um, it's it was the third one. So great bunch of electronic music, jazzy stuff, good stuff to listen to at work or something when you're just sort of veg out. And the other one, I thought it was hilarious that someone who finished the Harry Potter book was like, What do I do now? And it's actually like, there's a few snide, like, Well, why don't you? You know,

Jessamyn 23:45 do there's only a few left because I spend an entire day on that thread. It's like, like, or get a life. Yeah, there's,

mathowie 23:54 there's a lot of snide find a real author, but it's okay. You know what, even if it's pulp junk fiction, you know, the woman writes like characters that people can

Jessamyn 24:08 identify the original British.

mathowie 24:11 Postpartum Depression is a good I've heard lots of friends talking about, like, they're bummed that it's over. But so there's a lot of good, you know, a lot of good and reading recommendations in this thread.

Jessamyn 24:25 I haven't read the last book yet. Just the spoilers.

mathowie 24:27 Oh, yeah. I never want to I like quit it. I just listened to audio books. I think I quit book five, which I think the movie just came out. And I wanted to walk out of the movie after like a half hour because it reminded me of how much I hated that book. It was just Oh, it's a whiny teenager who's thinks the world is unfair, and he's powerless. And why doesn't anyone stand him? And I'm like, you know, I hate 15 year olds I hated I hated me when I was 15. Yeah, I was an insufferable idiot like he was and the movie was exactly like the book and I just wondered believe so yeah, I have no intention so the spoilers are great because it it's over for me and I'm happy

Jessamyn 25:08 yeah, well and you know on on my blog my post about Harry Potter spoilers just because I was curious about them. Like, oh my god what are people searching for on Google Harry Potter Oilers? How do they find my site? Harry Potter spoilers like I guess I'd beat naked librarians but not by much you know,

mathowie 25:26 Harry Potter spoilers let me see where you show up.

Jessamyn 25:30 I don't know if I meant near the top I just know when people click through that's where they're coming from.

mathowie 25:35 Wow, what's his name is on the top Dave Zilla dude from like poor Dallas. Oh funny in the Leaky Cauldron, which is BK DeLong. Like early Metafilter. Members like Yeah. Me and more David Silla post, okay, owns the term.

Jessamyn 25:53 Good. Good for him.

mathowie 25:55 Harry Potter spoiler. Maybe it's the name of your post? No, no,

Jessamyn 26:00 no, I don't even think it's high up in the results. I just think that people click through because they're like, ah, must

mathowie 26:05 so many 1000s of people you if you're in number 88 You're gonna get 15,000 people.

Jessamyn 26:10 Somebody totally registered Snape dies like 445 on Live Journal and just started posting spoilers to as many communities as they could. Before. The whole thing happened. I've never seen anything so evil, and the spoilers weren't even correct. Yeah, you know, they were like, made up spoilers, but they were posting them in like 48 Point Type across all these communities. And I'm in a couple of library communities. And everyone's like, it was pretty interesting. But yeah, it's boiler stuff. Very interesting. So my AskMe Metafilter stuff was fairly, what am I the one, the one from today? That got I think it was from today. It was from yesterday.

Somebody just looking to get a frickin haircut. And it's like, you know, how do I find a website that's just got pictures of haircuts, so that I can point to one and go, you know, cut my hair like that without having to read People magazine,

mathowie 27:10 or something like a whole haircut community site that does that?

Jessamyn 27:12 Well, that's what somebody said. They were like, they were like, that's probably the best way. But basically, it's a it's a thread that got five comments, six comments and 32 favorites. Because there isn't like, you know, there isn't a good, there just isn't a good answer to

mathowie 27:32 some sort of site.

Jessamyn 27:36 Like, men's

mathowie 27:39 I'm like thinking of something I saw in last six months. It's just weird. Just like people taking photos or heads. You can almost do a Flickr group. Oh, wow. The men's photos. one's pretty good. This isn't what I'm thinking of. It's funny. AskMe in hair style. So style. Yeah.

Jessamyn 27:57 And I don't know how many pictures that website has on it. But I mean, I know every time I go get my hair cut, I'm like, I got my hair cut at port in Portland because they have, you know, Rudy's barber shop. And I was like, I want it to look good. And whatever. She did a really good job cutting my hair, but I'm like, can you tell me what this is called? So I can tell the next person

mathowie 28:16 when you go to a salon, sometimes they have these weird non magazines are just pictures of people's hair. Like have you ever seen that?

Jessamyn 28:23 And like, like super fancy and I just want like,

mathowie 28:27 shouldn't there be website versions of those things? Like there's no, there's no text copy. There's no ads. It's just pictures of hair. I don't even know I guess they sell them for a high rate to hair places or something.

Jessamyn 28:40 I've seen them occasionally. But they're always kind of hard to find. So

mathowie 28:44 always, like painfully within that time, right? Like if you got your hair cut like anyone on those pages, you would look like that New

Jessamyn 28:53 Year, like 2001. Yeah, forever. It's so yeah, there's like almost no comments, but there's a couple links, but 32 people marked it as a favorite. So I think it's an untapped niche total. And then my my favorite one from today.

Which was a little bit like the pee fart and burp at the same time one but but slightly different. Was the I saw an empty shopfront that had a sign that said, if you have any puzzles to trade call this number. What is it? What does it mean?

And people were like, I think it's somebody that just does puzzles and wants to try.

mathowie 29:33 They're overthinking it and thinking it's a puzzle in and of itself.

Jessamyn 29:37 Yeah. Or like they don't they don't know. But it's just it's just an amusing thread. You know, I thought it would mean more he won't do 5000 piece puzzles. People are like, dude, maybe he doesn't have a very

big table. puzzles and puzzles. Yeah, so people are like, you know, maybe it's a drug reference. What do you mean 1000 Or one puzzle pieces? Well, and because there's people who do puzzles, who are like you done. Yeah, there's a whole bunch of 1001 puzzles. Like that's just what they do actually call them I guess. Somebody looked it up in Urban Dictionary. They're like, I think it's just puzzles. And then the guy like called the guy at two in the afternoon and they're like, he was home. Is that weird? Dude, I'm home right now. What are you talking about?

mathowie 30:24 Like some sort of giant viral game or something?

Jessamyn 30:29 Yeah, I just really I just really enjoyed it. I thought it was I thought it was adorable.

mathowie 30:34 Um, I think I forgot to mention my favorite post on the pure personal utility of it was there's this thing alternatives to mainstream baby paraphernalia which is like oh, how to get like

Jessamyn 30:51 blankets etc T shirts and a size two out how to

mathowie 30:55 get blankets and oh, yeah, not the like, whatever, hipster mom and dad stupid. Me. But how do I get like diapers and blankets that don't have a frickin sponsored character on him? It like shocked me. When we went out for diapers that everything else like Sesame Street or Disney or some crap? Your baby becomes an ad. Yeah. And we're talking about you know, size zero for zero to three month olds. Like why do you need to market to them or to the parents like what? On earth then the most shocking part of that is like she's like at one point she was maybe like 14 or 16 months old, just barely talking. And I pull out a diaper and like morning stupor change in her and she looks at the front of the diaper and goes Mickey Mouse. Yeah, the funny part is I've never shown it to her ever. I've never said the words and Mickey Mouse together. We never watch TV ever with Mickey Mouse on screen. I have no idea like it so it works on 16 month old which is super creepy. So people a lot of it most of the advice is like

Jessamyn 32:04 DIY make a Walmart and buy 1000

mathowie 32:08 No, it's like buy like yards of fabric so the ends and you have a blank is really not that hard. Go to Etsy dot Tom.

Jessamyn 32:16 He is great for stuff like that, like ETS They're like the great answer for like 10% of all men have asked Metafilter questions like that.

mathowie 32:27 Anything having to do with that? Yeah, fashion. There's like, well, here's a complete giant Do It Yourself community that makes really cool. Weird fashion. Yeah, so it's just,

Jessamyn 32:39 there's just a lot of really useful. Yeah, advice. And

mathowie 32:43 everyone I know. You know, a lot of the smart parents I know all complain about this. The daddy guy talked about, I think only in France, or Japan, you can get like Huggies without any characters on him.

Jessamyn 33:00 That just never occurred. To me. It's one of those things like, I don't have that many young friends whose diapers I look at all the time. And it would never occur to me that all of those diapers have ads on them. Yeah,

mathowie 33:13 like I when I was going to buy him I assume they would just be white and pull them out and like what the hell was of this? And you look at all of them. They all have like Winnie the Pooh or some stupid shit like that.

Jessamyn 33:24 Winnie the Pooh as you know, brand new characters goes not so bad.

mathowie 33:28 Yeah, but still, why have a character?

melissa may 33:49 Hello, can you hear me? Yeah. Okay, I just have a weird error message on Skype. I have no idea what's going on. What does it say?

mathowie 33:57 Suppose it were stalking you and trying to add

melissa may 34:01 no creep alert. No, it says Skype cannot hear you talking. And so then that made me nervous. Stranger

mathowie 34:11 danger.

Jessamyn 34:14 No, I can hear you talking. So whether Skype can hear you or not? It doesn't matter. In fact, we were talking about your your AskMe Metafilter. Post just just 10 or 15 minutes ago. This?

mathowie 34:26 Yeah. Have you rented some of the movies that you Oh, I

Unknown Speaker 34:29 thought you meant some? No.

mathowie 34:34 Is that a boil? Or was it?

melissa may 34:37 Well, I haven't seen the doctor yet. But no, I haven't actually had a chance to rent any of the movies. I've been kind of busy lately, but I definitely have some plans. So there was some really good recommendations in there.

Jessamyn 34:52 It's pretty Yeah, the weather's the weather has been too nice for movie watching around here. I don't know about where you guys are.

melissa may 34:58 Definitely. Yeah.

mathowie 35:00 So let's see how long have you been on the site? Well, since

melissa may 35:03 2004, but I was working well, before that. Back when memberships were closed.

mathowie 35:12 Did you have to break down and pay for an account? Or were you

melissa may 35:15 know, I don't know, you probably don't remember. But there was this. There was this brief little window of time where you guys floated the possibility of having members, like, nominate other members. Yeah. And wow,

Jessamyn 35:34 I remember that. Yeah,

mathowie 35:36 it was a good idea. But too, too difficult to technically implement. I didn't feel like it.

melissa may 35:43 Well, in the in the brief minute or so that, you know, there was a thread about it. I had been corresponding with language hat off site. And he and he sent you mine name. And then it took like, 24 hours later, less than I had a log and I couldn't believe it. I could not believe it. So yeah. So that's how I got into the site.

mathowie 36:08 And a longtime member. Yeah, yeah, I was I had to build this whole system of who nominated who? And then what did you do down the line? If you ever did something awful, I was supposed to do something awful to the person that nominated them. It was

Jessamyn 36:25 a system of punishments.

mathowie 36:27 That was yeah, that was exactly as the first place everyone I met a talk went to was like, well, let's figure out this Byzantine system of, you know, merits and demerits. And so I never did.

melissa may 36:40 I'm gonna have to something awful just to get you the language.

Jessamyn 36:48 Moving again, so he'll, you know, he'll get cranky in a second as he moves in Massachusetts, and

mathowie 36:53 I didn't know that. So tell us the whole story. The Harvey girls, we're trying to figure out the timeline of Josh been in it and out of it. And then Tara, bang, and everybody

melissa may 37:03 Oh, yeah. Well, we started up in 2003. And it was just Hiram and I, for quite a while and we just focused on recording. I mean, we didn't, it's kind of been baby steps all the way. Because, you know, I've always been the reluctant one. It's like, you know, let's write music together. Well, I'm no good at it. You know, I don't want to do that. And then, you know, I do it. And then it just like, let's play out. Are you kidding me, you know, in front of people.

Cortex 37:33 And Hiram had been playing music actively for a lot of years before that, right?

Unknown Speaker 37:38 Oh, yeah. He was on

Jessamyn 37:40 the website as

melissa may 37:42 sleepy. Pete. Sleepy. Yeah, it's an it's a nickname his grandma gave him because he likes asleep

so he, once we decided, yeah, we're gonna go ahead and play out. Yeah, Hiram had been in a band called teriyaki sauce for many years previous to that. And the drummer from that band, Brent pepper Curtis decided, you know, we call them up and said, Hey, you want to play with us? And he was, he said, Sure. And then, you know, got some other friends involved to play different instruments. And the longer we did it, the more stuff we wanted to add, because we tend to do really layered recordings. So, you know, by the time we left Lawrence, I think there were like, six or seven people rotating through the band, you know, at various times. And yeah, John Ralston Interrobang, was one of them.

mathowie 38:40 And this is all in Lawrence, Kansas. Yeah, this was all in Lawrence, which is pretty hip as I've come to learn. Yeah, it's fairly up. I've met all the developers of LJ world and The guy had been Django that programming language and stuff. These superstar web developers that all built the websites. And they said, all start with there was like too many bands playing everywhere. So we built a tool. Yeah. grew from there.

melissa may 39:08 is amazingly good. It's really good. And yeah, we actually did an interview with them once, and they were really nice to us and helpful. And we Yeah, that's a great site. So you've been out here for a year or so. Yeah, about a year. It's coming up on a year. And then

mathowie 39:25 how did cortex get in the mix?

melissa may 39:27 Oh, geez. How did you Josh, we we've been talking

Cortex 39:30 because of the the metaphor compilation album, we'd sort of talked a little bit because of that, and talk music stuff. And and yeah, I think he just emailed me and said, Hey, do you want to hang out? You live in this town that we live in now?

melissa may 39:45 Yeah. Yeah. And we took out for Baron. And we, you know, looked each other over and said, Well, do you want to want to play with us? And if you'll do, yeah, no, it was it was great. Yeah, you've

Cortex 40:00 pretty much had me. Took him out for beer. So

melissa may 40:04 your plan was get you loaded and make get you in the band. So yeah, we, yeah, we just, we just liked each other I think right away and knew it would work and so yeah,

mathowie 40:18 so you back up to like seven members including every bizarre instrument you can think of.

melissa may 40:23 No, I wish we were definitely want to be there again, honestly we could we would do a cast of 1000s if we could, I'd love to have like a choir play with us and you know, as elaborate as it could get

Jessamyn 40:38 is polyphonic spree style, I'll drive the bus.

melissa may 40:41 Exactly, you know, seriously, it's that, that makes me really happy. And we, we love. We just love having a lot of people in the mix. It just keeps things a lot more interesting and creative. Because when it's just us, you know, that's just two people to bounce ideas around. But when it's seven or eight people, crazy things start to happen. So, yeah.

Jessamyn 41:05 And so he plays with you guys, too, right? Yeah,

melissa may 41:09 he does. He plays keyboards, and we just, gosh, it's been four or five months since we added him at least, maybe a little longer. So yeah, if Yeah, metal filter people, it's always a good bet. That is, I don't have I, well, it's kind of we already kind of knew each other in an odd way. You know, just from our comings and goings on the site. It's like an automatic there's an automatic knowledge there and kind of in in everybody, basically, I've ever met through metal filter has been pretty nice. I've made a ton of friends. Because of it. You know, I was actually thinking about this before we talk because it's, it's really remarkable to me how many people have come into our lives, like not just through the site, but personally, because of metal filter, you know, besides three different people in our band. It's been, we've played shows with other bands because of metal filter. We've done collaborations and projects with other musicians because of it. I'm trying to like the notes and scratches, which is very sleeping this band out of Chicago, we there's been say that again, very sleeping. Sleeping. Yeah, he posted a song recently to the first challenge the water challenge. And yeah, it's great. It's a beautiful song. And we we he got in touch with me because of something I wrote an ask me that he made him check out our site. And he said, Well, why don't you get involved with this project I'm doing, which is called muted tones, where a musician takes a month and writes 10 minutes worth of music and narrates about it on the site. And you know, I said sure, and did that. And because of that, we became friends. And they came to Lawrence and stayed with us. And we did a show and it was great. So there's that. And then there's stuff like a lot of a lot of other involvements well with the band, like Taz, did art for for, for us and put our site together our updated site, and you say,

Jessamyn 43:29 it looks really nice. By the way, I showed it to my friends here, and Steve, who we had drinks with and they're like, Wow, it's really good.

melissa may 43:38 Seriously, because of Taz and her generous, amazing help, and she also did she in and Terrell bank did the art for the wild farewell, which was our last big record and, you know, economy gave us art for for our EP that the one we did for rain. And so you know, it's there's just been a tremendous number of friendships for us and and you know, wonderful things have happened because of because of metal filter, and then just the friendships and I'm trying to take Oh, yeah, I was gonna say two jobs. You know, we've gotten jobs because of metal filter and helped other people get jobs. It's just strange. I've never imagined that all of this would flow out of just signing up for metaphor. It's bizarre, but yeah, how do

Jessamyn 44:34 you explain that to people when you try and explain it? No. Job and music generating found springs through the internet,

mathowie 44:45 and it's in a weird color and it's covered in text. I am

Jessamyn 44:49 I've got an ugly shirt that goes with it.

melissa may 44:53 No, my favorite story like that is when we were talking about coming out here and had no idea how we're gonna do it because we have some friends out here but didn't really know. And Hiram had lived here briefly years ago, but we really didn't know for sure what, where we wanted to live exactly what we're going to do and our deep fried twinkies. We had become friends off site and told him of the plant of our plans. And he basically just said, Well, come here and stay with me as long as we need to until you find a place and get on your feet. And we've never met him. Yeah, ever. And, you know, we only knew each other through the site and through email and phone. And so we just, you know, we've said okay, sure. Why not?

Jessamyn 45:47 jalopy? Yeah,

melissa may 45:49 no, seriously, it was, it was so, okay. We've just, we took hardly anything. I mean, we were just trying to really start over and, and keep it light. And yeah, so we show up at his house with all our stuff. And but the best part was trying to explain to parents and family and whatever, you know, yeah, we're going to Oregon and we're going to stay in the student's basement for a month while we look for a place and I swear, like you could hear that the fire from the keyboards for all the googling these people were doing like, Who is this even record like his? His sister, I swear, I swear that home sister works in like law enforcement. Probably did some, you know, Arcane searches on whether

Jessamyn 46:34 you're always offers to do that for me. She works at the crime lab, and she's always like, you want me to run a quarry on him?

melissa may 46:42 No, yeah, no, don't do that. No, really. But yeah, so yeah, and homesteads are sheriff. So yeah, the the Panic was fairly acute. But ya know, like everything. Everyone's dad is a sheriff. Uh huh. Yeah. They're living right now in a little very tiny town in Kansas called buffalo. Got, yeah, it's unincorporated. I mean, this is small, small beings. And they, yeah, so and his mom's a nurse at a rural hospital. And yeah, so that's, that's their deal. And yeah, so I lost my thread was they say

Jessamyn 47:23 you're talking about deep fried twinkies, saying?

melissa may 47:27 Oh, yeah, no, I yeah, that so they were completely panic stricken. And we just knew it was gonna be okay. Somehow. He was just so charming and talk to her and dad about Harley's and whatnot. So everything was paid out very quickly after we arrived. But yeah, that was that was tough to explain that. No, really. People can be nice on the internet. It's true.

mathowie 47:54 Did you end up staying there for like a full month while you're little?

melissa may 47:57 Yeah, a little less than actually. But yeah, if we hadn't have done that. We arrived here in August, when all the students are looking for housing. And the first things we saw, were just utter shit holes. I mean, we just, we were in a panic because everything was so bad. And if we had just come out here blind, we would have, we would have ended up in some, like, have all you know, and that gave us the breathing room to really look for a nice place and find somewhere we'd actually like. And so that was wonderful for us.

Jessamyn 48:29 I really enjoyed the hiraman Melissa, look for apartment stories that you told me.

melissa may 48:34 We saw some incredible things. When we came out here, you know, we're just, I guess, be expected. But so yeah, we were really grateful to have that cushion. And yeah, that was all just because of of metaphors. So yeah, I really can't. thank you enough. I wanted to say something along those lines to you at the, at the big party, like thanks for all this, but it couldn't figure out how to do it without sounding completely schmoopy. So it's just kind of,

Jessamyn 49:07 you're playing Dance Dance Revolution.

Cortex 49:10 I just smiled at everyone. Like I'd been dropped on my head. And so,

mathowie 49:18 yeah, thanks. So it was the jobs. Jobs wasn't through the job section. Right. It was

melissa may 49:25 just an off site thing. So yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's gone in both directions. You know, just you get to know people get to know what they do. And, you know, it's just, it's just, it's really cool that that can happen. I mean, jobs just codifies, I think something that had already been going on. Yeah, lunch.

Jessamyn 49:47 People are like, I want to hire somebody I know for this position. Not some random goon.

melissa may 49:53 Right, you know, and it's just gives you this. Even if you don't know them personally get He had a pretty good sense of people, I think, just from their history with the site and, you know, so it's as good a way as any of just kind of vetting somebody and seeing if you get along and if you'd like each other and so yeah, I think it happens a whole bunch. And I'm glad it happened for us and that we've been able to help other people too. It's really great.

Jessamyn 50:25 Like the Portland Underground Railroad now.

melissa may 50:30 We have to pass it on somehow.

Jessamyn 50:32 put someone else up in your basement.

mathowie 50:38 Exactly, yeah. Well, I get bent out of shape and family visits for more than two days.

melissa may 50:44 No, I know. Well, the nice thing for him was that he's on the road all the time. So he didn't really we weren't really in his hair. So we just kind of hung out in his basement and tried not to break anything and it was great. You know, he was just so nice. And that's that's happened to us more than once where people just have been just so helpful to us and kind you know, and we really appreciate it so Shmoop sorry

mathowie 51:20 maybe maybe that's like like why politics on metal filter isn't entirely bad politics follow me you get to know people way faster and you get to know way more about them than you would even feel like worked with them or knew them from somewhere in your life because they're just writing you know, on metal filter completely unaware of of stuff and they can talk about politics and religion and stuff like things are off topic normally there's

Cortex 51:53 yeah there's not that caging said you'd get sitting around the family dinner table or something yeah it's dinner

mathowie 51:59 Yeah, of course politeness stuff so you get like this real honest look at people just through you can get through blogs and you can get through metal filter in the same way and you really get to know like way more of them even if you were physically near them yeah, they would be strapped for trying to be polite all the time.

Jessamyn 52:17 I think we've talked about this before like like you get to know people through the metal filter side of the site but then you get to know like different parts of them to the AskMe Metafilter site so like you know your your your mortal enemy on the meta filter part of the site when you go to ask meta filter and you realize they're trying to figure out a way to give their three year old the best pirate birthday party ever. You know, you're like ah, whatever it is, you know, I think it rounds out people that might otherwise seem a little bit more two dimensional because of you know, the the blue and whiteness or whatever of the site.

mathowie 52:56 Yeah, I'm going through I'm going through Melissa's posting history trying to make a funny bio based on it.

Jessamyn 53:03 We'll talk about talking about the name of the band Melissa about what are the Harvey girls like what Harvey girls means?

melissa may 53:09 Oh, the Harvey girls were waitresses on the a SNF railways lines in you know, turn of the century, mid century Kansas. And well throughout the West actually. And it basically gave young girls like farm girls a chance to escape rural life and go have an adventure and it was run by this this pretty upright English fellow named Fred Harvey these little these little cafes along the rail, the railways and so they learned all kinds of skills, you know, sort of high high society table skills and manners because he was very insistent that people be treated extraordinarily well and so as a result you know, a lot of a lot of women found freedom you know, through through that and love and, and adventure and so yeah, that was when we first started you know, when we had to come up with the name for name of the band. Hiram had his heart set on the Fosbury flops which I guess is some kind of

mathowie 54:28 a high jump maneuver.

Unknown Speaker 54:31 Listen Look Look at a very bright

mathowie 54:40 field nerd when I was a kid. I don't like tense more

we can't have a band name with the word flop right in the name you know, it's not good. And so yeah, we just I plugged for Harvey girls and that's what we ended up being and I really like it because Generally, I've been the only girl in the band. So it's always cool when people get confused as they do about that they assume you know that we're the Harvey family, you know, you know a bunch of sisters or something or that we're all an all girl band. But no.

Cortex 55:17 Plus you know the the emasculating comments towards the rest of us are always fun. So yeah.

mathowie 55:21 Or the first time I've ever heard it. Probably Josh going I'm in the Harvey girls. I was like that drag queen baby or something.

Jessamyn 55:31 She telling us more than he's actually telling us.

mathowie 55:36 He puts on a wig and he plays the guitar. And you know, it's all good.

Cortex 55:39 Are you a friend of Harvey so I want to take a second to talk about something serious. Melissa, your your your deleted comment history that you had actually had a comment deleted once for mass metal filter, which I love to talk about that. Well, it's not I think, you know, it says and I quote shoot, could some nice moderator please fix my link?

Jessamyn 56:06 So I deleted comment. Yeah,

Cortex 56:10 you've really got to step up. That's kind of embarrassingly light.

Jessamyn 56:15 Because we both have more stuff, delete it than that.

mathowie 56:20 I don't know about that. We just deleted it minor all test test test. We just delete it because we actually did what you asked.

melissa may 56:28 Well, that was nice. You Thank you.

Jessamyn 56:31 Thank you. Yes. Test test test. Yeah, this is really dull.

mathowie 56:37 I have to do it. 1000s of times.

Cortex 56:39 I bet TV sucks to

melissa may 56:41 test. That's so weird that you guys, I didn't realize that you had a comment history.

mathowie 56:48 What are you talking about? We didn't say that? No, no, no, I'm sorry.

Unknown Speaker 56:53 Wow. I'd like to see that. For some people. Yeah, no, I didn't know that. So

mathowie 57:05 it helps the tabs on people.

Cortex 57:07 I actually, every once awhile I'll be over at Melissa Hirens house for bad practice and I'll be keeping an eye on the site. You don't tell that you know? Well. This is usually on a day when like you two are both like gallivanting around somewhere napping or something like that. Whatever your excuse that they is

mathowie 57:26 shiny ban him or that they started to see

Cortex 57:29 Yeah, so I was worried about accidentally leaving myself logged in and letting like Melissa Hiram, get really angry at someone and just destroy their entire account. So that hopefully will never happen I guess is why I'm totally freaking everybody out by bringing up the specter of brother just cut that out. In post,

Jessamyn 57:52 I worry about that at meetups occasionally that I'm going to show people the admin panel and then I'm going to go down three more drinks and that Josh and I have all been bed PVS running the site.

mathowie 58:10 So Harvey girls playing out in about still?

melissa may 58:13 Well, we have been but we're taking a little break now to just write music together. Because you know, we really haven't had a chance to write with these guys yet. And we want to do that. So our last few practices have been basically as noodling around, trying to find something we all like and exchanging ideas that way. So yeah, no shows for a little while until we write some new things. I think. So. Yeah.

Jessamyn 58:39 We should have you played the metal filter. ninth anniversary party.

melissa may 58:43 Oh, Lord, no one wants that.

Jessamyn 58:47 Maybe you don't want it Melissa. I personally

melissa may 58:52 not have to stare at some bands. Yeah, no, people love the games. Look, don't don't mess with success.

mathowie 59:00 Oh, we were talking about that earlier that it was mostly successful in that there wasn't quite enough social stuff to do. There's probably a little too much antisocial stuff to do. But that it kind of fit the audience pretty well. But you know, I kind of wish I talked to more people and

melissa may 59:16 I agree with that. I do too. I you know, I was kind of in the corner for most of the night trying to hawk the comps and it's worked. I'm really glad a lot of people ended up buying them but

Jessamyn 59:30 yeah, puts in like 130 bucks or something right.

Cortex 59:33 119

Jessamyn 59:35 Oh, I am sorry.

Cortex 59:36 Yeah, we take the wind out of the sails there.

mathowie 59:40 It's gone. It's gone to what charity Josh?

Cortex 59:43 That's the mockingbird foundation. Remember when I'm sober. It's just like I beers and someone runs up and says hey, what's the name of that thing? Yeah. But no, it's a mockingbird foundation suite. And we've raised about 1600 total and I need to I'm basically gonna check off pretty soon

mathowie 1:00:02 yes that's good to be Harvey girls wing on the next hospital so we've been going for like 35 minutes we usually do about 20 edited

Jessamyn 1:00:16 to make the podcast longer every finally they're like eight hours

mathowie 1:00:21 we'll just call him Wednesday at work listen to the whole thing

melissa may 1:00:25 added the hell out of it you know take take out half of what I said I don't

mathowie 1:00:30 have anything we forgot or want to ask

Jessamyn 1:00:33 right any any last words Melissa that you want to besides buy more Metafilter CDs if

mathowie 1:00:38 you don't change my life made me rich and look better and I'm gonna live longer

Unknown Speaker 1:00:45 yes that that's what I wanted to say.

Cortex 1:00:51 The standard trivia How do you pronounce me FYI?

Unknown Speaker 1:00:55 Oh, I sure as hell don't say Mefi good

Jessamyn 1:01:01 I think I think that should be the opening line to this podcast yeah

Unknown Speaker 1:01:04 me five pitches

mathowie 1:01:15 you been smacked down appropriately.

Cortex 1:01:18 Well, I don't say Mefi either. Mefi is ridiculous. Oh, it's

mathowie 1:01:20 pretty close to that.

Cortex 1:01:21 No, no Fi is

Jessamyn 1:01:25 weird. Like no other word.

Cortex 1:01:28 Y'all are just nuts. It's the problem.

mathowie 1:01:30 Oh my god, I got the best answer and I listen to a thread sorry I was just going through

Jessamyn 1:01:37 creepy stalker man which

mathowie 1:01:39 I was just going through the fish places to eat and I was like, oh, I need fish places to eat too. And then I find my own answer and it's the best answer

Unknown Speaker 1:01:50 that plays out. There were a lot of good answers on that but I'm telling

mathowie 1:01:53 you the adult ding dong is the best dessert but the most unfortunate name ever at that one cafe on the coast

Unknown Speaker 1:02:08 definitely check out the adulting

Jessamyn 1:02:12 and that's how we'll close the

mathowie 1:02:14 perfect okay, cool. Thanks for taking time out today and let's hope what else could metaphor possibly do for you more?

Unknown Speaker 1:02:27 I don't know. I don't know why I was metal filter. Yeah, just yeah, um, the only thing I regret is having a fellow culture that really sucks

mathowie 1:02:39 Well, there's been two or three two or three lame ass podcast you've done everybody's

Jessamyn 1:02:44 forgotten about it now. Yeah cold who was hilarious

mathowie 1:02:53 Okay, thanks all I'm gonna shut it down

Unknown Speaker 1:03:02 you can waltz halfway across Texas. Turn your pedal steel upside down. The suck up bunch of fat leaves. The rich pod techy grand to the disco. That a show about a shimmy and shake

Unknown Speaker 1:03:28 well none of it till you sever the snake No No

Unknown Speaker 1:03:49 My sister used to work for the FBI she's jag Rihanna hand it over to the CI you show me all the secret

Unknown Speaker 1:04:06 we could have a PS K que se sam don't know the bed. Just go snake. cleaning lady came in dirt it up the house fell out. The data came in took back all my medicine. But that came then this man and my woman took my band go through it and today I guess they go ahead Saba the snake the snake passing you heard you and I love that skill spread you really stand out so won't you come down south I don't know my heart's gonna go pray gather wow he said the snake ay

Unknown Speaker 1:06:23 ay