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As MetaFilter has grown reality dictates that some members would inevitably no longer be with us. Sometimes word gets to the community. This page lists, in order of obituary announcements, known deceased members and their obit threads. Please contact the moderators if you know of any other deceased MeFites.

Member Obit Thread Date Announcement Obituary
poopy 2005-04-14 An active MeFi member, poopy, has passed away. Eric Lynne Osterhoudt
alicila 2005-08-25 Long-time metafilter member Alicia Frantz passed away on June 3rd.
MiHail 2006-05-11 Mihail passes, sorrow ensues
Radio7 2006-09-29 radio7, rest in peace.
leslie 2006-12-12 Leslie Harpold Remembered
Cancergiggles 2007-01-30 Cancergiggles has passed away this month
anitar 2007-12-10 R.I.P., Anita Rowland
realjanetkagan 2008-03-02 realjanetkagan (1946-2008) Janet Kagan
pax digita 2008-03
Soulbee 2008-11-22 Vaya con Dios, Lu. Alexandra C. Wilich
hexxed 2009-07-31 A short time in this place Kurt V. Huber
litterateur 2009-12-04 litterateur 1985 - 2009 "You give your/words to me" Kalila Borden
Bageena 2010-01-01 Bageena, RIP Andrew Paul Press
bradlands 2010-01-04 Remembering our friend Brad Brad L. Graham
null terminated 2011-01-05 RIP Bill Zeller William P. Zeller
Balisong 2011-02-04 RIP Balisong Andrew Charles Bullock
RylandDotNet 2011-04-02 Ryland Sanders has passed away.
bob sarabia
puke & cry
dead cousin ted
2011-09-16 Try and believe... Robert Aaron "Bob" Sarabia
american caesar 2012-09-08 Obituary for Jerry Willcockson
aaronsw 2013-01-12 Open access, open internet, closed book Aaron Swartz
2013-02-19 Our friend, WolfDaddy
Glider 2013-03-15 RIP Glider
2013-05-02 RIP liosliath Leslie Jayne "Liosliath" Manner
Prince_of_Cups 2013-05-14 RIP Prince_Of_Cups Remembering Matthew Schuler
wfrgms 2013-09-13 wfrgms has passed away William Frank Revis
Felicity Rilke 2014-11-17 RIP Felicity Rilke
Anitanola 2014-12-9 in celebration of Anitanola Anita E. Cage
edgeways 2015-07-15 edgeways has passed away
Cheerwine 2015-07-31 Cheerwine has passed away.
Lemurrhea 2015-09-18 Please be kind to each other.
Danf 2015-10-12 Passing of Danf
Wolof 2016-05-27 "This is all we are" - Goodbye, Wolof
jbickers 2016-09-29 jbickers has passed away James Bickers, Long-Time Louisville Public Media Host, Has Died
govtdrone 2016-10-19 govtdrone has passed away Veronica Critchlow Obituary
Steven den Beste
Steven C. Den Beste
2016-10-24 RIP Steven den Beste
quin 2017-01-07 Rest in Peace, quin
MsMolly 2017-01-12 RIP MsMolly, MeFiBrarian Extrordinaire Molly Anne Dolan
Bruce H. 2018-01-25 Bruce H. passed away
kmennie 2018-04-09 RIP kmennie
quarsan 2018-05-07 R.I.P. quarsan
gman 2018-07-04 Say goodbye to gman
rtha 2018-11-10 rtha in hospice
Samizdata 2018-11-26 RIP Samizdata
MoveableBookLady 2019-01-21 Rest in Peace, MovableBookLady
pjern 2019-03-06 Farewell pjern. Philip Allan Jern obituary
pocketfullofrye 2019-03-14
LeLiLo 2019-07-22 RIP LeLiLo Richard Sassaman obituary
mrbill 2019-08-16 Alas, MrBill
HuronBob 2020-10-25 RIP HuronBob Robert Willis Coller
rainbaby 2020-12-04 rainbaby RIP Jennifer Louise Clevenger obituary
effugas 2021-04-26 RIP effugas Dan Kaminsky obituary from The Register
roll truck roll 2021-10-29 Roll, Truck, Roll Elliot Harmon, EFF obituary
speedlime 2021-11-14 Obit post: Speedlime and NPR books editor Petra Mayer has died Petra Mayer, NPR
effbot 2021-12-10 effbot's passing Sad news from Zurich
lynnshaze 2022-03-31 Thanks for all the help
scrump 2022-08-15 Remembering scrump
eotvos 2023-01-26 eotvos has passed away
shoesfullofdust 2023-07-29 shoesfullofdust passed away June 16, 2023
boo_radley 2023-09-04 RIP boo_radley Jesse Porter
wallabear 2024-01-15 He died at the end of 2019...
dbarefoot 2024-01-17 I miss dbarefoot. Darren Kyle BAREFOOT
jcruelty 2024-01-18 jcruelty died in 2022... AMAR PAI
skewedoracle 2024-01-18 I think about him every day although ten years since his death...
donfactor 2024-01-19 RIP donfactor
ricochet biscuit 2024-03-19 RIP ricochet biscuit
bigbigdog 2024-05-25 bigbigdog Gary M. Teter Obituary
progosk 2024-08-27 In memory of progosk Philip Rogosky trovato morto a Roma
digaman 2024-08-29 In memory of digaman
Servo5678 2025-02-23 Matthew Green, Servo5678, owner of, has passed away In Memory Of Matthew Green